How many wells are planned on Mitchell and Brown? These aren't the 21 prefunded wells originally planned so do we know when those will fall into place or did that lease fail in some way? I'm really trying to understand the reasons for the changes. On 12/18 Gwyn released:
"Mr. Gwyn added, "With the expertise of TNC Energy, our production will start to rise quickly, which brings revenue directly to the bottom line. Once these 21 wells are drilled by TNC Energy, we should see production levels around 400 barrels/oil per day, and this should be completed by the end of the 1st quarter of 2013.""
Gwyn might have had Mardi Gras in mid-December that enabled him to PR this information after so many other misleading PR's in 2012. It will surprise me if we have close to 200 BPD by the end of Q1 never mind 400 BPD but I assume it's possible. It's a good thing your on the ground there supplying some level of real time updates and maintaining some level of TECO credibility otherwise..............