Good question, I dunno. I guess we will see the daily numbers tonight and find out what we can. I suspected about 180M shares to trade in the next three sessions from yesterday but I did not think it would all be squeezed into one day. Who knows what is going on, only those pushing around the stock know. The "action" seems dazzling to entrenched longs for now but remember this is not even 10% of the float pulling the market cap up by a third, so IMO its just more noise. It is reasonable to assume the players will paint the stock under the 200 DMA for several weeks/months and they will paint it above the 200 DMA for some time as well, just to test the psychology of longs on both sides, fear and greed. For now it is just a ragdoll PK trading vehicle stock and as a long I just want to hear from the company as regards corporate progress. Where is the 10K?!