I searched quickly up to July 2011 but didnt see it. The history you have posted here re that is very interesting. its been obvious to me that somebodies life goal has been to destroy CWRN and he essentially admitted that in a Dec 2010 post-he had his own website dedicated to mocking Bob, which he used to advertise in his posts.
Are you the one who reposted itmd's post re all the roadblocks CWRN had had to deal with? I've believed for a long time some of those roadblocks/hindrances have been do to interference w the business/suppliers etc by certain parties who have always trashed CWRN on the boards.
Somebody should post a list of his sayings on the hub on this board (since they always get deleted on the hub) such as :everybody knows theres no iron in Baja, CWRN will never ship an ounce,cartels will hijack the trucks etc