Go read the Amendment! Page 6 clearly says "The date of each amendment (s) adoption: January 14, 2012."
So the person who typed the amendment, probably the lawyer's secretary, who had been typing 2013 for over 2 weeks on a daily basis now typed 2012 TWICE? And Marc signed his name right below the January 14, 2012 date and failed to notice it was wrong? And the lawyer failed in his proof reading to see the January 14, 2012 in BIG TYPE twice?
GDSM O/S grew by over 185M shares during 2012 and I call that massive. And why raise it to 2BILLION shares and add another 100M Preferred shares? GDSM still holds 40M shares of those Series E preferred that can be converted into 600M common shares, 4m were already converted into 60M commons and dumped into the market. And didn't Marc claim NO DILUTION? What a pile of BS that guy puts out!