Yes, that is correct, I agree. I had always only strived to moderate the discussions to be fair and balanced, agreeing with some negativity where it was warranted yet always pointing out the positive, however as the discussions became mostly always about bashing every post that had a hint of positivity I began to press harder to expose the truth about the alterior motives of the bashing, this they did not like at all. Eventually my handle was targeted for deletion and after responding to a very nasty private msg from one of the bashers in a rather harsh tone, apparently I took the bait because they misunderstood the context and used it to ban my handle from the site. I no longer have any respect for that site and would never waste my time posting or sharing any thoughts or DD with the dark side click of underground cyber bullies. I say, let them all swarm on each other and rant and rave only to each other, eventually all the sane posters will go elsewhere for fair balanced discussion and they can all just stew in their own negative juices, patting themselves on the back for a job well done bashing every micro cap company that gets attention as having potential to bring shareholder value, construing it as all the rest of the "stinky pinkies", just sham scams.
I appreciate the thought, but no worries, they will just delete it anyway, they usually delete anything that is the truth which also sheds light on the mechanics of their games. Notice almost every thread which gets heated in some way either about the mechanics of the trading or the legitimacy of the company between bear and bull usually ends with a dead end deletion of the bull argument (post). The site is overrated and I now question how many actual investors even really use it anymore. Just like the artificial volume many of these thinly traded stocks "have", that site I imagine also uses "many" "posters" to have discussions back and forth with themselves to create the illusion of activity and interest to pull in investors on the internet googling the company and seeing what is being said about it. Much of the click group is just a handful of people, probably foreign working with foreign boiler room hedge funds to use the stocks as vehicles to pump and dump.
Any positive posts about fundamentals or the tricks they use to pump and dump are going to be deleted. I suspect at some point during the evolution of their pump and dump they will begin all turning positive or rather you will notice the old names posting less frequently and new handles pop up and all will be pumping all the positives while they use a hedge fund or two and friendly MM, like NITE or AUTO or ETMM, to pump up the volume (artificial) and you will see the price and volume spike. When they crash it afterwards with volume and price manipulation they will trap many traders who got in at higher prices as the stock went up quickly, then you will see all the old names come back and begin again slamming the company about unregistered shares being sold, pump and dump dilution claims and scam talk so that all the investors trapped will sell out for huge losses, then the msg board activity will drop dramaticallly and you will find them all elsewhere working on another ticker. This is their game, this is how the dark side of the force functions.
Meanwhile the company will be dealing with possibly more DTC problems (global lock, chills, etc) because of what the crony foreign hedge funds did to the stock, "unusual trading activity" and all, which could adversely affect the corp. This is another reason the sooner the corp can get a listing on the OTCQB or OTCQX the better. They will move on to a different target if the legitimacy is proven for the RFMK corp entity and the stock is somewhat protected by being listed on the OTC instead of the pink sheets where its the wild west, and the SEC does not seem to care to enforce the regulations and laws.
Cheryl, I'm sure Tom having past experience in stock promotion knows all about this, however perhaps it would not hurt for him to hear from us shareholders about this particular issue. There are many sharks in the pink sheets market as they say, therefore it would be wise for the corp to get out of the dark cesspool that is the pink sheets, asap. All it requires is some money and full disclosure and financial filings, 211's, etc. Keep up the fight, indeed, we are all backing the great story that is RFMK, we are behind Tom and Cheryl all the way.
Smell the Truth