These several posts by Jim & Terry & BBalls, etc, are ALL very good & ALL very true. And it is a fact that ''they'', the various lie-hub people, are VERY UNFAIR in their judgment calls about which posts they delete, and who they want to discourage from posting by the deletion of 'our' posts, etc, as I personally very well know, just like all of you & more posters besides us also know. And 'they all', as a lie-hub group, DO have an agenda, the which nefarious & unscrupulous group undoubtedly includes a lot of the various forum main mods & their assistants, also, BTW! But one thing that I am FINALLY getting through my thick skull is 'THAT ''THEY'' ARE IN THE DRIVER's SEAT!' So, as much as I want the unbridled liberty to post whatever I want to say, yet never the less, at the same time, I am much more consciously NOW, trying to be very careful about what I say & how I say it, so as to not give them any help in preventing me from posting over there whenever I should want to post over there. For there are MANY good & decent players over there, who are earnestly just looking for some honest & good encouragement, help, friendship, & info. IMO. GLTA & God help us all. Jaime