You could have just stopped with the first part. "Well I don't think"
Since the very first day I can remember in my life there have been baddies and goodies. Cops and robbers. Cowboys with white hats and those with black. Thieves and victims. For many years the forces of evil have controlled the penny market. Each year hundreds of companies go out of business as shorty shorts and laughs at everyone here.
"Wait a minute the government says there are no shorts." The government did not give senile citizens a raise this year because the government said we have an inflation rate of 3 %. Please don't yank my chain. Please do not get me started on that.
While we are on the subject may I suggest that everyone here who takes their first substantial profit purchase a $1000.00 silver bag of silver coins so they may feed their family. If you think this country is getting out of what we are in that would make you an ID 10 T.
There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.