NUNCHI et all Patent Update List
NUNCHI Filings
Application No. Filing Date Gazette date
12/891,875 09-28-2010 11-13-12
13/047,163 03-14-2011 11-20-12
13/047,206 03-14-2011 11-6-12
13/047,290 03-14-2011 11-13-12
13/047,306 03-14-2011 11-13-12
13/047,420 03-14-2011 11-20-12
13/646,158 10-5-2012 Pending
13/681,054 11-19-2012 Pending
13/759,353 ? Pending
Note: it is believed by company statements 1 or more pending. Officially, these 3 are confirmed.
Encryption Filing(Security)
11/522,000 RCE 10-7-10 Pending
Telecom Filing
? ? Pending
To be official soon...