For those of you who are old enough to think back about 20 years please correct me if I am wrong.
You had a mortgage payment and a car payment and electric and gas.
Today you have to add in the nickel and dimers.
A few bucks for movies via Netflix.
You got your internet tab.
With me it's a $12.00 pop for ihub and what else.
The name of the game is get you on the hook for a few bucks and call the bank for more room.
50 million people at a buck a pop is still 50 million bucks.
Many of the things that Telvue is into is what I consider Nichol and dime.
Put them all together and they spell what's happening now. This is what there is.
You don't sell something for $50,000.00 you sell something for $1.00 50 thousand times.
If you write a piece of software and it's worth $20,000.00 for a really good piece of software it is yours forever and you can sell it till the cows come home and every dime is yours.
It's a whole new world and if you are not a part of it then it is not my fault.
I have asked . I have begged. I have pleaded and you thought it was for me.
Wrong. It was for you. Did you blow it ?? NO . You have a handful of shares.
Happy Daze
There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.