(Total Views: 739)
Posted On: 06/07/2020 3:40:45 AM
Post# of 32788

Red before Dawn
Title change...
Next will be
Before LightsEdge
After that
Red After Dawn
Let's go out with a bang!
Maybe 20 here have figured it out
Dammit, I think people are onto my posts
Why haven't 100 or 1,000?
You sit silent and let others take your investment
Then you get angry?
Then you get angry?
It's on you...
I tried my best, eh?
There is a reason why, I ride solo...
The shit I see, I don't wish it on anyone
At some point, even my horse, doesn't want to go there
The world is a vampire, sent to drain
BestestBaby, majorexchange, Poseidon360 figured out the last one
Figured out...
I don't post for the hell of it
I never did like others...
Every breath I take...
Every post I make...
I've been watching you...
Something in every post
Kind of like a crackerjack surprise
IF you actually read them
Glad you saw it
Now the rest can go back to my last post and every other and figure out what they missed
VERB as mentioned, Hello?
No one does DD these days
Want it spoon fed
I know...
Addie doesn't like games
Me neither Addie
You, me, no game
For you, and everyone, like you, I met
I am going to tear a hole threw, that universe
If I can't, no one will
Too bad I don't spoon feed everyone, eh?
And if I did, they all would surely blame me for their investments, eh?
Oracle PR, eh? Hold that thought...
Even thought post links and tell everyone to do their own DD, eh?
Even though many others don't post any links to back up their bullshit, eh?
Especially on iLie, eh?
For all you take, and nothing you gave
Most people's biggest problem is, I don't spoon feed BWers
I just don't see a point
Why would, in my right mind, give a flipper the edge?
"Do not try and bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth...there is no spoon. Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."
―Spoon Boy to Red
Got it Spoon Boy!
If I was ever going to create 10 more fake ID like the BWers, SpoonBoy would be a good one
No spoon, no feeding...
I used to play game before Spoon Boy
Chutes and ladder
I really, really liked Stratego
Now, I play the game of life
Oh, not the board game
But I, played that one too...
I love the real game of life
No do over, though...
You see Addie, I don't like board game either
I get bored, with board games, eh?
But your friend certainly loves it
Board games interest the SEC
Imagine if someone could decipher
Your friend must be giggling up a storm because she can't post straight
Can't type straight
One day she posts how she is trading and the next, how she hate traders
Society is so conflicted with these mixed messages
These mixed lies
So Addie, who is playing a game?
You, your friend or both of you?
How did your conversation with Rory BTW?
You know what sucks?
I remember just about every post over the last 10 years
Worst yet, every PM
How about having a head clogged up with all that shit
People think I have a big head, got an excuse I guess
Even worse, the trust I laid out there
Trust is a two way street, eh?
You break the trust in the company I invested in, yup...
I never want to see a post or hear from you again
Board game are fun for awhile but at a certain point
I like to fast forward to the end game
When I see the begin game, I always figure out the end game
Once again, those that play both sides
"Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames"
Those that that type 10 words a minute but only with 80% accuracy
Funny thing, accuracy seems a bit lower on this game board than that game board
"Zoominfo..raised ALOT of money. Big success on wallstreet. Though it lost million in the quarter it came out at 40 instead of 40. AGP..NEEDS TO BE MORE AGGRESSIVE WITH VETB IF EVER INVOLVED AGAIN IN TJE GUTURE. NOT COMPLAINING I JUST FRRL AT TJIS SYAGE WE CAN EXPECT ALOT MORR"
What language is this?
Sippin' on straight chlorine, let the vibes slide over me
I'm runnin' for my li-i-i-i-i-i-fe
Runnin' for my li-i-i-i-i-i-fe
You ever see those yt videos where the guy pretends to hear Led Zeppelin for the first time and just goes nuts dissecting it?
OMG, y'all...!
"came out at 40 instead of 40"
With my glasses I am 20-20
When I look at numbers
40 always looks like 40
OK, I get it, maybe some hidden buff message here
Code '40 40'
Smoke'm if you got'm
Uber home y'all
Dam that's deeper than my post go
Is that Mad Dog 20-20 x2?
Some powerful sh_t
Would explain missing keys by a 1/2 of inch
Not sure I get the cap thing though
Unless you don't know about the shift cap and lock and load the CAP key
red, you are bullying
You are talking down to people
They have a right to post nonsense
Just because you don't agree or can't read gibberish means they don't have a right to post
Oh, no...
Not today
Not ever
Pro company board
There is another board that is LOVES (all CAPS) gibberish
Oh, red...
Did you just mention the other...
Let's move on
I wish her well and family members should help her seek immediate attention
Back to the rest of you jack weeds...
You figured it out
Not too many people figure out any of my posts
It's why most of them started off as "Long post for Investors"
I figure, if anyone is long, they will figure it out
Maybe 20-30
That's OK
Only takes 12 strong to do it
Levels, right?
No, not 12 levels
12 people to change the world
If Addie want to indemnify me for $1B
I will do it alone
I will post all the names, crimes and misdemeanors
I think I did that for free
Other than Maui, I guess no one here wants to point out the crimes and misdemeanors?
Come on...
Is silence a good thing these days?
Funny the handful of BWers here blast on the few mods here but are OK with them, there?
You are well within your legal right to deanonymize people that post lies who intentially destroy your investment
Deanonymize is a scary word
Been that way for 20+ years on board
Heck, even what shit changed his ID when people were onto his game
Maybe now the world isn't too scared to stand up to the bad guys, eh?
You are well within your legal right to deanonymize people
If HomeBrew loves 'Swiss' Gyre Pale Ale but bashes the shit out of VERB
Then I want to know the inside information HomeBrew has on VERB
OK, maybe just now on VERB
Rivers run deep, let me point the SEC specifically on HomeBrew
Enjoy that Gyre Pale Ale, eh
You are well within your legal right to deanonymize people
So, funny everyone starts off a sentence these days with 'So'
Funny, it may be the beginning of a conviction
Registered with the SEC again HomeBrew
I am going to 'help' them on your posts and they have your trades
Your posts match up with your trades... Whoa
Matrix shit
It's on you now...
First and now the last
Don't PM me all the bad guys yet
If you think they are bad, post them
I will make sure the SEC is listening
They follow me anyway where every I go
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm...
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning."
Anyone wearing diapers, will run to the DD & Research Board to ask for help
That's how it grows
I will say, that's how it went
Been a hell of a ride, but I'm thinking it's time to grow
Bang! Bang! Bang! Metronome:
Man, I'm up to something (Up to something)
Ooh-de-la-di-do, thank you all for coming (All for coming)
I hope you like the show 'cause it's on a budget (On a budget)
So ooh-de-la-di-do, yeah, come on, here we go, yeah
Come on, here we go!
Come iHang
Let's go out with a bang!
Scott consolidated CA don't want to go to jury?
They were so sure of the 'hurt'...
Wonder why?
Come on, here we go!
VERB going to settle
Diapers package for every CA?
Come iHang
Let's go out with a bang!
Seems the other guys royally played their cards wrong
They could have cashed their chips in and made a tidy profit
For those that don't get English
Or what google and translate into 180 languages
SpjagfpaDLNDR^T&*** NONFUXK&**@#$%^&*
Yup, I never got those CAPS posts either
I think they are FUBAR
That's what I think...
Here's the thing. I don't give a tuppenny fuck about your moral conundrum, you meat-headed shit-sack. That's more or less the thing. And I want you to go out there... You, nobody else. None of your little minions. I want you to go out there. And I want you to punish the person who's responsible for murdering this poor little rabbit. Is that understood?
No Quarter...
I remember showing my brother a rabbits nest along his house.
What took place, you don't want to know
Let's just say, I am pro, no rabbit left behind
Let's just say, I am pro, no schizophrenic
Here's the dealio
People judge others based on how smart they are
As fast they can react...
What if they are not?
What if they are not as smart as Bill Gates (no hate on that dude).
My brother is fully functioning, but when I ask him, to help me, help him, like fix his car, everything is about a 10-200 minute delay
Any police officer that would tell him to get his hands up or down on the ground
They would probably shoot him or me
I'd actually be OK with that
Everyone wants to blame people
Blame me
Go right ahead
Blame me for not fighting harder for society for dumping people with mental illness into the streets
Blame me for not educating the world there are people like my brother that are slow
Reality is
The world wants to blame everyone for everything
My brother and I own it
We both will go out with a bang and don't need anyone's protests or hate parade
He's on a different island, a different timeline
Maybe his schedule is better?
Some days I think he games the system
Come on, here we go!
For those that take advantage of others
I'm thinking, I'll be your worst nightmare who will do my google best top help the SEC prosecute
I will say, I am better with da "Google" than the SEC if I do say so myself
Title change...
Next will be
Before LightsEdge
After that
Red After Dawn
Let's go out with a bang!
Maybe 20 here have figured it out
Dammit, I think people are onto my posts
Why haven't 100 or 1,000?
You sit silent and let others take your investment
Then you get angry?
Then you get angry?
It's on you...
I tried my best, eh?
There is a reason why, I ride solo...
The shit I see, I don't wish it on anyone
At some point, even my horse, doesn't want to go there
The world is a vampire, sent to drain
BestestBaby, majorexchange, Poseidon360 figured out the last one
Figured out...
I don't post for the hell of it
I never did like others...
Every breath I take...
Every post I make...
I've been watching you...
Something in every post
Kind of like a crackerjack surprise
IF you actually read them
Glad you saw it
Now the rest can go back to my last post and every other and figure out what they missed
VERB as mentioned, Hello?
No one does DD these days
Want it spoon fed
I know...
Addie doesn't like games
Me neither Addie
You, me, no game
For you, and everyone, like you, I met
I am going to tear a hole threw, that universe
If I can't, no one will
Too bad I don't spoon feed everyone, eh?
And if I did, they all would surely blame me for their investments, eh?
Oracle PR, eh? Hold that thought...
Even thought post links and tell everyone to do their own DD, eh?
Even though many others don't post any links to back up their bullshit, eh?
Especially on iLie, eh?
For all you take, and nothing you gave
Most people's biggest problem is, I don't spoon feed BWers
I just don't see a point
Why would, in my right mind, give a flipper the edge?
"Do not try and bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth...there is no spoon. Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."
―Spoon Boy to Red
Got it Spoon Boy!
If I was ever going to create 10 more fake ID like the BWers, SpoonBoy would be a good one
No spoon, no feeding...
I used to play game before Spoon Boy
Chutes and ladder
I really, really liked Stratego
Now, I play the game of life
Oh, not the board game
But I, played that one too...
I love the real game of life
No do over, though...
You see Addie, I don't like board game either
I get bored, with board games, eh?
But your friend certainly loves it
Board games interest the SEC
Imagine if someone could decipher
Your friend must be giggling up a storm because she can't post straight
Can't type straight
One day she posts how she is trading and the next, how she hate traders
Society is so conflicted with these mixed messages
These mixed lies
So Addie, who is playing a game?
You, your friend or both of you?
How did your conversation with Rory BTW?
You know what sucks?
I remember just about every post over the last 10 years
Worst yet, every PM
How about having a head clogged up with all that shit
People think I have a big head, got an excuse I guess
Even worse, the trust I laid out there
Trust is a two way street, eh?
You break the trust in the company I invested in, yup...
I never want to see a post or hear from you again
Board game are fun for awhile but at a certain point
I like to fast forward to the end game
When I see the begin game, I always figure out the end game
Once again, those that play both sides
"Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames"
Those that that type 10 words a minute but only with 80% accuracy
Funny thing, accuracy seems a bit lower on this game board than that game board
"Zoominfo..raised ALOT of money. Big success on wallstreet. Though it lost million in the quarter it came out at 40 instead of 40. AGP..NEEDS TO BE MORE AGGRESSIVE WITH VETB IF EVER INVOLVED AGAIN IN TJE GUTURE. NOT COMPLAINING I JUST FRRL AT TJIS SYAGE WE CAN EXPECT ALOT MORR"
What language is this?
Sippin' on straight chlorine, let the vibes slide over me
I'm runnin' for my li-i-i-i-i-i-fe
Runnin' for my li-i-i-i-i-i-fe
You ever see those yt videos where the guy pretends to hear Led Zeppelin for the first time and just goes nuts dissecting it?
OMG, y'all...!
"came out at 40 instead of 40"
With my glasses I am 20-20
When I look at numbers
40 always looks like 40
OK, I get it, maybe some hidden buff message here
Code '40 40'
Smoke'm if you got'm
Uber home y'all
Dam that's deeper than my post go
Is that Mad Dog 20-20 x2?
Some powerful sh_t
Would explain missing keys by a 1/2 of inch
Not sure I get the cap thing though
Unless you don't know about the shift cap and lock and load the CAP key
red, you are bullying
You are talking down to people
They have a right to post nonsense
Just because you don't agree or can't read gibberish means they don't have a right to post
Oh, no...
Not today
Not ever
Pro company board
There is another board that is LOVES (all CAPS) gibberish
Oh, red...
Did you just mention the other...
Let's move on
I wish her well and family members should help her seek immediate attention
Back to the rest of you jack weeds...
You figured it out

Not too many people figure out any of my posts
It's why most of them started off as "Long post for Investors"
I figure, if anyone is long, they will figure it out
Maybe 20-30
That's OK
Only takes 12 strong to do it
Levels, right?
No, not 12 levels
12 people to change the world
If Addie want to indemnify me for $1B
I will do it alone
I will post all the names, crimes and misdemeanors
I think I did that for free
Other than Maui, I guess no one here wants to point out the crimes and misdemeanors?
Come on...
Is silence a good thing these days?
Funny the handful of BWers here blast on the few mods here but are OK with them, there?
You are well within your legal right to deanonymize people that post lies who intentially destroy your investment
Deanonymize is a scary word
Been that way for 20+ years on board
Heck, even what shit changed his ID when people were onto his game
Maybe now the world isn't too scared to stand up to the bad guys, eh?
You are well within your legal right to deanonymize people
If HomeBrew loves 'Swiss' Gyre Pale Ale but bashes the shit out of VERB
Then I want to know the inside information HomeBrew has on VERB
OK, maybe just now on VERB
Rivers run deep, let me point the SEC specifically on HomeBrew
Enjoy that Gyre Pale Ale, eh
You are well within your legal right to deanonymize people
So, funny everyone starts off a sentence these days with 'So'
Funny, it may be the beginning of a conviction
Registered with the SEC again HomeBrew
I am going to 'help' them on your posts and they have your trades
Your posts match up with your trades... Whoa
Matrix shit
It's on you now...
First and now the last
Don't PM me all the bad guys yet
If you think they are bad, post them
I will make sure the SEC is listening
They follow me anyway where every I go

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm...
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning."
Anyone wearing diapers, will run to the DD & Research Board to ask for help
That's how it grows
I will say, that's how it went
Been a hell of a ride, but I'm thinking it's time to grow
Bang! Bang! Bang! Metronome:
Man, I'm up to something (Up to something)
Ooh-de-la-di-do, thank you all for coming (All for coming)
I hope you like the show 'cause it's on a budget (On a budget)
So ooh-de-la-di-do, yeah, come on, here we go, yeah
Come on, here we go!
Come iHang
Let's go out with a bang!
Scott consolidated CA don't want to go to jury?
They were so sure of the 'hurt'...
Wonder why?
Come on, here we go!
VERB going to settle
Diapers package for every CA?
Come iHang
Let's go out with a bang!
Seems the other guys royally played their cards wrong
They could have cashed their chips in and made a tidy profit
For those that don't get English
Or what google and translate into 180 languages
SpjagfpaDLNDR^T&*** NONFUXK&**@#$%^&*
Yup, I never got those CAPS posts either
I think they are FUBAR
That's what I think...
Here's the thing. I don't give a tuppenny fuck about your moral conundrum, you meat-headed shit-sack. That's more or less the thing. And I want you to go out there... You, nobody else. None of your little minions. I want you to go out there. And I want you to punish the person who's responsible for murdering this poor little rabbit. Is that understood?
No Quarter...
I remember showing my brother a rabbits nest along his house.
What took place, you don't want to know
Let's just say, I am pro, no rabbit left behind
Let's just say, I am pro, no schizophrenic
Here's the dealio
People judge others based on how smart they are
As fast they can react...
What if they are not?
What if they are not as smart as Bill Gates (no hate on that dude).
My brother is fully functioning, but when I ask him, to help me, help him, like fix his car, everything is about a 10-200 minute delay
Any police officer that would tell him to get his hands up or down on the ground
They would probably shoot him or me
I'd actually be OK with that
Everyone wants to blame people
Blame me
Go right ahead
Blame me for not fighting harder for society for dumping people with mental illness into the streets
Blame me for not educating the world there are people like my brother that are slow
Reality is
The world wants to blame everyone for everything
My brother and I own it
We both will go out with a bang and don't need anyone's protests or hate parade
He's on a different island, a different timeline
Maybe his schedule is better?
Some days I think he games the system
Come on, here we go!
For those that take advantage of others
I'm thinking, I'll be your worst nightmare who will do my google best top help the SEC prosecute
I will say, I am better with da "Google" than the SEC if I do say so myself

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