Good Saturday to you Vince and all MPIXers! For what it's worth, here's my take on the new preferred offering.
I see a couple of things that could and probably will be of importance to the shareholders. First of all, any reduction ofthe OS, imo, is a good thing. Currently the OS is almost up against the AS. With 1.34 billion in the OS and the AS at 1.5 billion, it doesn't leave much for management to use in the way of shares to expand and grow the company. Should this conversion amount to the 400 million that was mentioned, it would effectively reduce the OS to just under one billion shares. That would allow for future placement or sales of stock of at least 500 million shares. These shares could be used for acquisitions, projects, raising capital, the hiring of key individuals to management or to attract key individuals to the board.
As to the preferred offering, I see it also as a vehicle for raising capital along with the items that I listed above. We don't yet know the details of the offering, but I assume there will be an amount of authorized preferred shares, not issued, to allow management to make some strategic moves along the way.
For those that need a simplified explanation, I'll just use a hypothetical example, and I hope it makes sense to all. Let's say there was a company that had 1 billion shares in the OS. Let's further assume that this company owned a mountain of gold and silver valued at $1 billion. Using these numbers, that would place the company's assets at $1.00 per share ($1 bil divided by 1 bil shares outstanding). Should that company increase the OS to 2 bil shares, the asset of $1 bil in gold and silver remains the same, but the shareholder ownership was diluted to half of what it was because there are twice as many shares in the OS. In other words, $1 bil in assets divided by 2 bil shares is now equal to .50 in shareholder value. Instead, should this company decide to lower the OS to 500 mil shares, the shareholders now own the same $1 bil of gold and silver, but the asset value to shareholders has increased to $2.00 per share ($ bil divided by only 500 mil shares).
As most of us, who invest in penny stocks know, in most cases, a penny, mentality management raises the AS when the OS is near being maxed out. There aren't many management teams that lower the OS in order to put a company into a better share structure thereby putting shareholders and the company into a stronger position. It's done in many ways. A company can increase its AS to allow for more OS shares to dilute with. Not a desirable option for most shareholders. A company can reverse split while keeping the AS extremely high in order to dump more shares into the market place. Unless that company is capitalized or revenue producing, a reverse split is an even worse option for shareholders. Another option is to purchase shares in the open market and retire them to treasure. Very few penny stocks have the excess capital to do that. So the move by this management team and some shareholders to remove shares from the OS and convert them into non-convertible preferred shares is a very good event for shareholders. This will allow management to seek quality opportunities, using both shares from treasure and the newly established preferred stock, to bring value to the shareholders.
This move by management delivers all shareholders more percentage of ownership in MPIX. It also allows management the flexibility to use the newly increased treasure stock (difference between the OS and AS) to grow the company. There is, obviously, a new direction of MPIX management. It began on 12-21 with New Beginnings. That was the first time a project which was promised and was delivered. We are seeing well written releases. The execution of what is necessary to transition MPIX from an idea into the growth stages of a developing company really appears to be underway now. I'm optimistically awaiting the next few releases by management to explain what they've been working on behind the scenes. I will once again suggest to all invested here or following along that you go to the MPIX website and especially their new parnter ZZYX Entertainment at
To sum it up, I like this development very much!