realize folks always have an agenda ..
those who never have anything positive to say .. yet post 24/7 .. exist why exactly? ..
think about it
others post .. but trade .. they will whine as it suits >> for a better entry pps point
and then there are what i call true longs .. those who understand exactly what the co.
has gone thru for the (almost) last 4 years .. they get mocked for holding their shares
or *god forbid* .. actually accumulating more JBII shares over the years .. gasp
the PROS work the smbs' daily because the very same *reality* that existed back in
May 2010 .. still exists today (tho' to a lesser degree) .. abusive shorts require *shares
to be accessed .. please understand exactly why specific entities post what they do ..
and then work the OTC (JBII) stock .. literally .. daily