Good morning guys, MDHI second leg up is in effect...dd this u will be shocked at what u find, this one is going much higher and ur entry is still very good and in time...i'm pounding the table on this one...don't miss it!!!
Please read and pull up last 8k's as they are very important!
1) Medipendant is NOW LIVE on Costco's website.(Link)
2) On May 17, 2012, the Company received payment of revenue associated with the first sections of a previously announced sale of Medipendants. Total payments associated with this release totaled $275,000. The Company expects additional revenues from this same customer through the end of the year, as was announced on March 12, 2012. (Link)
3) MDHI develops a product called Medipendant (or MedipendantPlus), a direct competitor to LifeAlert. LifeAlert is best known for the "Help, I've fallen and can't get up" commercials. There are significant advantages to Medipendant vs. LifeAlert's product. Medipendant allows speak+listen directly through the pendant instead of requiring speaking directly into the base station.
4) MDHI has revised its agreement with the patent holder of the MediPendantâ„¢ technology, which extends the use of the intellectual property rights for its lifesaving personal medical alarm technology through the end of March 2013. (Link)
5) May 1, 20120 - $56,250 of convertible debt has been cancelled, preventing a significant amount of common shareholder dilution. Additionally, the agreement calls for the cancellation of another 13,750,000 million warrants, bringing the total number of warrants cancelled this year to 101,250,000. (Link)
6) On 6/8/2012 Costco sent out an e-mail advertising the Medipendant to ~13m subscribers.
1) Sales of the Medipendant are expected to increase as a result of the added visibility of the product on Costco's website and e-mail blast.
2) Sales of the Medipendant are expected to increase as a result of additional Medipendant orders throughout 2012 from an unnamed customer.
3) It is expected that MDHI will update their financials which are out of date.
MDHI appears to making strides in making good on their prior PR's. Through the reduction of convertible debit, increased sales, Medipendant on Costco's website we can assume improved sales. Anticipating MDHI to become a profitable company soon.
MDHI - Costco's BEST SELLER, over the weekend after the email campaign for Medipendant.
The very first weekend, and Medipendant moves to the top seller in the category. Costco makes a lot of products successful. Members now know Costco offers a better, cheaper option than what many probably already use. Medipendant sales surpass most in the category.
With so many things coming and already started, CEO talks of Profitability over the next couple months. Some pinks never become profitable.
A great start to the Costco marketing campaign. Since so many will take time to discuss with family members first, there should be more and more signing up, over time. This is usually the type product you dont buy instantly, but after some homework. So if the weekend is any indicator, the TOP SELLER status could stay for awhile. This went out Friday evening, so there should be more and more checking it out this week.
Medipendant listed right under, Today's Treasure Hunt.
So allowing for the 13 Million members to investigate Medipendant, sales should continue to come in. This just started on Friday evening.
On May 25, 2012, the Company contracted for a joint e-mail-based marketing program sponsored by the largest warehouse club store in the U.S. This e-mail campaign, which is scheduled to commence on June 8, 2012, is expected to reach approximately 13,000,000 customers of this warehouse retailer.
Stock should continue trending upwards as this gets close to 05.
Profitability and we will see much more.
Yesterdays PR!