Recinvestor - I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your due diligence and excellent videos! I have a feeling that you probably see many negative posts and basher responses to much of the detailed work that you put out there for all but I just wanted to make sure you were aware that there are indeed longs out there who have seen your posts for months and greatly appreciated your in depth videos and DD for the CannaCig and the RFMK story. Much appreciated! Thank you.
I think if there were hardcore investors doing DD like you have for RFMK on "other" stocks and stories their situations may be quite a different story.
Questions for you, did they make those changes to the manual (booklet) and everything is spelled right and good to go? How long does a standard charge last typically? How easy or difficult is it after vaping to clean-out the P.I.R.D. or whatever other oils are used from the tube before applying a fresh glob of budder? How effective are the hits? Does it take quite a few hits before feeling the THC effects or is it immediate? How many hits and or puffs would you say you typically take before you feel "done"? After you are properly medicated, do you always have to re-fill the PIRD or can you medicate yet again with the same PIRD application already in the device?