Thanks StillWater, I did get your message. I haven't been watching MMTC these days, but still own shares. MMTC is one of those stocks that one buys and then just forgets about it until news is released. At least, that is the way I have handled it. I do not blame you or anyone for not hitting the target date for when MMTC will finally take off. Heck, I thought MMTC was ready for takeoff years ago. However, there always seems to be a reason for why the certs were not applied for, and in my opinion the certs are what MMTC needs to finally take off. The good news, in my opinion, is that MMTC's last press release indicated that salmonella and E-coli certs were applied for in 2012 (no application date given). This would suggest that March might be a good guess for cert approval.
Best of luck to all MMTC investors who have endured the long wait.
Thank you StillWater for keeping me informed.