FRTD - Fortitude Group Inc., and Erie PA, medical device company recently held a shareholder conference call.
January 31, 2013 Share Holder Conference Call- Fortitude Group Inc., Erie PA- Life Science Division
Fortitude Group Inc. CEO:
Thomas Parilla
Fortitude Group Inc. President & Life Science Division CEO:
Christopher Cuzzola
Chief Medical Technology Officer:
Anthony Colantonio MD
The conference call held on the date outlined above may be best described as encompassing a three phase discussion.
Phase I, entailed the discussion of the product(s) and the vision proposition that lead to their development.
Phase II, was a discussion on the market place and the mechanism designed to facilitate the successful delivery of the product(s) into the market place.
Phase III was comprised of expected revenues, licensing agreements and possible future products.
In conclusion CEO Thomas Parilla provided updates on the company’s progress related to previously discussed matters.
The full recap of this event may be viewed :http://sterlingcapitol.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/CC-recap.pdf