And who would buy ore before it even loaded on a ship (orders 3 and 5) or before its even trucked (apparently order 4).
Only a major steelmaker like BaoSteel-2nd largest in the world,who has forged a relationship w CWRN.
I've always been puzzled by the downplay of Bao-any other penny co anywhere near this pps the boards would be shouting that relationship from the rooftops. Maybe many still dont understand the existence/nature of NDA's,but Bao allowed a crack in the door of its relationship beginning w the Apr 13 PR.
Max, thanks for your excellent dd compilations.
Thanks to all who have been holding the line-keep emphasizing operations and that the present situation does not affect operations at all-and dont put money into their pockets (and thus re-emphasize their lies) by directly replying unless absolutely necessary.
Even those who are not paid by post just ignore all logic/truth and twist it right back at ya-thats because they arent capable of building/creating anything-only destroying.
Remember CWRN is 1 of only 2 co's in which SEC does not ask ANY officer or director to stand down-there is no interference w operations.
Also unconstitutional unequal application of the law, because the untouchable big boys do things far far worse than the alleged single action which never came to fruition which affect far far more people-and they often do it everyday as SOP.
Also unequal application because present raid by people some say are connected w SEC in some way has an obvious intent to defraud longs as part of a reputed attempt to cover for their employer -somebody w a reported apparent huge illegal naked short position.
In fall of 2010 finra reported daily short volume was in range of ca 70-90% for ca months. Those figures dont include non tape transactions as per finras site itself nor non-reported transactions nor the dozen ways mm's reportedly have to hide true vol of shorts.
otc's conflict of interest ,dtc's conflict in conjunction w brokers who reportedly own dtc,brokers operations which are adversarial to our interests and same w mm's-big co's/ hedge funds/super computer gaming etc-unethical behaviour and/or conflicts and/or fraud abounds everywhere throughout the system in toto.
I was never interested in the market and was amazed when I got into this that shorters were openly controlling/manipulating the market -a madhouse-when did destruction become acceptable?-trying to bomb us back to the stone age. Why is shorting even allowed after all the economic disasters it has contributed to-congressional investigations showed connection between shorting and the financial crisis-e.g Lehman fell ca 62% in 1 day I think.
So when it 1st became apparent that CWRN might be the rare jewel that actually succeeds some of the same people on the board (shorters and or those who reportedly work for those w a large illegal naked short position) shouted promo to otc in Jan 2011 because they were being killed by the rapid pps rise-and so otc slaps the class without proof of any promo-(I personally spoke w them on the phone re the matter as I've reported before) and has nothing to do w the alleged promo of the complaint and otc said no evidence of fraud. Thus "thinks" very 1st posts were at time of the ce and he was shouting sec revocation and suspension then -part of the shorters handbook-and then eventually apparently turned his mod position over to "lucky",reportedly connected w the group executing the current raid.
And as Max and others say, its again an unconstitutional unequal application of the law because demoters are not held to account for their obvious frauds-so only promoters/the little more defenseless guys are targeted,including by those who are trying to make a name for themselves and perhaps fill a quota in an election year.