(Total Views: 714)
Posted On: 05/01/2020 12:03:39 AM
Post# of 32720
Long Post for Investors (redflix S6E19)
Maybe red is not that kind to BWers...
End of the season in the making and I will bow out...
Preaching to 25 people here
And giving DD to the other 90% that don't care
Got bigger fish to fry...
Someone else's turn
Nation bleeding, still more feeding...
Life is funny, skies are sunny
Bees make honey, who needs money...
Some more people asked me again, what is the hardest part of this, documenting that thing we call the VERB journey?
Not just mine, this is yours as well
All of you are written in to these
I guarentee this on some level, that you are written into this thing
'All of you' whether you realize it or not
Is it finding a theme?
Is it finding a topic?
Is it finding tunes?
Is it finding a funny gif?
Is it finding an IR firm to write them for me?
Is it finding DD?
Is it finding motivation?
Is it looking in the mirror?
Funny thing
To put this in perspective
To put that in preservatives
The hardest part about this is to up that episode number by one
Guess I probably mentioned that thing, but...
The hardest part about this is to remember that is I stole part of this and posted into that
Oh Yeah...
In other words, this is nothing hard about that...
I don't need to repeat this things 50 times that...
Don't need to post that 'concerns'
Don't need to post this questions to IR here
Come on, IR was invented for the google illiterates
Ever say to your iPhone "Hey Google"
Ever say to your google device, "Hey ..."
Ever say to your amazon device, "Hey ..."
Ever post on iHang, what is really meant for the short game?
Ever post on a trader board things meant for the long game?
"Hey Google, when do companies post that quarterly filings?"
Dam, VERB even PR'd that
How could a long not remember that?
New investor I get it, but what da Buff?
The hardest part is really seeing people sit on that hands
Seeing people with this laryngitis
I know, 'them' is afraid to post, but 'they' are not afraid to post this about that
They 'wait' until they've been screwed over by 'them' and 'then' they voice their frustrations about that
Where were you, when this was know?
Everything that was discussed 10x over is now new to 'them'
I can tell you, I am the most hate poster by 'them', the minority of 5 here and 100 there, as I'm going to bust their game and expose them all.
VERB does not need to be represented by stained pants stalkers
Funny what speaking up can do for that investment of yours
I figure I'd work this out
Come to realize things were bigger than that
Seeing people .01% as fortunate as those here just struggle to make it in that life one more day
My brother which you know..
One of my younger friends at work that switch jobs 4 years ago for a CIO position andn than had a bad stroke
Oh BTW, that was before his insurance kicked in at his new job
Better job, way more money
I chipped in for that GoFundMe
yeah, that's all the motivation I need
Think about it next time you are 'concerned' about Instagram
Think about it next time you are 'concerned' about anything you 'used to be' concerned about
Maybe your are 'concerned' about the wrong thing in life?
Maybe a life adjustment is in order...
You know, do you have enough of tp?
People think they need more of tp...
tp is what you value most?
Come on...
Do you need more than 1000 sheet of tp to wipe your ass with tp?
My goal was to level the playing field
Until something came out of left field
I think the playing field is getting a bit more level
Unfortunately, the .01% are going to need 'our' help quickly
This is the homeless, which many of them suffer from mental illness
You know, the government shut down those places so they've been on the streets for years surviving
Dump the institutions onto the streets
That saves money, uh?
This is the people in nations that have no hospital infrastructure
No money, nothing
Absolutely nothing
Someone said here they are a doctor
How they can share how they are helping...
I mentioned Bill Gates said the majority of the deaths will be in 3rd world nations
That is so sick
That is so sad
Countries with the most money, making hard life, even harder for them
China could have shut down their wet markets years ago
Or holy batman
China has a big problem in their labs
They were asked to
We're not going to point a finger
redflix point fingers?
Most first world nations are doing their part to kill this planet sooner than later
All nations could have turned down their pollution years ago
Where you going with this red?
You know the feedback you got?
Good at pointing out of problem, but how about a solution?
Yeah, that thing
I've heard many times
Feedback is a gift
Funny thing
Everyone says they are open to feedback
Reality is....
Few are
BTW: Solution is easy...
It's so simple...
Goes back to a common fundamentals of mankind
1.) Do no harm...
2.) Treat everyone with respect...
3.) Treat everyone equally...
4.) Talk down to BWer flippers
As a planet, we f'd up all 3 of those
Nailed the 4th though
Doubt it, then argue how we didn't, you didn't...
All 'we' have to do it those 3 things
I've been acklaimed at doing the 4th
Pointing out the kids that pump one day and then say the stock is getting trashed when it only went down 2%
But it's OK, because it give me a chance to buy more...
Been buying, blah, blah blah
Did you forget the post you said you were trading?
Yeah, that is either a noob investor or a flipper that 'thinks' what they say amounts to a hill of sh-t
Just 3 things...
Can we do it, together?
Hey, who is the guy that has always talked about, together?
What many haven't figured out is...
You can change everything about VERB
If you wanted to
If you want to, together
Help and company...
Can't do it sitting on your hands BTW
It's not about the 'missing Chad' on instagram
Rememer all that sh-t they posted about them?
Most 2nd most common excuse for commiting a crime
Everyone then was doing it and worse then me
I can tell you, that never goes well..
Unless 'they' can point a figure that 'them'
tp doesn't know libel from slander from a hole in a ground
I can tell you, educated people know the difference
And when you are caught up in that, this will cost you money
Not the thing, you want that money to go out of your pocket for this thing you do
Said before...
Say it again...
I love Poseidon360 posts...
"Please do feel free to draw inspiration and perhaps, take action to support the company you're invested in beyond posting on a message board- It takes more time to make a sandwich than to type a brief message."
Baloney sand-'witch'
He can cut through the bullshit with humor that goes over most heads
He's one guy that isn't social distancing on social media
He's one guy that gets a tons of thumbs when he posts
You others that get 0, 1 or 2, thing about it next time something 'pops' into your head
If you are 'wondering' something, did you ask IR first?
If you are 'wondering' something, and ask IR, are you wasting their time, while they could have been promoting VERB?
If you are 'wondering' something, maybe sit back and learn or go get a financial adviser or invest in savings bonds
Maybe ihang can have a self remorse button to delete your own posts after you wet the bed and want to soak it back in?
For the rest of those that don't want to invest in savings bonds...
Raising your voice for what you believe in
Raising your voice for the good in life
Raising your voice to shut out the evil
Raising your voice so you can have more money to give to those that need it
Rather than taken from everyone
I find that so easy to focus on what is right
Even if I didn't have a dime in VERB, I'd do it anyway
Oh, wait a second, I am doing it for all stocks that have been trampled under foot by the machine
Oh, no I feel a moment coming on...
Greasy slicked-down
Groovy leather trim
I like the way ya hold the road
Mama, it ain't no sin
Talking 'bout love
I'm talking 'bout love
I'm talking 'bout
I'm talking
Ah, red, where did that come from?
VERB love moment...
Someone said trampled
Ah, red, that someone was YOU!
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about
What I'm talking about!
Mama, it ain't no sin
Talking 'bout love
I'm talking 'bout love
I'm talking 'bout
I'm talking
People complain about this, that and the other thing
I remember my Aunt use to say "this, that and the other thing"
She would use it a lot
Then I started talking about "this, that and the other thing"
Before I knew it, I was saying "this, that and the other thing"
Before I knew it, I was posting "tp and this, that and the other thing"
BTW, I was walking down the street with my face mask and this, that and the other thing...
BTW, I was reading the news about the curve and this, that and the other thing is looking like ...
I don't even know how "this, that and the other thing" fits into any sentence
People complained about this, that and the other thing
Now for this, that and the other thing
It's all of us longs
No this,
There is no that,
There is no other thing
Is all of us
It's on us
For fun tomorrow
Work in "this, that and the other thing" into every sentence you can and report back as you stay at home
You all did a nice job on right time, right place
So another one...
"Why didn't you take out the garbage?"
"Well the bag broke and this, that and the other thing..."
This, that and the other thing is the perfect segway into an excuse for doing nothing
If you spouse didn't hit you upside the head first
Why did you post on a messageboard something you could have sent the company
Well, you know...
This, that, and the other thing...
Wonder what the 'other thing' was
And so I, we, us , will tackle this to get to that and the other thing...
Said this season would be special
This is the season we get from this... to that...
That wants this, but this won't let that have at it...
What will happen is, this will try to take care of that
That can't stop, this
That will try to stop this
When that happens, this will take to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and LinkedIn
This might do Instagram too for those that are socially...whatever
That knows who this is
This knows that
Yeah, some Cat in the Hat shit is that, this is
I'm pretty, pretty sure this doesn't make that much sense, but one day this will
I'm betting on this will and that won't
Seems those stock promoters have more influence than you think
I thought you were talking about 'this' and 'that'
Now 'those'?
'Those' are part of 'them'
'This' is what you might want to know
'This' is in it, to expose 'that'
'That' is just trying to confuse you
You see my example...
What 'they' count on is two things
Most investors sitting on their hands
Feeding on 5% of investors bating their emotions to respond to their posts
When you reply to a shorter
When you reply to a flipper
When you reply to someone that doesn't realy Vivid from COVID and and throws whatever number at the end
You are just screwing your own investment
Oh, unless, you are with them?
Either that, or you are a noob?
Don't talk down to me red! I hate when you make me look like a fool.
Smarten up
If the last 20 years, no reply has ever done any good on any planet
Wasting your time
Time better re-purposed for better things
I'd recommend 'that' to the SEC to use sorting
Start at the top and work you way down
Assume innocents until every shareholder can rain down their bullshit
I think I see some familiar names at that top
Just because you aren't at that top of that doesn't mean you are flying under the radar
If you are at the top, look in the mirror and ask yourself who you are?
Those that follow, might want to ask, what is it, that they do?
If the answer if this is not clear what thing, that do
Then you know the corruption at foot
I would bet, most of the top 10 never had a real job in many years
Hey, I watched the Claytrader Janice interview
I think I have evidence of some bad apples in PM's
I think this is going to hail
I think all my instincts, they return
And the grand facade, so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I'll reach out from the inside
"You can't fix stupid. There's not a pill you can take; there's not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever."
Oh the follow me, follow you
If anyone has ever PM'd you to follow them, then that is worth a thumbs up here
I've never asked anyone to follow me
Why would I even care?
But on iLie, the following is big business
If you can get more followers, you can churn and burn
You can buy into stocks before your followers and then pump them while you sell
Funny thing is, those that preach the most, are playing both sides
Two IDs, sock puppets, twins...
Yeah, that's what they do...
Funny thing...
Until iHang came along, no one
No one could call them out
Let's just get started...
Stay, with me...
RetroSpect, Kallierayne, underdog150, yeag1717, trader59, jobynimble, yerboss, TenKay, Homebrew, Alpert
$10.99 on Amazon is a less costly way to get noticed
Once again, anyone that purposely and intentionally hurts my investment, I am well within my legal rights to point them out
So are you, but you don't quite realize the game
Say what red?
Anyone that purposely and intentionally hurts my investment, I am well within my legal rights to point them out to the sec
That includes people that say a PR is coming
Either they are full of sh-t or they have insider knowledge
The latter would be a fool to post it on a messageboard so figure full of sh-t
I am well within my legal rights to point them out
How do I know? I read it on the internet.
Remember, I was the one investor that put aside a sum of money to do so
More than "that" makes in a year
But given the ambulance chasers, how about a class action on you?
They work for free you know...
Do you have an LLC setup?
Do you even know what that is?
If Michael was take'n down
Why not anyone that post false claims?
Fake news?
RetroSpect Monday, 04/06/20 11:55:49 PM
"Yikes VERB. Company twitter announced a 1:20 stock split. CEO screwed us again. Maybe it’ll have a post split run in a few months after the dilution from all the convertible debt holders. Could get ugly quick, but still promising if you want to short $VERB. I thought I was safe going long, but it’s back to trips after the news RORY LET US DOWN AGAIN"
The lengths 'they' will go through
"In the U.S. revealing this would be legal. There are no laws covering de-anonymizing by private citizens of other private citizens."
What is going on, on social media is in my view, highly illegal
There was nothing of the sort that RetroSpect is posting
There is a SEC task force that grabs these posts and when they have enough to put them in jail or fine them
They disappear
Yeah, read blah, blah, blah
Show me where that ever happened
Um, are you kidding me?
The owner of 'that' board that allows poster to post about 'this that and the other thing'
Most of the time, the bullshit goes unnoticed, but once in awhile like what tp did, it effects the stock price
He has come up with 1000 excuses to defend his actions
A smart defendent would never publicly try to defend themselves
Oh, and change their story a few time that..
Conterdicts what is in your PMs to multiple people
There are no laws covering de-anonymizing by private citizens of other private citizens.
Companies can't do it...
So many afraid to
The bark is louder than the bite
This is now the world where bullies are to be shut down
This is the world of 'Me too'
Would is far greater when people speak up
Not complainers as who needs more of those, but people speaking up
Let's start with RetroSpect and we will go through each of them
SEC would like to know a bit more about RetroSpect
RetroSpect, exactly where was that tweet?
Might want to pull it out of your ass quickly for the SEC, eh?
iLie is a very bad place
I'm embarrassed for any long that post there
If you'd stop, that board would dry up
But you can't
Addiction is something hard to beat
But don't come to this board and post the same nonsense
If you have indigestion investing in growth stage companies
Go invest in your mattress and bang your sheets
But red, where is tp?
I don't know. I think the news reports of people in the UK buying into tp drove that crazy
No red, where is tp?
You know, 1000 line coder that hacked together crap
Oh, that tp
Loco Breath
If you get to middle of this one, don't ever try to take this guys flute away
If you do that, that is some thing you will regret
JT crazy for the flute
tp crazy for the TP
Pulling what is know as the biggest stunt in OTC history, might cause the puller to need more tp?
The guy/gal that never could figure out slander from libel
Come on, it's basic English
That's the guy/gal that might learn quickly the difference
Oh, let's just help the poor sod out
"Libel and slander are both types of defamation. Libel is an untrue defamatory statement that is made in writing. Slander is an untrue defamatory statement that is spoken orally. The difference between defamation and slander is that a defamatory statement can be made in any medium."
To my knowledge, I never spoke to tp and he never spoke to me unless he was at a VERB event which only one pumper appeared and never would talk to any long. Otherwise he is fibbing again
He used to PM me a lot
Still have all of them
You want to read them all here?
All of them?
I remember his BS about his fake debating whether to post his crap interactive video
It was some zoolander shit
Want to know all about tp in depth?
Show some interest and we'll start with him
Or pick any of the other 50 that purposely and intentionally steal your investment for their gain
redflix 20/20
I'm thinking if you invest in stocks
You might want to see the games people play
For only two reasons
One, you might thing twice about investing based on reading posts on a message board
Two, you might want to level the playing field with me...
It's within my realm to do a shareholder class action against RetroSpect, Kallierayne, underdog150, yeag1717, trader59, jobynimble, yerboss, TenKay, Homebrew, Alpert and tp
Heck, there are probably 50 wanbulance chasers that would jump on 'da club'
That is just 20% of them
To be fair, all the most self proclaimed honest posters
Well, maybe only one says that, but in the US, all innocent until sentenced
Let's assume for now, they were kidding about that
You know, that is the most common excuse in courts in the US
"Your honor, about what I am being accused here today
About this, that and the other thing
I can tell you absolutely I had nothing to do with this or that thing!"
That is just the johnny come lately's
I have a very good memory of everything
Kind of like a photograph
Kind if like a snapshot
I am well within my legal rights to do so
I I dropped the picture of me saying that so don't know if I already said it 3-4 times
While others play outside the bounds of what is legal
I will be within and within, we will win
You think the way you life live is okay
You think posing will save your day
You think we don't see what that you're running
Let 'her' call your boys 'cause I'm coming
Shareholder class action
That works both ways
I love the this one that rally shareholders to sue those non-shareholders
If only I could pick from 100 legal firms that want to go after that...
The defendants might want to chose a lawyer that does figure out that thing, this is about...
Maybe red is not that kind to BWers...
End of the season in the making and I will bow out...
Preaching to 25 people here
And giving DD to the other 90% that don't care
Got bigger fish to fry...
Someone else's turn
Nation bleeding, still more feeding...
Life is funny, skies are sunny
Bees make honey, who needs money...
Some more people asked me again, what is the hardest part of this, documenting that thing we call the VERB journey?
Not just mine, this is yours as well
All of you are written in to these
I guarentee this on some level, that you are written into this thing
'All of you' whether you realize it or not
Is it finding a theme?
Is it finding a topic?
Is it finding tunes?
Is it finding a funny gif?
Is it finding an IR firm to write them for me?
Is it finding DD?
Is it finding motivation?
Is it looking in the mirror?
Funny thing
To put this in perspective
To put that in preservatives
The hardest part about this is to up that episode number by one
Guess I probably mentioned that thing, but...
The hardest part about this is to remember that is I stole part of this and posted into that
Oh Yeah...
In other words, this is nothing hard about that...
I don't need to repeat this things 50 times that...
Don't need to post that 'concerns'
Don't need to post this questions to IR here
Come on, IR was invented for the google illiterates
Ever say to your iPhone "Hey Google"
Ever say to your google device, "Hey ..."
Ever say to your amazon device, "Hey ..."
Ever post on iHang, what is really meant for the short game?
Ever post on a trader board things meant for the long game?
"Hey Google, when do companies post that quarterly filings?"
Dam, VERB even PR'd that
How could a long not remember that?
New investor I get it, but what da Buff?
The hardest part is really seeing people sit on that hands
Seeing people with this laryngitis
I know, 'them' is afraid to post, but 'they' are not afraid to post this about that
They 'wait' until they've been screwed over by 'them' and 'then' they voice their frustrations about that
Where were you, when this was know?
Everything that was discussed 10x over is now new to 'them'
I can tell you, I am the most hate poster by 'them', the minority of 5 here and 100 there, as I'm going to bust their game and expose them all.
VERB does not need to be represented by stained pants stalkers
Funny what speaking up can do for that investment of yours
I figure I'd work this out
Come to realize things were bigger than that
Seeing people .01% as fortunate as those here just struggle to make it in that life one more day
My brother which you know..
One of my younger friends at work that switch jobs 4 years ago for a CIO position andn than had a bad stroke
Oh BTW, that was before his insurance kicked in at his new job
Better job, way more money
I chipped in for that GoFundMe
yeah, that's all the motivation I need
Think about it next time you are 'concerned' about Instagram
Think about it next time you are 'concerned' about anything you 'used to be' concerned about
Maybe your are 'concerned' about the wrong thing in life?
Maybe a life adjustment is in order...
You know, do you have enough of tp?
People think they need more of tp...
tp is what you value most?
Come on...
Do you need more than 1000 sheet of tp to wipe your ass with tp?
My goal was to level the playing field
Until something came out of left field
I think the playing field is getting a bit more level
Unfortunately, the .01% are going to need 'our' help quickly
This is the homeless, which many of them suffer from mental illness
You know, the government shut down those places so they've been on the streets for years surviving
Dump the institutions onto the streets
That saves money, uh?
This is the people in nations that have no hospital infrastructure
No money, nothing
Absolutely nothing
Someone said here they are a doctor
How they can share how they are helping...
I mentioned Bill Gates said the majority of the deaths will be in 3rd world nations
That is so sick
That is so sad
Countries with the most money, making hard life, even harder for them
China could have shut down their wet markets years ago
Or holy batman
China has a big problem in their labs
They were asked to
We're not going to point a finger
redflix point fingers?
Most first world nations are doing their part to kill this planet sooner than later
All nations could have turned down their pollution years ago
Where you going with this red?
You know the feedback you got?
Good at pointing out of problem, but how about a solution?
Yeah, that thing
I've heard many times
Feedback is a gift
Funny thing
Everyone says they are open to feedback
Reality is....
Few are
BTW: Solution is easy...
It's so simple...
Goes back to a common fundamentals of mankind
1.) Do no harm...
2.) Treat everyone with respect...
3.) Treat everyone equally...
4.) Talk down to BWer flippers
As a planet, we f'd up all 3 of those
Nailed the 4th though
Doubt it, then argue how we didn't, you didn't...
All 'we' have to do it those 3 things
I've been acklaimed at doing the 4th
Pointing out the kids that pump one day and then say the stock is getting trashed when it only went down 2%
But it's OK, because it give me a chance to buy more...
Been buying, blah, blah blah
Did you forget the post you said you were trading?
Yeah, that is either a noob investor or a flipper that 'thinks' what they say amounts to a hill of sh-t
Just 3 things...
Can we do it, together?
Hey, who is the guy that has always talked about, together?
What many haven't figured out is...
You can change everything about VERB
If you wanted to
If you want to, together
Help and company...
Can't do it sitting on your hands BTW
It's not about the 'missing Chad' on instagram
Rememer all that sh-t they posted about them?
Most 2nd most common excuse for commiting a crime
Everyone then was doing it and worse then me
I can tell you, that never goes well..
Unless 'they' can point a figure that 'them'
tp doesn't know libel from slander from a hole in a ground
I can tell you, educated people know the difference
And when you are caught up in that, this will cost you money
Not the thing, you want that money to go out of your pocket for this thing you do
Said before...
Say it again...
I love Poseidon360 posts...
"Please do feel free to draw inspiration and perhaps, take action to support the company you're invested in beyond posting on a message board- It takes more time to make a sandwich than to type a brief message."
Baloney sand-'witch'
He can cut through the bullshit with humor that goes over most heads
He's one guy that isn't social distancing on social media
He's one guy that gets a tons of thumbs when he posts
You others that get 0, 1 or 2, thing about it next time something 'pops' into your head
If you are 'wondering' something, did you ask IR first?
If you are 'wondering' something, and ask IR, are you wasting their time, while they could have been promoting VERB?
If you are 'wondering' something, maybe sit back and learn or go get a financial adviser or invest in savings bonds
Maybe ihang can have a self remorse button to delete your own posts after you wet the bed and want to soak it back in?
For the rest of those that don't want to invest in savings bonds...
Raising your voice for what you believe in
Raising your voice for the good in life
Raising your voice to shut out the evil
Raising your voice so you can have more money to give to those that need it
Rather than taken from everyone
I find that so easy to focus on what is right
Even if I didn't have a dime in VERB, I'd do it anyway
Oh, wait a second, I am doing it for all stocks that have been trampled under foot by the machine
Oh, no I feel a moment coming on...
Greasy slicked-down
Groovy leather trim
I like the way ya hold the road
Mama, it ain't no sin
Talking 'bout love
I'm talking 'bout love
I'm talking 'bout
I'm talking
Ah, red, where did that come from?
VERB love moment...
Someone said trampled
Ah, red, that someone was YOU!
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about
What I'm talking about!
Mama, it ain't no sin
Talking 'bout love
I'm talking 'bout love
I'm talking 'bout
I'm talking
People complain about this, that and the other thing
I remember my Aunt use to say "this, that and the other thing"
She would use it a lot
Then I started talking about "this, that and the other thing"
Before I knew it, I was saying "this, that and the other thing"
Before I knew it, I was posting "tp and this, that and the other thing"
BTW, I was walking down the street with my face mask and this, that and the other thing...
BTW, I was reading the news about the curve and this, that and the other thing is looking like ...
I don't even know how "this, that and the other thing" fits into any sentence
People complained about this, that and the other thing
Now for this, that and the other thing
It's all of us longs
No this,
There is no that,
There is no other thing
Is all of us
It's on us
For fun tomorrow
Work in "this, that and the other thing" into every sentence you can and report back as you stay at home
You all did a nice job on right time, right place
So another one...
"Why didn't you take out the garbage?"
"Well the bag broke and this, that and the other thing..."
This, that and the other thing is the perfect segway into an excuse for doing nothing
If you spouse didn't hit you upside the head first
Why did you post on a messageboard something you could have sent the company
Well, you know...
This, that, and the other thing...
Wonder what the 'other thing' was
And so I, we, us , will tackle this to get to that and the other thing...
Said this season would be special
This is the season we get from this... to that...
That wants this, but this won't let that have at it...
What will happen is, this will try to take care of that
That can't stop, this
That will try to stop this
When that happens, this will take to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and LinkedIn
This might do Instagram too for those that are socially...whatever
That knows who this is
This knows that
Yeah, some Cat in the Hat shit is that, this is
I'm pretty, pretty sure this doesn't make that much sense, but one day this will
I'm betting on this will and that won't
Seems those stock promoters have more influence than you think
I thought you were talking about 'this' and 'that'
Now 'those'?
'Those' are part of 'them'
'This' is what you might want to know
'This' is in it, to expose 'that'
'That' is just trying to confuse you
You see my example...
What 'they' count on is two things
Most investors sitting on their hands
Feeding on 5% of investors bating their emotions to respond to their posts
When you reply to a shorter
When you reply to a flipper
When you reply to someone that doesn't realy Vivid from COVID and and throws whatever number at the end
You are just screwing your own investment
Oh, unless, you are with them?
Either that, or you are a noob?
Don't talk down to me red! I hate when you make me look like a fool.
Smarten up
If the last 20 years, no reply has ever done any good on any planet
Wasting your time
Time better re-purposed for better things
I'd recommend 'that' to the SEC to use sorting
Start at the top and work you way down
Assume innocents until every shareholder can rain down their bullshit
I think I see some familiar names at that top
Just because you aren't at that top of that doesn't mean you are flying under the radar
If you are at the top, look in the mirror and ask yourself who you are?
Those that follow, might want to ask, what is it, that they do?
If the answer if this is not clear what thing, that do
Then you know the corruption at foot
I would bet, most of the top 10 never had a real job in many years
Hey, I watched the Claytrader Janice interview
I think I have evidence of some bad apples in PM's
I think this is going to hail
I think all my instincts, they return
And the grand facade, so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I'll reach out from the inside
"You can't fix stupid. There's not a pill you can take; there's not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever."
Oh the follow me, follow you
If anyone has ever PM'd you to follow them, then that is worth a thumbs up here
I've never asked anyone to follow me
Why would I even care?
But on iLie, the following is big business
If you can get more followers, you can churn and burn
You can buy into stocks before your followers and then pump them while you sell
Funny thing is, those that preach the most, are playing both sides
Two IDs, sock puppets, twins...
Yeah, that's what they do...
Funny thing...
Until iHang came along, no one
No one could call them out
Let's just get started...
Stay, with me...
RetroSpect, Kallierayne, underdog150, yeag1717, trader59, jobynimble, yerboss, TenKay, Homebrew, Alpert
$10.99 on Amazon is a less costly way to get noticed
Once again, anyone that purposely and intentionally hurts my investment, I am well within my legal rights to point them out
So are you, but you don't quite realize the game
Say what red?
Anyone that purposely and intentionally hurts my investment, I am well within my legal rights to point them out to the sec
That includes people that say a PR is coming
Either they are full of sh-t or they have insider knowledge
The latter would be a fool to post it on a messageboard so figure full of sh-t
I am well within my legal rights to point them out
How do I know? I read it on the internet.
Remember, I was the one investor that put aside a sum of money to do so
More than "that" makes in a year
But given the ambulance chasers, how about a class action on you?
They work for free you know...
Do you have an LLC setup?
Do you even know what that is?
If Michael was take'n down
Why not anyone that post false claims?
Fake news?
RetroSpect Monday, 04/06/20 11:55:49 PM
"Yikes VERB. Company twitter announced a 1:20 stock split. CEO screwed us again. Maybe it’ll have a post split run in a few months after the dilution from all the convertible debt holders. Could get ugly quick, but still promising if you want to short $VERB. I thought I was safe going long, but it’s back to trips after the news RORY LET US DOWN AGAIN"
The lengths 'they' will go through
"In the U.S. revealing this would be legal. There are no laws covering de-anonymizing by private citizens of other private citizens."
What is going on, on social media is in my view, highly illegal
There was nothing of the sort that RetroSpect is posting
There is a SEC task force that grabs these posts and when they have enough to put them in jail or fine them
They disappear
Yeah, read blah, blah, blah
Show me where that ever happened
Um, are you kidding me?
The owner of 'that' board that allows poster to post about 'this that and the other thing'
Most of the time, the bullshit goes unnoticed, but once in awhile like what tp did, it effects the stock price
He has come up with 1000 excuses to defend his actions
A smart defendent would never publicly try to defend themselves
Oh, and change their story a few time that..
Conterdicts what is in your PMs to multiple people
There are no laws covering de-anonymizing by private citizens of other private citizens.
Companies can't do it...
So many afraid to
The bark is louder than the bite
This is now the world where bullies are to be shut down
This is the world of 'Me too'
Would is far greater when people speak up
Not complainers as who needs more of those, but people speaking up
Let's start with RetroSpect and we will go through each of them
SEC would like to know a bit more about RetroSpect
RetroSpect, exactly where was that tweet?
Might want to pull it out of your ass quickly for the SEC, eh?
iLie is a very bad place
I'm embarrassed for any long that post there
If you'd stop, that board would dry up
But you can't
Addiction is something hard to beat
But don't come to this board and post the same nonsense
If you have indigestion investing in growth stage companies
Go invest in your mattress and bang your sheets
But red, where is tp?
I don't know. I think the news reports of people in the UK buying into tp drove that crazy
No red, where is tp?
You know, 1000 line coder that hacked together crap
Oh, that tp
Loco Breath
If you get to middle of this one, don't ever try to take this guys flute away
If you do that, that is some thing you will regret
JT crazy for the flute
tp crazy for the TP
Pulling what is know as the biggest stunt in OTC history, might cause the puller to need more tp?
The guy/gal that never could figure out slander from libel
Come on, it's basic English
That's the guy/gal that might learn quickly the difference
Oh, let's just help the poor sod out
"Libel and slander are both types of defamation. Libel is an untrue defamatory statement that is made in writing. Slander is an untrue defamatory statement that is spoken orally. The difference between defamation and slander is that a defamatory statement can be made in any medium."
To my knowledge, I never spoke to tp and he never spoke to me unless he was at a VERB event which only one pumper appeared and never would talk to any long. Otherwise he is fibbing again
He used to PM me a lot
Still have all of them
You want to read them all here?
All of them?
I remember his BS about his fake debating whether to post his crap interactive video
It was some zoolander shit
Want to know all about tp in depth?
Show some interest and we'll start with him
Or pick any of the other 50 that purposely and intentionally steal your investment for their gain
redflix 20/20
I'm thinking if you invest in stocks
You might want to see the games people play
For only two reasons
One, you might thing twice about investing based on reading posts on a message board
Two, you might want to level the playing field with me...
It's within my realm to do a shareholder class action against RetroSpect, Kallierayne, underdog150, yeag1717, trader59, jobynimble, yerboss, TenKay, Homebrew, Alpert and tp
Heck, there are probably 50 wanbulance chasers that would jump on 'da club'
That is just 20% of them
To be fair, all the most self proclaimed honest posters
Well, maybe only one says that, but in the US, all innocent until sentenced
Let's assume for now, they were kidding about that
You know, that is the most common excuse in courts in the US
"Your honor, about what I am being accused here today
About this, that and the other thing
I can tell you absolutely I had nothing to do with this or that thing!"
That is just the johnny come lately's
I have a very good memory of everything
Kind of like a photograph
Kind if like a snapshot
I am well within my legal rights to do so
I I dropped the picture of me saying that so don't know if I already said it 3-4 times
While others play outside the bounds of what is legal
I will be within and within, we will win
You think the way you life live is okay
You think posing will save your day
You think we don't see what that you're running
Let 'her' call your boys 'cause I'm coming
Shareholder class action
That works both ways
I love the this one that rally shareholders to sue those non-shareholders
If only I could pick from 100 legal firms that want to go after that...
The defendants might want to chose a lawyer that does figure out that thing, this is about...
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