(Total Views: 625)
Posted On: 06/10/2020 3:58:26 AM
Post# of 32788

Red 11:30 or 30 to 24
What a lovely day...
Not sure what I will post about
Oh wait, this just crossed my mind...
What I live for
Fire it up Chicago...
Without shutting down the wrong, there will be no right
I love the gang
Classic battle...
Good vs Evil
Red vs. Ted
Red vs. 10K
Red now vs. CUIN2
I love the fight
I never had a dog in the CUIN2 'cave' match
When I realized what a dog he was, I jumped in
What a shit head
It's wasn't going to end well ..
For who you might ask?
This isn't no Punch and Judy show
You all can sit on your hands some more...
I remember the minority on CUIN2 side
I forget if that was the wasCUIN2
or the CUIN2
Seems to be
Seems to me
A split personality
A man divided is a man talk'in out both sides of his mouth
If you haven't figure is out by how
CUIN2 divorced himself from his pumping past
While you would think that is no different than an average flipper
He reset his ID on iLie
wasCUIN2 is now CUIN2
CUIN2 was wasCUIN2
So red, I get it, what don't I get
CUIN2 is wasCUIN2
wasCUIN2 is CUIN2
I get it you don't get it but this is what SEC dreams are made of
This is a guy that some how flipped his pumping $2B dollar shit and got so scared he flipped his ID
I mean, who does this shit?
Really Andy, who does this shit?
You have the right to remain silent. You certainly did when you were in NY on stage
This is for keeps Andy
For keepers
No going back from this Andy
CUIN2 going all out bashing VERB
Maybe you sold out and want to buy in
No quarter there...
Where you fucked up is giving financial advice. I will wage
I will wage Andy a class action on any investor that was damaged my your advice
Andy, I put my life savings into your advice
I'm concerned about my retirement Andy
You told me, the the stock I invested in was worth $2B Andy
Two Billion Andy
Remember these words
Two Billion Andy
Class action Andy
Two Billion Andy
"I Guarantee It"
'Help and company'
red don't go there...
"What you do, what you become, is not my concern. The world is full of so-called "men" like you, and, in a perfect world, everything we do comes with a price, but this ain't a perfect world. People do bad things. If you're lucky, you get a chance to set it right, but most of the time it goes unpunished. This ain't one of them times. The mistake you made was you fucked with my friend. So, I'm gonna take each and every one of you you to justice, and the only disappointment in it for me is that I only have to wait.
This is 4 real
10K feeds his family on this shit
I'm OK with them knowing who their Daddy is, eh?
You monsters with kids
That is where you cross the line
Hey, Daddy, how did you get me the pony?
You monsters with kids
That is where you cross the line
Winner take all
No more pussy footing around
Don't go crying when it happens
Let's let the legal justice inspect all my posts 'more'
A lot more....
So...Some have been waiting for this
Some will want to run and hide
Going to catch ya' all
catch ya' all
You know what will happen, Andy from Utica
SEC will ask for your trades
Andy from Utica
You don't know this yet
Maybe you want to publicly post you trades for the last 3 years
If not, SEC will get them
Andy from Utica
Andy from Utica...
VERB employees matter too
Andy from Utica
Andy from Utica doesn't matter
You doing the flip or pissed off they wouldn't give you a job
I'm not going to stop there though
For every bastard that tries to shut down every micro cap stock illegally
Maybe I can start a movement of a moment to expose them all?
If not me, who?
If not now, when?
Oh, and I can tell you they have a tiny 'weenie' bit of a problem with me
Blocking me HAS legal implications
Waiting for the break of day
Our voice matter too...
I love this
We are fighting for 200 views here like life or death
200 freaking views on a no named board
Could be a board with a name
What's holding us back?
Back in the day, it was hundreds of thousands of views
David not wanting to take risk
Good with 200 views?
David, what do you got to lose?
Do a 180 out or this shit hole
I will promise you, if you want do it, I'll help you do a 720
I think we win it all will
Trust is a funny thing
I don't know you from adam
What I do know is, you didn't go to jail like Matthew W. Brown, age 27
Age 27, that says it all
Punk ass thought he gamed the system
I guarantee, at that age, they think they will punk the system twice
Wait for for it, Matthew W. Brown going down again
Punk ass now knows what it is to be someone else's bitch Matthew W. Brown
What I do know is, we all have to stop chasing stars and start standing for what is right
What "I think we all can do"
You want to take a flyer without zero risk
Don't throttle me
Let me fly for two weeks
2 weeks
I won't come down on your core
What I 'think' is, you will realize you don't need 'that' core
You already know the SEC watches me closely
They've been tracking and trailing me for years
Some would have a problem with that
No, not me...
I'm like that guy on that fishing show
River Monsters?
Funny thing, I'm not fishing on a river
Got a big rod, though
Got bait
Did I mention my rod is Big?
CUIN2 joke...
Pocket fisherman...
Oh, no
More Tanglewood
I love wood
Man do I love wood
The things you can do with wood
I am documenting our journey
Our journey
Forget about them
It's our journey
We own it
We control it
I'm going to call people out for us
If anyone doesn't like free speech
Speak up
We are listening....
Dancing 'lights' against the sky
Rare Alignment: Jupiter, Saturn And Moon Will Line Up Together On June 6-8
Did you get out and see it?
Love to see planets and moons come together
Although not a pretty sight when CUIN2 aligns with Tenkay and Uranus like tonight
Most of you have been around the block enough to know what this means
It means CUIN2 ain't making diddle squat filling Verb and now has to suck up to 10K
Wait for it...
It means the 'classic' flip
It's like Batman saying to the Joker you were right all along
It means although CUIN2 was begging VERB for a job multiple times, he'd must have fallen on tough times
NT and Maui were telling me the guy from Utica was a bad 'apple'
I get it, but I have to see it for myself
Not that I didn't believe them
But I don't bring a red storm to someone that lies against my investments until I see it for myself
When I see it, I am down with the legal shit storm to defend my investment
Maybe check out his linkedin to see if he is out of a job or qualified for a job at a company like VERB?
I'm thinking, not qualified
Anyone have a pic of the NASDAQ stage
Due on the left
I'm thinking, I met a shit ton of people like this that where shit full of themselves that thought they were the 2nd coming
Just because you got VERB NFP at your hometown Utica Zoo didn't amount to any income for VERB
You going to get all the zoos in the world dog?
Well maybe you had a hand in NAHU doesn't make you SaaS dog, dog
Let me see, if I was VERB, would I like to hire you or someone that came from shopify, square or other SaaS companies
I am thinking the self-awareness meter is broken
But here's the rub
No one was supposed do know you were beggi'n for strips
Now that we all know, you got a bit of a problem with that Andy from Utica?
Keep in mind I am well within my rights to deanonymize people that post social media campaigns that hurt my investment
Hey now, not just my investment
deanonymize. Verb . (third-person singular simple present deanonymizes, present participle deanonymizing, simple past and past participle deanonymized) To remove the anonymity from; to make personally identifying.
Oh, the humility of it when you "think" you are top dog and the company chops you down like a weed
Hurts bud, eh?
Did I mention...
There is no quit in me or what I do
"This really hasn’t required any detailed “due diligence”. Just an understanding of how to read financial statements."
The horse kick to the chest to was CUIN2 was, you didn't have to do DD
Oh and I guess CUIN2 financial advice of a $2B stock right now, portal, trap door mislead investors
I think boys, what we have here, what we call here, a class action suit against CUIN2 financial adviser who posted 10's of not 100's of times the same thing
Oh, I think we have a good one here
A pretty, pretty, pretty good one
If there are 100's of ambulance chasers and oh' we seen them
Let's contact them about CUIN2 $2B portals and trap doors
Hello my friend we meet again
It's been a while, where should we begin
Red, isn't that how you started this post?
Feels like forever
Within my heart are memories
After CUIN2 gets down on one knee praising lord oh mighty 10K
In the spirit of redflix, you might want to watch Lovebirds on Netflix
If only for the horse...
I think those that pegged CUIN2 know how he is
Funny he spent so much time attacking company supporters
Feels like 1/2 his life
Now it all makes sense
Dang, I thought Feddie as bad with his 'stunt'
Hey Feddie, SEC contact you yet or still building a case
He doesn't like when I use is alias
Let's see how the planets align
Seems to me one of the 3 as never flipped his stance
Before you praise 'that guy', it's not hard to do when you bash all OTC stocks
If you have enough money and time, you could short them all and probably do better than the house in Vegas
The funny part about it is...
If 10K was that smart, why would he even need to post?
Think about that one
Think about that?
Posting negativity all day sets off a chain reaction in your system that will in fact give you cancer
Not only that but sets off alerts within the SEC
If you felt like CUIN2 or 10K, why would you post?
Why would they even post?
Why wouldn't they ride the wave?
Heck, let some other noob take the rap?
Got to be half short of crazy to go out, front and center
Yup, CUIN2...
You know, 10K never said the stock is worth $2B right now
Yup you might want to divorce yourself from those statements as you were giving everyone financial advice
Everyone CUIN2
Without a license
Here's the Mea culpa
You 'was' what we thought you were
You might have thought all your post would disappear
Clean slate
Doesn't work like that, eh?
Never that easy to wipe away the bad
There's no going back from this now
Change your ID doesn't forgive or forget your past transgressions
Where was I? Oh yeah...
This is one of my favorite version of this song and I think I posted it before
It was only after Al Gore invented the internet I learned people spend a lot of time searching for meaning
Back in the day someone would ask me...
What did they mean by "25 or 6 to 4"?
I'd say, I don't know
That was the end of the discussion
Really no discussion
Q without A
Sometimes, not every Q needs an A
Certainly not wild ass speculation
Sometimes, Aholes need to be Questioned though
Back in the day we would talk to each other vs texting, IDK
So where did the 25 or 6 to 4 come from?
Inquiring minds want to know...
According to Wikipedia...
The free encyclopedia...
Remember when encyclopedias cost a lot of money?
You want to be smart, you buy these 26 volumes of paper for you kids
But what happens if the world changes?
Hah, it hasn't changed in 1000's of years says the Direct Sales encyclopedia dude in your front room
If it does change in 50 years, you just update them
You mean via CD-ROM, USB, App?
No, that alien techo stuff hasn't been invested yet and won't be for 100's of years...
My brother still reads the ones my Dad bought in the 60's
I think Dad's investment paid off...
According to composer Robert Lamm, the song is about trying to write a song in the middle of the night. The song's title is the time at which the song is set: 25 or 26 minutes before 4 am. Because of the unique phrasing of the song's title, "25 or 6 to 4" has been interpreted to mean everything from a quantity of illicit drugs to the name of a famous person in code.
Colour My World / Make Me Smile
As time goes on
I realize
Just what you mean
To me
And now
Now that you're near
Promise your love
That I've waited to share
And dreams
Of our moments together
Color my world with hope of loving you
Eight grade dance song
There was no black, brown or white that night
What you influenced kids to
It's on you...
You did this, I know for a fact, 14 and under, didn't see your screwed up divided world. On you to set it right.
What a lovely day...
Not sure what I will post about
Oh wait, this just crossed my mind...
What I live for
Fire it up Chicago...
Without shutting down the wrong, there will be no right
I love the gang
Classic battle...
Good vs Evil
Red vs. Ted
Red vs. 10K
Red now vs. CUIN2
I love the fight
I never had a dog in the CUIN2 'cave' match
When I realized what a dog he was, I jumped in
What a shit head
It's wasn't going to end well ..
For who you might ask?
This isn't no Punch and Judy show
You all can sit on your hands some more...
I remember the minority on CUIN2 side
I forget if that was the wasCUIN2
or the CUIN2
Seems to be
Seems to me
A split personality
A man divided is a man talk'in out both sides of his mouth
If you haven't figure is out by how
CUIN2 divorced himself from his pumping past
While you would think that is no different than an average flipper
He reset his ID on iLie
wasCUIN2 is now CUIN2
CUIN2 was wasCUIN2
So red, I get it, what don't I get
CUIN2 is wasCUIN2
wasCUIN2 is CUIN2
I get it you don't get it but this is what SEC dreams are made of
This is a guy that some how flipped his pumping $2B dollar shit and got so scared he flipped his ID
I mean, who does this shit?
Really Andy, who does this shit?
You have the right to remain silent. You certainly did when you were in NY on stage
This is for keeps Andy
For keepers
No going back from this Andy
CUIN2 going all out bashing VERB
Maybe you sold out and want to buy in
No quarter there...
Where you fucked up is giving financial advice. I will wage
I will wage Andy a class action on any investor that was damaged my your advice
Andy, I put my life savings into your advice
I'm concerned about my retirement Andy
You told me, the the stock I invested in was worth $2B Andy
Two Billion Andy
Remember these words
Two Billion Andy
Class action Andy
Two Billion Andy
"I Guarantee It"
'Help and company'
red don't go there...
"What you do, what you become, is not my concern. The world is full of so-called "men" like you, and, in a perfect world, everything we do comes with a price, but this ain't a perfect world. People do bad things. If you're lucky, you get a chance to set it right, but most of the time it goes unpunished. This ain't one of them times. The mistake you made was you fucked with my friend. So, I'm gonna take each and every one of you you to justice, and the only disappointment in it for me is that I only have to wait.
This is 4 real
10K feeds his family on this shit
I'm OK with them knowing who their Daddy is, eh?
You monsters with kids
That is where you cross the line
Hey, Daddy, how did you get me the pony?
You monsters with kids
That is where you cross the line
Winner take all
No more pussy footing around
Don't go crying when it happens
Let's let the legal justice inspect all my posts 'more'
A lot more....
So...Some have been waiting for this
Some will want to run and hide
Going to catch ya' all
catch ya' all
You know what will happen, Andy from Utica
SEC will ask for your trades
Andy from Utica
You don't know this yet
Maybe you want to publicly post you trades for the last 3 years
If not, SEC will get them
Andy from Utica
Andy from Utica...
VERB employees matter too
Andy from Utica
Andy from Utica doesn't matter
You doing the flip or pissed off they wouldn't give you a job
I'm not going to stop there though
For every bastard that tries to shut down every micro cap stock illegally
Maybe I can start a movement of a moment to expose them all?
If not me, who?
If not now, when?
Oh, and I can tell you they have a tiny 'weenie' bit of a problem with me
Blocking me HAS legal implications
Waiting for the break of day
Our voice matter too...
I love this
We are fighting for 200 views here like life or death
200 freaking views on a no named board
Could be a board with a name
What's holding us back?
Back in the day, it was hundreds of thousands of views
David not wanting to take risk
Good with 200 views?
David, what do you got to lose?
Do a 180 out or this shit hole
I will promise you, if you want do it, I'll help you do a 720
I think we win it all will
Trust is a funny thing
I don't know you from adam
What I do know is, you didn't go to jail like Matthew W. Brown, age 27
Age 27, that says it all
Punk ass thought he gamed the system
I guarantee, at that age, they think they will punk the system twice
Wait for for it, Matthew W. Brown going down again
Punk ass now knows what it is to be someone else's bitch Matthew W. Brown
What I do know is, we all have to stop chasing stars and start standing for what is right
What "I think we all can do"
You want to take a flyer without zero risk
Don't throttle me
Let me fly for two weeks
2 weeks
I won't come down on your core
What I 'think' is, you will realize you don't need 'that' core
You already know the SEC watches me closely
They've been tracking and trailing me for years
Some would have a problem with that
No, not me...
I'm like that guy on that fishing show
River Monsters?
Funny thing, I'm not fishing on a river
Got a big rod, though
Got bait
Did I mention my rod is Big?
CUIN2 joke...
Pocket fisherman...
Oh, no
More Tanglewood
I love wood
Man do I love wood
The things you can do with wood
I am documenting our journey
Our journey
Forget about them
It's our journey
We own it
We control it
I'm going to call people out for us
If anyone doesn't like free speech
Speak up
We are listening....
Dancing 'lights' against the sky
Rare Alignment: Jupiter, Saturn And Moon Will Line Up Together On June 6-8
Did you get out and see it?
Love to see planets and moons come together
Although not a pretty sight when CUIN2 aligns with Tenkay and Uranus like tonight
Most of you have been around the block enough to know what this means
It means CUIN2 ain't making diddle squat filling Verb and now has to suck up to 10K
Wait for it...

It means the 'classic' flip
It's like Batman saying to the Joker you were right all along
It means although CUIN2 was begging VERB for a job multiple times, he'd must have fallen on tough times
NT and Maui were telling me the guy from Utica was a bad 'apple'
I get it, but I have to see it for myself
Not that I didn't believe them
But I don't bring a red storm to someone that lies against my investments until I see it for myself
When I see it, I am down with the legal shit storm to defend my investment
Maybe check out his linkedin to see if he is out of a job or qualified for a job at a company like VERB?
I'm thinking, not qualified
Anyone have a pic of the NASDAQ stage
Due on the left
I'm thinking, I met a shit ton of people like this that where shit full of themselves that thought they were the 2nd coming
Just because you got VERB NFP at your hometown Utica Zoo didn't amount to any income for VERB
You going to get all the zoos in the world dog?
Well maybe you had a hand in NAHU doesn't make you SaaS dog, dog
Let me see, if I was VERB, would I like to hire you or someone that came from shopify, square or other SaaS companies
I am thinking the self-awareness meter is broken
But here's the rub
No one was supposed do know you were beggi'n for strips
Now that we all know, you got a bit of a problem with that Andy from Utica?
Keep in mind I am well within my rights to deanonymize people that post social media campaigns that hurt my investment
Hey now, not just my investment
deanonymize. Verb . (third-person singular simple present deanonymizes, present participle deanonymizing, simple past and past participle deanonymized) To remove the anonymity from; to make personally identifying.
Oh, the humility of it when you "think" you are top dog and the company chops you down like a weed
Hurts bud, eh?
Did I mention...
There is no quit in me or what I do
"This really hasn’t required any detailed “due diligence”. Just an understanding of how to read financial statements."
The horse kick to the chest to was CUIN2 was, you didn't have to do DD
Oh and I guess CUIN2 financial advice of a $2B stock right now, portal, trap door mislead investors
I think boys, what we have here, what we call here, a class action suit against CUIN2 financial adviser who posted 10's of not 100's of times the same thing
Oh, I think we have a good one here
A pretty, pretty, pretty good one
If there are 100's of ambulance chasers and oh' we seen them
Let's contact them about CUIN2 $2B portals and trap doors
Hello my friend we meet again
It's been a while, where should we begin
Red, isn't that how you started this post?
Feels like forever
Within my heart are memories
After CUIN2 gets down on one knee praising lord oh mighty 10K
In the spirit of redflix, you might want to watch Lovebirds on Netflix
If only for the horse...
I think those that pegged CUIN2 know how he is
Funny he spent so much time attacking company supporters
Feels like 1/2 his life
Now it all makes sense
Dang, I thought Feddie as bad with his 'stunt'
Hey Feddie, SEC contact you yet or still building a case
He doesn't like when I use is alias
Let's see how the planets align
Seems to me one of the 3 as never flipped his stance
Before you praise 'that guy', it's not hard to do when you bash all OTC stocks
If you have enough money and time, you could short them all and probably do better than the house in Vegas
The funny part about it is...
If 10K was that smart, why would he even need to post?
Think about that one
Think about that?
Posting negativity all day sets off a chain reaction in your system that will in fact give you cancer
Not only that but sets off alerts within the SEC
If you felt like CUIN2 or 10K, why would you post?
Why would they even post?
Why wouldn't they ride the wave?
Heck, let some other noob take the rap?
Got to be half short of crazy to go out, front and center
Yup, CUIN2...
You know, 10K never said the stock is worth $2B right now
Yup you might want to divorce yourself from those statements as you were giving everyone financial advice
Everyone CUIN2
Without a license
Here's the Mea culpa
You 'was' what we thought you were
You might have thought all your post would disappear
Clean slate
Doesn't work like that, eh?
Never that easy to wipe away the bad
There's no going back from this now
Change your ID doesn't forgive or forget your past transgressions
Where was I? Oh yeah...
This is one of my favorite version of this song and I think I posted it before
It was only after Al Gore invented the internet I learned people spend a lot of time searching for meaning
Back in the day someone would ask me...
What did they mean by "25 or 6 to 4"?
I'd say, I don't know
That was the end of the discussion
Really no discussion
Q without A
Sometimes, not every Q needs an A
Certainly not wild ass speculation
Sometimes, Aholes need to be Questioned though
Back in the day we would talk to each other vs texting, IDK
So where did the 25 or 6 to 4 come from?
Inquiring minds want to know...
According to Wikipedia...
The free encyclopedia...
Remember when encyclopedias cost a lot of money?
You want to be smart, you buy these 26 volumes of paper for you kids
But what happens if the world changes?
Hah, it hasn't changed in 1000's of years says the Direct Sales encyclopedia dude in your front room
If it does change in 50 years, you just update them
You mean via CD-ROM, USB, App?
No, that alien techo stuff hasn't been invested yet and won't be for 100's of years...
My brother still reads the ones my Dad bought in the 60's
I think Dad's investment paid off...
According to composer Robert Lamm, the song is about trying to write a song in the middle of the night. The song's title is the time at which the song is set: 25 or 26 minutes before 4 am. Because of the unique phrasing of the song's title, "25 or 6 to 4" has been interpreted to mean everything from a quantity of illicit drugs to the name of a famous person in code.
Colour My World / Make Me Smile
As time goes on
I realize
Just what you mean
To me
And now
Now that you're near
Promise your love
That I've waited to share
And dreams
Of our moments together
Color my world with hope of loving you
Eight grade dance song
There was no black, brown or white that night
What you influenced kids to
It's on you...
You did this, I know for a fact, 14 and under, didn't see your screwed up divided world. On you to set it right.

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