(Total Views: 725)
Posted On: 07/22/2020 1:52:52 AM
Post# of 9142

i dont understand the reason for all the handwringing other than sometimes to lower the price for flippers and shorters
though some here have provided some reasons of concern
by obtaining patent pending status NNLX can retroactively sue somebody who appropriates the IP in NNLX's patent application
pat pending does not guarantee final patent but the only reason likely to stop a final patent under the emergency legislation is if the presumably wider search for competing patents turned up an earlier patent for the same technology by somebody else.
Nobody knows of any extant competing patent to date so that is unlikely.
Sometimes the patent office asks for more info which results in a modification of the patent but; logically, especially due to the intent of the emergency covid patent provisions should not cause any major problems.
several articles note mutation of the virus which will render vaccines less effective
regardless, testing will still be needed once a viable vaccine is achieved because it will take considerable time to produce and distribute and apply enough vaccine doses to create herd immunity-ca 70% of the population
plus as eric noted need to differentiate between the flu and covid 19 etc
everything takes time -NNLX has at least 2 NDA's which have been reported so far
most of the handwringing re Rogers is unnecessary -as Mach said the only thing he saw Rogers enabling was in the general area of marketing etc
Rogers historical field work is different from and not necessary for the development of the NNLX covid test
With at least 2 nda's under NNLX belt and the emergency nature of the covid situation NNLX has had more interested parties at the same time at least since i first started following the company ca 2010
I've explained the circular business processes which takes time to execute-you don't want to short circuit those processes - doing so only causes major problems down the line
all we have seen so far is inferior tests by competitors -mach, mits, ray and others have detailed why those other tests are inferior
so the fact that inferior tests precede NNLX's superior test should not be cause of such major concern- as the situation develops and a second wave etc which i guess we are already seeing develops further, there should be time for NNLX's superior test
pps fall results from ppl taking profits and flipping and shorters shorting once it reached 15-20 cents-not just shorters on the board but mm's/ brokers/ hedge funds and other entities which get around shorting rules which if followed would make shorting of such a low pps prohibitive -
such shorting DOES occur and across thousands of penny stocks that shorting is massive - a taking stealing(often illegal but without practically any enforcement especially after 2009) in the billions from longs to such illegal games- its fraud on a massive scale
other reasons for pps fall- the old stock market adage "go away in May" as historically many investors leave the stock market for the summer- both retail and fund managers and buyers for institutions as they take lengthy summer vacations
another major reason for which i was excoriated years ago for pointing out is NNLX status as an otc no-info company
due to fidicuary duty, institutions (except semi private hedge funds with notice to their investors) cannot buy a stock unless it is at least otc current status and most will not buy unless a stock is SEC reporting (which would be a major headache to NNLX at this stage but once a NNLX covid test is being mass produced NNLX could do so and its possible for a contract between NNLX and the large company who produces the test kit to require such
right now when potential new investors attempt to research NNLX they will - perhaps to their surprise not find NNLX on any big board but google NNLX to otcmarkets.com-where a knowledgeable investor will go
and what will he see- he will see the usual many warnings posted by otcmarkets.com re a no info stock -and that will scare many off
we know the recent history of NNLX but new investors usually will not-and they will not understand
there are ca 9700 pink sheet stocks (some sec reporting co's below 1c pps were forcibly relegated to pink current status by new politically motivated moves, including new rules by otcmarkets.com, to eliminate stocks below 1c pps, which began 2014-2015,depending on a companies fiscal year
there are hundreds or more limited info stocks -either providing financials twice yearly or inferior financial info 4 times/year
there are hundreds or more no info stocks
there are usually historically since 2009 i would guess ca 500 ce stocks -the kiss of death - the skull and bones
and there are thousands of grey stocks where brokers/ mm's are not allowed to give quotes and thus have no level 2 etc
but most new investors and most brokers will not know these things -they will only see the otc no-info stock warnings thus most potential new investors will likely be scared away
as i noted in great detail years ago, upgrading to current info status will greatly increase the investor pool of longs ,greatly remove basher/shorters angles of attack and cries of the sky is falling, discourage many bashers/shorters, strengthen longs and the buy sell ratio (especially important in the summer and holidays and mondays and fridays)
otcmarkets.com is a publicly traded company-it is not a regulatory body but often acts like it without interference or with tacit complicity by reg bodies-
-it saw a need for greater investor info in what once was -before 2000- the wild west of penny stock trading
40-60% of its revenues last i looked comes from filing fees it charges companies to post on otcmarkets.com -
no filing fees or filings and a co is automatically a no-info co like NNLX!!!
filing fees for limited info co's are 3000 or more, last i knew for current info is 4200 plus costs to co of a quarterly sec approved attorney letter verifying the info provided meets the regulatory definition of current info as to quality etc
the danger with no info or limited info is otc does not allow such co's to engage in promotions-which are very common in penny stocks -an unauthorized promotion (NNLX had nothing to do with it) many years ago for which some are still blaming NNLX, caused a very large long pps fall-very very typical of such promos
years ago i was in a limited info stock which had a rare genuine breakthrough on the ground and thus the pps gapped up several days running. That usually does not happen without a running promotion- otc does not necessarily care whether the co is involved in or complicit w a promotion which can be undertaken by any of hundreds of unscrupulous promoters
so otc slapped the ce skull and bones on the company while brokers without notice or due process froze the stock and shorted to down to .0001- (that freezing of thousands of low priced penny stocks was a massive politically motivated fraudulent private/ public eminent domain without due process taking against innocent third parry purchasers which made watergate look like an afternoon tea party -but still no justice- in the current political environment that massive without due process fraud cannot occur
otc did so without any investigation- they told me they just assumed the co was running a promo -which is not allowed by otc for limited or no-info co's and thus otc just slapped the ce on the co without further investigation
-the ceo confirmed he had not been contacted by otc prior to the ce and the co did not approve of any promo- if i remember right there was no promo-due to the rapid stock pps rise the co was mentioned by some promoters in a long list of stocks whose pps was rising -but that is not a promo
on behalf of longs i've been pointing this potential pitfall out for years
thus, as NNLX moves forward it should -and maybe it is-consider upgrading to current info status to protect longs and greatly increase the investor pool so the pps can rise without many of the restrictions which hinder the stock now
though some here have provided some reasons of concern
by obtaining patent pending status NNLX can retroactively sue somebody who appropriates the IP in NNLX's patent application
pat pending does not guarantee final patent but the only reason likely to stop a final patent under the emergency legislation is if the presumably wider search for competing patents turned up an earlier patent for the same technology by somebody else.
Nobody knows of any extant competing patent to date so that is unlikely.
Sometimes the patent office asks for more info which results in a modification of the patent but; logically, especially due to the intent of the emergency covid patent provisions should not cause any major problems.
several articles note mutation of the virus which will render vaccines less effective
regardless, testing will still be needed once a viable vaccine is achieved because it will take considerable time to produce and distribute and apply enough vaccine doses to create herd immunity-ca 70% of the population
plus as eric noted need to differentiate between the flu and covid 19 etc
everything takes time -NNLX has at least 2 NDA's which have been reported so far
most of the handwringing re Rogers is unnecessary -as Mach said the only thing he saw Rogers enabling was in the general area of marketing etc
Rogers historical field work is different from and not necessary for the development of the NNLX covid test
With at least 2 nda's under NNLX belt and the emergency nature of the covid situation NNLX has had more interested parties at the same time at least since i first started following the company ca 2010
I've explained the circular business processes which takes time to execute-you don't want to short circuit those processes - doing so only causes major problems down the line
all we have seen so far is inferior tests by competitors -mach, mits, ray and others have detailed why those other tests are inferior
so the fact that inferior tests precede NNLX's superior test should not be cause of such major concern- as the situation develops and a second wave etc which i guess we are already seeing develops further, there should be time for NNLX's superior test
pps fall results from ppl taking profits and flipping and shorters shorting once it reached 15-20 cents-not just shorters on the board but mm's/ brokers/ hedge funds and other entities which get around shorting rules which if followed would make shorting of such a low pps prohibitive -
such shorting DOES occur and across thousands of penny stocks that shorting is massive - a taking stealing(often illegal but without practically any enforcement especially after 2009) in the billions from longs to such illegal games- its fraud on a massive scale
other reasons for pps fall- the old stock market adage "go away in May" as historically many investors leave the stock market for the summer- both retail and fund managers and buyers for institutions as they take lengthy summer vacations
another major reason for which i was excoriated years ago for pointing out is NNLX status as an otc no-info company
due to fidicuary duty, institutions (except semi private hedge funds with notice to their investors) cannot buy a stock unless it is at least otc current status and most will not buy unless a stock is SEC reporting (which would be a major headache to NNLX at this stage but once a NNLX covid test is being mass produced NNLX could do so and its possible for a contract between NNLX and the large company who produces the test kit to require such
right now when potential new investors attempt to research NNLX they will - perhaps to their surprise not find NNLX on any big board but google NNLX to otcmarkets.com-where a knowledgeable investor will go
and what will he see- he will see the usual many warnings posted by otcmarkets.com re a no info stock -and that will scare many off
we know the recent history of NNLX but new investors usually will not-and they will not understand
there are ca 9700 pink sheet stocks (some sec reporting co's below 1c pps were forcibly relegated to pink current status by new politically motivated moves, including new rules by otcmarkets.com, to eliminate stocks below 1c pps, which began 2014-2015,depending on a companies fiscal year
there are hundreds or more limited info stocks -either providing financials twice yearly or inferior financial info 4 times/year
there are hundreds or more no info stocks
there are usually historically since 2009 i would guess ca 500 ce stocks -the kiss of death - the skull and bones
and there are thousands of grey stocks where brokers/ mm's are not allowed to give quotes and thus have no level 2 etc
but most new investors and most brokers will not know these things -they will only see the otc no-info stock warnings thus most potential new investors will likely be scared away
as i noted in great detail years ago, upgrading to current info status will greatly increase the investor pool of longs ,greatly remove basher/shorters angles of attack and cries of the sky is falling, discourage many bashers/shorters, strengthen longs and the buy sell ratio (especially important in the summer and holidays and mondays and fridays)
otcmarkets.com is a publicly traded company-it is not a regulatory body but often acts like it without interference or with tacit complicity by reg bodies-
-it saw a need for greater investor info in what once was -before 2000- the wild west of penny stock trading
40-60% of its revenues last i looked comes from filing fees it charges companies to post on otcmarkets.com -
no filing fees or filings and a co is automatically a no-info co like NNLX!!!
filing fees for limited info co's are 3000 or more, last i knew for current info is 4200 plus costs to co of a quarterly sec approved attorney letter verifying the info provided meets the regulatory definition of current info as to quality etc
the danger with no info or limited info is otc does not allow such co's to engage in promotions-which are very common in penny stocks -an unauthorized promotion (NNLX had nothing to do with it) many years ago for which some are still blaming NNLX, caused a very large long pps fall-very very typical of such promos
years ago i was in a limited info stock which had a rare genuine breakthrough on the ground and thus the pps gapped up several days running. That usually does not happen without a running promotion- otc does not necessarily care whether the co is involved in or complicit w a promotion which can be undertaken by any of hundreds of unscrupulous promoters
so otc slapped the ce skull and bones on the company while brokers without notice or due process froze the stock and shorted to down to .0001- (that freezing of thousands of low priced penny stocks was a massive politically motivated fraudulent private/ public eminent domain without due process taking against innocent third parry purchasers which made watergate look like an afternoon tea party -but still no justice- in the current political environment that massive without due process fraud cannot occur
otc did so without any investigation- they told me they just assumed the co was running a promo -which is not allowed by otc for limited or no-info co's and thus otc just slapped the ce on the co without further investigation
-the ceo confirmed he had not been contacted by otc prior to the ce and the co did not approve of any promo- if i remember right there was no promo-due to the rapid stock pps rise the co was mentioned by some promoters in a long list of stocks whose pps was rising -but that is not a promo
on behalf of longs i've been pointing this potential pitfall out for years
thus, as NNLX moves forward it should -and maybe it is-consider upgrading to current info status to protect longs and greatly increase the investor pool so the pps can rise without many of the restrictions which hinder the stock now

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