Just for fun, keeping track of the number of shorts still needing to cover within T+3 since Monday, considering the claim that those short sale transactions are all merely legged trades by MMs to fulfill orders and assuming the best case scenario for those covering (either 100% of the day priors' short sales were covered the next or else near all the rest of the total volume for the next day consisted of buy to covers and not many regular retail trades) and finally assuming that because of the T4T for DTC affiliated brokerages the short sale transactions could not be covered on the same day and needed at least T+1 for settlement (settled cash for settled shares and all, including needing settled shares bought to be used to cover, thereby excluding the possibility of shorting and then covering intraday, supposedly, but I guess these days in our grand capitalist society so long as we have enough money to pay off who we have to we can do what we like, right??). If any of these assumptions are untrue then it leads to even greater concerns about what is happening behind the curtain in the trading of the RFMK stock, AIMHO, of course.
Thursday - 45% - 20130207|RFMK|6633514|0|14839980|O
Hmmmm. Did not we figure that ~60M shorts were still left to cover? Ok, well I suppose technically we have until close of session Monday to get rid of those. Another 6.6M were shorted today, so even if the rest was covering the aggregate level of shorts remains. Though perhaps that is just it, its just like the FEDs money supply, money is created, used and then gets destroyed or otherwise is removed from circulation but all the while the aggregate supply continues to grow.
I guess we will see if enough net volume trades by end of Monday in order to cover all those short sale transactions, depending too on the level of shorts created on tomorrow and Monday. Weeeeeee shall seeeeeee...
Difficult to see the future is.