well at least my comments are not personal. My posting is simplky that J Bordynuik does not know what he is doing. If i remember correctly...
First it was:
- he can't make oil for $10/barrel
- then it was..he can't sell the oil as easily as he claims, especially to refineries for $70/barrel.
- then it was.. his labor costs for at least some of his workforce (the professional ones) are $100/hour and that is Direct to P2O, making the $10/hour impossible... gasp..
- then it was..he is taking too long and has no sense of urgency in his construction.
- then it was.. he could have had #1 up and running for 2 years now... saying that he can't because he is tinkering.. or because of ongoign construction is horsepuckey that anyone who has been on a job site would agree with.
- then it was..URS is too expensive for JBI...
- then it was..the technology is not commercialized, although he mas made some attempt to take it in that direction.
If I have posted anything that is overtly personal about Bordynuik... bring it out... I am just posting facts based on my industrial experience. ALL TRUE SO FAR.
btw... I have met this person. I could care less what other people say, I only know her based on our conversations. Unless you have had the same pleasure, why do you go posting these accusations? You should find some other way to amuse yourself.
If you look at her posting history, she has been very supportive of Bordynuik. After a time she stopped being supportive and was merely factual. It is all in the record. She has not said anything overtly negative about the company. If facts are negative, so be it.
another suggestion... you should work in the comic book industry. I love your graphics. THey are totally captivating to the mind of a 2-year-old.