(Total Views: 822)
Posted On: 04/07/2020 2:24:28 AM
Post# of 32788

Long Post for Investors (redflix S6E16)
Going to get rough...
Going to get rougher...
Might say
This isn't a tale of two cities
Never what I chose to do...
I didn't take a years to write
I didn't get my back into my spelling
I don't need to fight
To prove I'm right
In the US, there are courts for that
Let it rip, chip..
Buckle up
I guess this IS the season we are going there
Super Long Post for Investors
Half you say, don't go there
Half you say, rip them a new one
We each do, what we do...
We each do, what we do best...
I 'think' I can see every investor here
I 'think' I can see every shorter here
I 'think' I can see every flipper here
I 'think' I can see everyone else that can't fit into those 3 categories
Here's a fact
50% of those that I called out their game
I think think 50% of the 50% might as well
Then I just work with the SEC on the 25%
I have limited resources so I will prioritize
Maybe based on the board last week
Today, tomorrow
It's on you...
Gave you fair warning
It's on you...
No rosebud, bud
Won't get fooled again...
Some read here...
Some put their head in the sand
Some have the courage to say something about their investment
I know 100 investors here do as well...
Others are in it, for themselves
Doesn't make them bad people I guess
Well, kind of bad
Sorta bad
Courts will decide...
We are at war and no one takes any pleasure in war
You do what you want to do
You bring it on...
Me in turn, will expose 10x more
Maybe 100x more
Don't go there!
We go there, fearless
Fake investors...
Time to get off the stage
You don't want to hear what is coming your trading ways
I have so much on the right to bring you to justice
You know, portals, Bill gates crap
You think I would forget
You think I will forget
Forget is something I don't do...
What is worse, someone that plays both sides?
Level the playing field is something I can do
Heck, is something that is child's play to me
So sit back and watch...
Even the pumpers that 'jump' in get more thumbs than them
Maybe they could raise their hands that are in it for themselves?
Would level the playing field quicker
All those that are a trader here...
Please raise your hand?
All those that are a trader there...
Please raise your hand?
Get your hands up...
Who here post on both boards?
Get your hands up...
Before I raise up...
Explain up?
If not, I will help you
Get them up
Funny thing is...
You have no clue we know
You probably will never figure it out
Rory used to post here
Maybe he doesn't now because of you?
Hit it Steve...
People try to put us p-p-p-us-d-d-d-down
talkin' 'bout my generation
Just because we g-g-get around
talkin' 'bout my generation
Things they do look awful c-c-cold
talkin' 'bout my generation
I hope I die before I get old
The virus you young'n ignore on the beaches, golf courses, etc...
might help you do that
Yup, two weeks later, we are seeing the 'social unconscious' ramification
I know for sure
Not my generation
My kids generation, but not, my kids
Your kids...
I'm not trying to 'cause a b-big s-s-sensation
But it's on you
It's on some of you
You own it
Not me
Not my generation
Crazy times!
Love Rory's last video
This is the Rory I know
It's never about just a company
It's about doing some good in the world
It's about making a dam difference in life
Yup, my post were never about just the company
I believe in my heart of hearts I can take the whole OTC shit house down
Lofty goals, but I have support of 12 strong here
Pretty consistently 10% of readers here will thumbs up a post
Either means there are 90% of BWers trying to get DD
Or 90% of investors here are to lazy to follow up on their investment
Or 90% of investors can't clap
Imagine going to football match or basket ball game where 90% of fans were stone cold.
I go to concerts and there is always that guy that can't clap
WTF, I just don't get it
If there are only 10% investors here that speak up
Let's go for 20%
I know you are there
I know you spoke up for my charity
What 'we' can do is unstoppable
Maybe it's contagious
I have hope
I think someone else will come along better than me that will make this contagious
For the moment, you are stuck with me
Started with 2
Then was 4
Then 8
Then 16
Then 32
Then 64
Now hundreds something or other
I've seen in my life what one person can do that isn't afraid to speak up
How they can change the world
Who for Tuesday?
This is my generation!
Out here in the fields
I fight for my meals
I get my back into my living
I don't need to fight
To prove I'm right
I've been beyond blessed my whole life
I hope a lot of you are
I think, if you are here
Chances are...
You've been far more blessed than most in life
SO, I never understand the complaining
I remember my Grandma
She had every right in the world to complain
express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something
Man, she had every right in the world to complain
state that one is suffering from (a pain or other symptom of illness)
I known her for many years into her 90's
Never once
Never once
I get it, she didn't have internet access
I forget
If that even was around
Just because iHang, iLie, Twitter, Facebook, Insta whatever exist
Doesn't mean you should dump load your emotional baggage publicly
Just because you think it
Doesn't mean you should post it
Hey now, Hey now
Maybe put it back in your head and suck it back up?
I was lucky to make it this far in life
The odds tested me
I tested the odds
This was the post I originally written for this song weeks ago...
I was lucky in life
The more I spoke up, but in a constructive way
The more it accelerated my career
How did I figure that out?
I watched Seinfeld
I was the show you do the opposite
I get it
People are fearless when they are anonymous
Come meet me at every VERB event
Why you run and hide from me...
Is telling
But I already know everything about you...
Would love to talk about portals, escape hatches, Bill Gates and whatever crazy sh-t you've dreamed up
I'm onto your con game
I remember the drink pump bullshit you were pumping
Yeah, you...
Yeah, maybe in this world people are not held accountable for their actions
I'll be there to ask you face to face within 6 feet
WTF are you thinking
I get what you posted as you did 50 times each
Let it go Red...
Let it go Red...
Nope, not me
Not ever
VERB is set free
But for me, it was more than one stock
I'm going to end it
Take every BS poster down
If I am the only long that knows your 'secret'
Trust me as the most honest long here
You've been 'outed'
Yip, everyone is afraid to speak up
Some one said to me a long time ago
You are very good at pinpointing the problem
How about when you do, come with a solution
Yeah, that one hurt for a second, but they were right
I learned from that feedback
Never point out of problem until you have 100% solution
I can tell you iLie didn't learn their lesson
"Matthew Brown, operator of the penny stock website Investors Hub, has been sentenced to four years in jail for securities fraud and money laundering"
If that was a NASDAQ company or even a OTC, the wolves would have tore it to shreds
It this day and age
Why is this acceptable?
Man I have a story to tell
A few here, gave me the forum to educate other investor
Maybe David Chasing Stars would like to make 10x more income then he does letting penny pumpers promote their shit here and bottom callers
So stupid not to see the opportunity to be a pro company board
I know it's rough
Really rough
The dice are loaded
There are no/few boards like this
There are no/few mods like this
Keep in mind, most mods are like the ones on iLie trading
If you don't think so
Why do they post
They are the SEC target now
We will go after there trades and compare them to post like we are doing with dear old Feddie
New day, new age
He reminds me of a gov...
“I don’t know what to say, really.
Three minutes (three weeks) to the biggest battle of our lives. All comes down to today, and either, we heal as a team, or we’re gonna crumble. Inch by inch, play by play. Until we’re finished. We’re in hell right now, gentlemen. Believe me. And, we can stay here, get the shit kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back into the light. We can climb outta hell… one inch at a time.
Now I can’t do it for you, I’m too old. I look around, I see these young faces and I think, I mean, I’ve made every wrong choice a middle-aged man can make. I, uh, I’ve pissed away all my money, believe it or not. I chased off anyone who’s ever loved me. And lately, I can’t even stand the face I see in the mirror.
You know, when you get old, in life, things get taken from you. I mean, that’s… that’s… that’s a part of life. But, you only learn that when you start losin’ stuff. You find out life’s this game of inches, so is football. Because in either game – life or football – the margin for error is so small. I mean, one half a step too late or too early and you don’t quite make it. One half second too slow, too fast and you don’t quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us. They’re in every break of the game, every minute, every second.
On this team we fight for that inch. On this team we tear ourselves and everyone else around us to pieces for that inch. We claw with our fingernails for that inch. Because we know when we add up all those inches that’s gonna make the f****** difference between WINNING and LOSING, between LIVING and DYING!
I’ll tell you this, in any fight it’s the guy whose willing to die whose gonna win that inch. And I know, if I’m gonna have any life anymore it’s because I’m still willing to fight and die for that inch, because that’s what living is, the six inches in front of your face. Now I can’t make you do it. You’ve got to look at the guy next to you, look into his eyes. Now I think you going to see a guy who will go that inch with you. Your gonna see a guy who will sacrifice himself for this team, because he knows when it comes down to it your gonna do the same for him. That’s a team, gentlemen, and either, we heal, now, as a team, or we will die as individuals. That’s real live guys, that’s all it is. Now, what are you gonna do?”
– Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday
– Redspeed on Any Given Monday
If I am going to have any life anymore
It is because, I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch
Because that is what LIVING is
The six inches in front of your face
Make that the...
The six feet in front of your face
Social distancing, you know...
I wish people practiced social distancing years ago
You know, the ones with the board virus
Another board is like Spring Breakers on a beach that sucks everyone in
Yeah, that doesn't go well
So let's look forward and not in the rearview mirror
What may happen is companies get over their fear of people working from home
And do that on a permanent basis even after the pandemic is over
What may happen is companies realize there as been a ton of unnecessary travel
And they can do well or even better with less after the pandemic is over
While some people can and have worked remotely full-time for years
Some are only allowed to work from home one day a week or on an as needed basis
For the vast majority of workers, leaders feel employees are more productive in the office
The perception hasn't quite caught up to reality
For many years now, companies are geographically dispersed
That's why products like zoom, teams, slack, etc have taken off
You don't have to IM the person sitting next to you do you?
But you do the person sitting in the other state or country.
Companies that didn't trust employees to be productive working from home, now have little choice
little choice...
Their worst fears that people are out playing golf or remodeling their kitchens, instead of working, may not come true
Companies may realize it's better to trust employees until proven otherwise
Instead of the other way around
Manage by setting clear goals and deliverable and evaluate employees objectively rather than subjectively
Just because someone comes to the office early and stays late
Doesn't mean they work harder
Could be that they do, but clocking time for non hourly employees doesn't translate to productivity and output
I worked for one of the largest brands that went through this 10 years ago and my team was the first to prove...
Beyound a shadow of a doubt
You could be productive, anywhere
It was a Win-Win situation
Funny thing about life
When you trust people, whether it's your co-workers, spouse, kids, etc.
When you lay that trust out there
Very few will break that...
What's the word that McKinley said?
You know...
Costco principle...
What you give...
You get back...
Anyone that hasn't figure out how to use google
Anyone that hasn't figure out urgently call IR
Don't be shy, call IR
Or, just sell out
Or, just move out
Don't need to hear your concerns
Got your order in
I hope their order isn't out of order
So many people rapped up in Donkies and Elphants
As good as I am with dd, I never paid attention to who's who
So red, what is your end game?
I do like Governor Cuomo
Reminds me of a younger me...
Well, gentlemen, when the shit hits the fan some guys run and some guys stay
Anyone that purposely and intentionally hurts my investent I am well within my legal rights to point them out
Point them out for the judges that we elected
You going there red?
Yeah, we are going there
No longer hiding in the shadows
Trust me, I checked the law and I can and will out you...
You that illegally hurt my investment
"In the U.S. revealing this would be legal. There are no laws covering de-anonymizing by private citizens of other private citizens."
jobynimble, yerboss, TenKay, Homebrew
We each do, what we do...
You want to drop out of your mod position and never post again on any board
Maybe some quarter
I'm thinking, you are in too deep
I'm thinking, this is just the tip of the iceberg of all the other stocks you pumped and raped
BTW, I got a check in the mail today from another class action
Love it when the little guy wins...
Going to get rough...
Going to get rougher...
Might say
This isn't a tale of two cities
Never what I chose to do...
I didn't take a years to write
I didn't get my back into my spelling
I don't need to fight
To prove I'm right
In the US, there are courts for that
Let it rip, chip..
Buckle up
I guess this IS the season we are going there
Super Long Post for Investors
Half you say, don't go there
Half you say, rip them a new one
We each do, what we do...
We each do, what we do best...
I 'think' I can see every investor here
I 'think' I can see every shorter here
I 'think' I can see every flipper here
I 'think' I can see everyone else that can't fit into those 3 categories
Here's a fact
50% of those that I called out their game
I think think 50% of the 50% might as well
Then I just work with the SEC on the 25%
I have limited resources so I will prioritize
Maybe based on the board last week
Today, tomorrow
It's on you...
Gave you fair warning
It's on you...
No rosebud, bud
Won't get fooled again...
Some read here...
Some put their head in the sand
Some have the courage to say something about their investment
I know 100 investors here do as well...
Others are in it, for themselves
Doesn't make them bad people I guess
Well, kind of bad
Sorta bad
Courts will decide...
We are at war and no one takes any pleasure in war
You do what you want to do
You bring it on...
Me in turn, will expose 10x more
Maybe 100x more
Don't go there!
We go there, fearless
Fake investors...
Time to get off the stage
You don't want to hear what is coming your trading ways
I have so much on the right to bring you to justice
You know, portals, Bill gates crap
You think I would forget
You think I will forget
Forget is something I don't do...
What is worse, someone that plays both sides?
Level the playing field is something I can do
Heck, is something that is child's play to me
So sit back and watch...
Even the pumpers that 'jump' in get more thumbs than them
Maybe they could raise their hands that are in it for themselves?
Would level the playing field quicker
All those that are a trader here...
Please raise your hand?
All those that are a trader there...
Please raise your hand?
Get your hands up...
Who here post on both boards?
Get your hands up...
Before I raise up...
Explain up?
If not, I will help you
Get them up
Funny thing is...
You have no clue we know
You probably will never figure it out
Rory used to post here
Maybe he doesn't now because of you?
Hit it Steve...
People try to put us p-p-p-us-d-d-d-down
talkin' 'bout my generation
Just because we g-g-get around
talkin' 'bout my generation
Things they do look awful c-c-cold
talkin' 'bout my generation
I hope I die before I get old
The virus you young'n ignore on the beaches, golf courses, etc...
might help you do that
Yup, two weeks later, we are seeing the 'social unconscious' ramification
I know for sure
Not my generation
My kids generation, but not, my kids
Your kids...
I'm not trying to 'cause a b-big s-s-sensation
But it's on you
It's on some of you
You own it
Not me
Not my generation
Crazy times!
Love Rory's last video
This is the Rory I know
It's never about just a company
It's about doing some good in the world
It's about making a dam difference in life
Yup, my post were never about just the company
I believe in my heart of hearts I can take the whole OTC shit house down
Lofty goals, but I have support of 12 strong here
Pretty consistently 10% of readers here will thumbs up a post
Either means there are 90% of BWers trying to get DD
Or 90% of investors here are to lazy to follow up on their investment
Or 90% of investors can't clap
Imagine going to football match or basket ball game where 90% of fans were stone cold.
I go to concerts and there is always that guy that can't clap
WTF, I just don't get it
If there are only 10% investors here that speak up
Let's go for 20%
I know you are there
I know you spoke up for my charity
What 'we' can do is unstoppable
Maybe it's contagious
I have hope
I think someone else will come along better than me that will make this contagious
For the moment, you are stuck with me
Started with 2
Then was 4
Then 8
Then 16
Then 32
Then 64
Now hundreds something or other
I've seen in my life what one person can do that isn't afraid to speak up
How they can change the world
Who for Tuesday?
This is my generation!
Out here in the fields
I fight for my meals
I get my back into my living
I don't need to fight
To prove I'm right
I've been beyond blessed my whole life
I hope a lot of you are
I think, if you are here
Chances are...
You've been far more blessed than most in life
SO, I never understand the complaining
I remember my Grandma

She had every right in the world to complain
express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something
Man, she had every right in the world to complain
state that one is suffering from (a pain or other symptom of illness)
I known her for many years into her 90's
Never once
Never once
I get it, she didn't have internet access
I forget
If that even was around
Just because iHang, iLie, Twitter, Facebook, Insta whatever exist
Doesn't mean you should dump load your emotional baggage publicly
Just because you think it
Doesn't mean you should post it
Hey now, Hey now
Maybe put it back in your head and suck it back up?
I was lucky to make it this far in life
The odds tested me
I tested the odds
This was the post I originally written for this song weeks ago...
I was lucky in life
The more I spoke up, but in a constructive way
The more it accelerated my career
How did I figure that out?
I watched Seinfeld
I was the show you do the opposite

I get it
People are fearless when they are anonymous
Come meet me at every VERB event
Why you run and hide from me...
Is telling
But I already know everything about you...
Would love to talk about portals, escape hatches, Bill Gates and whatever crazy sh-t you've dreamed up
I'm onto your con game
I remember the drink pump bullshit you were pumping
Yeah, you...
Yeah, maybe in this world people are not held accountable for their actions
I'll be there to ask you face to face within 6 feet
WTF are you thinking
I get what you posted as you did 50 times each
Let it go Red...
Let it go Red...
Nope, not me
Not ever
VERB is set free
But for me, it was more than one stock
I'm going to end it
Take every BS poster down
If I am the only long that knows your 'secret'
Trust me as the most honest long here
You've been 'outed'
Yip, everyone is afraid to speak up
Some one said to me a long time ago
You are very good at pinpointing the problem
How about when you do, come with a solution
Yeah, that one hurt for a second, but they were right
I learned from that feedback
Never point out of problem until you have 100% solution
I can tell you iLie didn't learn their lesson
"Matthew Brown, operator of the penny stock website Investors Hub, has been sentenced to four years in jail for securities fraud and money laundering"
If that was a NASDAQ company or even a OTC, the wolves would have tore it to shreds
It this day and age
Why is this acceptable?
Man I have a story to tell
A few here, gave me the forum to educate other investor
Maybe David Chasing Stars would like to make 10x more income then he does letting penny pumpers promote their shit here and bottom callers
So stupid not to see the opportunity to be a pro company board
I know it's rough
Really rough
The dice are loaded
There are no/few boards like this
There are no/few mods like this
Keep in mind, most mods are like the ones on iLie trading
If you don't think so
Why do they post
They are the SEC target now
We will go after there trades and compare them to post like we are doing with dear old Feddie
New day, new age
He reminds me of a gov...
“I don’t know what to say, really.
Three minutes (three weeks) to the biggest battle of our lives. All comes down to today, and either, we heal as a team, or we’re gonna crumble. Inch by inch, play by play. Until we’re finished. We’re in hell right now, gentlemen. Believe me. And, we can stay here, get the shit kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back into the light. We can climb outta hell… one inch at a time.
Now I can’t do it for you, I’m too old. I look around, I see these young faces and I think, I mean, I’ve made every wrong choice a middle-aged man can make. I, uh, I’ve pissed away all my money, believe it or not. I chased off anyone who’s ever loved me. And lately, I can’t even stand the face I see in the mirror.
You know, when you get old, in life, things get taken from you. I mean, that’s… that’s… that’s a part of life. But, you only learn that when you start losin’ stuff. You find out life’s this game of inches, so is football. Because in either game – life or football – the margin for error is so small. I mean, one half a step too late or too early and you don’t quite make it. One half second too slow, too fast and you don’t quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us. They’re in every break of the game, every minute, every second.
On this team we fight for that inch. On this team we tear ourselves and everyone else around us to pieces for that inch. We claw with our fingernails for that inch. Because we know when we add up all those inches that’s gonna make the f****** difference between WINNING and LOSING, between LIVING and DYING!
I’ll tell you this, in any fight it’s the guy whose willing to die whose gonna win that inch. And I know, if I’m gonna have any life anymore it’s because I’m still willing to fight and die for that inch, because that’s what living is, the six inches in front of your face. Now I can’t make you do it. You’ve got to look at the guy next to you, look into his eyes. Now I think you going to see a guy who will go that inch with you. Your gonna see a guy who will sacrifice himself for this team, because he knows when it comes down to it your gonna do the same for him. That’s a team, gentlemen, and either, we heal, now, as a team, or we will die as individuals. That’s real live guys, that’s all it is. Now, what are you gonna do?”
– Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday
– Redspeed on Any Given Monday
If I am going to have any life anymore
It is because, I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch
Because that is what LIVING is
The six inches in front of your face
Make that the...
The six feet in front of your face
Social distancing, you know...
I wish people practiced social distancing years ago
You know, the ones with the board virus
Another board is like Spring Breakers on a beach that sucks everyone in
Yeah, that doesn't go well
So let's look forward and not in the rearview mirror
What may happen is companies get over their fear of people working from home
And do that on a permanent basis even after the pandemic is over
What may happen is companies realize there as been a ton of unnecessary travel
And they can do well or even better with less after the pandemic is over
While some people can and have worked remotely full-time for years
Some are only allowed to work from home one day a week or on an as needed basis
For the vast majority of workers, leaders feel employees are more productive in the office
The perception hasn't quite caught up to reality
For many years now, companies are geographically dispersed
That's why products like zoom, teams, slack, etc have taken off
You don't have to IM the person sitting next to you do you?
But you do the person sitting in the other state or country.
Companies that didn't trust employees to be productive working from home, now have little choice
little choice...
Their worst fears that people are out playing golf or remodeling their kitchens, instead of working, may not come true
Companies may realize it's better to trust employees until proven otherwise
Instead of the other way around
Manage by setting clear goals and deliverable and evaluate employees objectively rather than subjectively
Just because someone comes to the office early and stays late
Doesn't mean they work harder
Could be that they do, but clocking time for non hourly employees doesn't translate to productivity and output
I worked for one of the largest brands that went through this 10 years ago and my team was the first to prove...
Beyound a shadow of a doubt
You could be productive, anywhere
It was a Win-Win situation
Funny thing about life
When you trust people, whether it's your co-workers, spouse, kids, etc.
When you lay that trust out there
Very few will break that...
What's the word that McKinley said?
You know...
Costco principle...
What you give...
You get back...
Anyone that hasn't figure out how to use google
Anyone that hasn't figure out urgently call IR
Don't be shy, call IR
Or, just sell out
Or, just move out
Don't need to hear your concerns
Got your order in
I hope their order isn't out of order
So many people rapped up in Donkies and Elphants
As good as I am with dd, I never paid attention to who's who
So red, what is your end game?
I do like Governor Cuomo
Reminds me of a younger me...
Well, gentlemen, when the shit hits the fan some guys run and some guys stay
Anyone that purposely and intentionally hurts my investent I am well within my legal rights to point them out
Point them out for the judges that we elected
You going there red?
Yeah, we are going there
No longer hiding in the shadows
Trust me, I checked the law and I can and will out you...
You that illegally hurt my investment
"In the U.S. revealing this would be legal. There are no laws covering de-anonymizing by private citizens of other private citizens."
jobynimble, yerboss, TenKay, Homebrew
We each do, what we do...
You want to drop out of your mod position and never post again on any board
Maybe some quarter
I'm thinking, you are in too deep
I'm thinking, this is just the tip of the iceberg of all the other stocks you pumped and raped
BTW, I got a check in the mail today from another class action
Love it when the little guy wins...

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