(Total Views: 882)
Posted On: 01/04/2020 9:38:16 PM
Post# of 32697
Long Post for Investors (redflix S5E07)
This post you have to figure out the "bad cop"
Some think my investment and yours is a game
Said I would expose all
Myself included so some of these are mine
You figure out who's who
I never waiver in one thing I say
Post links in most of my post for people to form their own opinion
Not everyone who makes bold claims does, but hold that thought for a minute please...
I don't flip and change my thoughts in the same trading day
I actually have a day job like many here
If I have to develop a website, I can't take 9 years or I'd be fired
Oh snap
I don't try to sprinkle in a little bit of positively at the end of bash posts
Oh snap
Love this movie BTW
I probably "duplicated" my mention of that previously
It was easy to do
I took me less than 1000 tags and less than 40 hours to post that
Well actually two tags and 3 seconds
I like it, but never understood it
When someone says they are the most "honest" poster
I am always thinking
"Spare me that rigorous bul_sh_t"
But da
We all have to pay for our sins?
Who is "we" and when is the "when"?
Never said the when
I see some BWers like to post history from years go
I loved shows like LOST that did flashbacks
Here you go...
Sunday, April 1, 2018 12:56:50 PM
"thanks for being kind to me. I have felt somewhat like a pariah lately on the board. I went back and reviewed my posts and they were almost all very positive, and any time I mention something negative I try to always mention the positive side/alternative. But I pushed back some when I was pushed and that almost never leads to anything positive..a number of people have put me on ignore now and it appeared there has been some PMg going around about me...my philosophy is simply to always be honest and let the chips fall where they may. If it hurts some it may help others - it's up to each person to determine what makes the most sense to them.
Anyway, thanks again."
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 4:05:47 PM
"I've decided to reach out to you to get your thoughts about the technology. Another poster may or may not have shared with you that I very easily duplicated the interactive technology as well as walkouts - even on iphone and ipad, with scrolling and with interactivity. I did it less than 1000 lines of code and less than 40 hours. It allows for multiple buttons appearing and working independently of others, as well as ITV-style clicking at any time on something.
I have no delusions of grandeur here. It was pretty easy to do and I'm no genius. I have moderate experience at best with javascript, which appears to be the main code for the interactivity and getting transparency to work on walkouts. But it 'concerns' me since it is hard to square this with the 10 million lines of code, nobody else has gotten it to work on IOS, etc.. message.
I did not get it to work on all devices - so maybe that is nearly ALL of the difference. I didn't want to spend any more time to try. Or maybe they have allowed for things I haven't - such as resizing the images. Or maybe the background gui used for CRM. That doesn't 'sound' that hard to me but maybe it is. Or maybe the code getting it to work on the cloud is much different than a website. I've read that it is different but not overly so..I don't really know.
I plan to ask Rory these questions and send him the links to see that I'm not just making this up. I sent them to another well-known poster but nobody else. I've shared that with only 2 other posters. Obviously this could shock and bother some people so I'm keeping it quiet.
I'm wondering what thoughts you might have and/or want to share about this, or suggestions for how to broach the subject with Rory?"
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 5:30:55 PM
"I have 35 years of managing large development teams (100+) people with web development being the last 20. Seen and estimated almost everything. Not a bid deal, but at least you know my background so take it for what its worth which isn't much. Lot of projects in the $1M-$20M range.
As as an example the company I worked for had 20 portals around the world and they asked me to standardize them. Each market spent upwards of $1m each to develop their own. I took the most popular one and built it using Google sites in about an hour. Looked exactly liked it and worked.
But to add in all the features you don't see and making scalable to 2M users and work on any browser and any device time and perform well, with all the workflow, permissions, layer of authoring, etc. Takes a lot of work. Microsoft gave a proposal for $5M to the company to build the portal I did in Google in an hour. Microsoft's estimate was in the ballpark.
Oracle has 40,000 developers. Rory said if it was easy, they would have done it themselves. As you know, the tech is only 1/2 the story. There are other companies that have done some of this, but they've never made it too far because of their technology choices, business plan and the ability to scale.
I mentioned on one or both of the board I talked to Kurt their tech guy for 30 minutes. I was impressed with what they've done on the tech side.
I don't think there is anything Rory is going to say beyond what he already did. What could he say? We have a special secret sauce that no one can duplicate it?
The only thing he can say if it's that simple then why isn't everyone else doing it.
I also add that at my old company Legal came to me and wanted me to build a snapchat app for mobile to use internally. I said you know snapchat spent 100's of millions doing it and you have a budget of $3K. They said so. There was no explaining it. You do have to ask yourself why did snapchat spend so much money on something that looks so easy to develop.
Facebook just announced a dating app. Why didn't they do it before. The certainly have the tech people?
Dog walking app same thing. I could think of 100's of things that look simple but they are not. All of course are just my opinion."
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 10:10:34 PM
"Thanks redspeed for your thoughtful reply. Given your background and experience I value what you have said. I just don't know what I don't know. While I didn't use the source code NFUSZ has - it is avail for the html and js - it appears that the js isn't many lines at all. They have different sections to do certain things like downloading a file and those sections are really small. So where is all the code since js it seems to me would be what makes it all unique.
In my searching for how to get a transparent video to work on IOS I found very little on the subject - it appears to just not have been something many people even thought to do before. It may be that Rory simply thought of ways to apply the technology that isn't being done by others.
What I would like to know is where the lines of code are being used? It doesn't appear to be in the js, yet that appears to be the main thing that makes the interactivity work. So, maybe he will give me some feedback that helps explain.
I tested using a remote service for different devices, browsers, etc..and both the interactivity and the walkouts look nearly identical to what everyone is wowed about...this is one reason it never has impressed me as much as others - it didn't look hard to do.
It's hard for me to believe I couldn't get it to work on all of them in fairly short order but that may be unrealistic. I appreciate that you can relate given your own experiences with the Google sites, etc..
Anyway, I probably will run it by Rory and see if he says any more than what we might think he will."
Thanks again,
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 10:25:42 PM
"What I had learned over the years is tech guys under estimate. You would think they would over estimate because who likes deadlines and why not sandbag it.
Even in my personal live I do my own remodeling down to nothing so I'll frame, do electric, gas, pluming, carpentry electric. I tell my wife it will take 3 week to redo he kitchen and it takes 3 months.
Why? Because there are all these unknowns. Oh, I didn't know that pipe was there. Oh the brand new stove doesn't work. The list goes on and on.
You being in the tech field on code, patterns, etc. Nothing is as simple as it seems.
I've managed and met a ton of developers that could write great programs but didn't know a thing about memory management, isolation or scaling a app although they said they did until you stress tested their code with 100 concurrent users. That is were the real art comes into play is writing apps that have no limits on scale.
All the HTML5 and Chroma stuff is on the internet. Getting it to work without a massive support team isn't easy. If there was any doubt, ask MS why they need the billions of support people they have for windows, office and everything else.
Sorry for all my typos and such. I type fast (poorly) and can't see that great
Try Rory after the Marketo and the Investor updates in NY and PA. He'll have more time and not as sleep deprived."
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 10:43:59 PM
"Oh tell me about it! I've been working for 9 years on a website that I thought would be done in 1 year. Turns out I didn't know a whole lot of things that matter..
Yeah I didn't want to both Rory this or last week, so I'll wait till his travelling ends.
Great point on scale. I know very little about it. I've tried to write things to be efficient but I may be in for a rude awakening if my website ever gets popular!
Thanks again,"
Keep in mind whatever his name is never did share with me the crap he created.
Thursday, 05/10/18 12:58:04 PM
"I have duplicated the interactive technology. In less that 1000 lines I have created interactive videos, Interactive TV, and walkout videos with interactivity as well as scrolling on IOS devices.
It was fairly easy to do. It works on nearly all new devices and most older ones too.
It looks just like the NFUSZ videos.
It's a concern."
And so the panic he said he wouldn't start, he started
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:18:54 PM
"Just sold all my shares based on Ted's post. Ted, thanks so much for letting me know this is a 2000 line code scam that anyone can do. I sold based on your post, so thanks again"
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:14:18 PM
"Are you joking? Big deal if you are telling us the truth!"
Anonymous poster was asked time and time again to post evidence
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:14:40 PM
"Please present your findings to include all functionality i.e. to scale, A.I., analytics..... then I will say you have the groundwork to 'create' the concern you unabashedly declare for all investors to behold. Then you may begin to present your interactive solution to corporations, private investors, to obtain funding as a new Nfusz competitor. Then you won't be alone. There's over 50 CRM companies and other companies with interactive video solutions to some degree.... even several YouTube programmers. Amazing, congratulations, maybe you should present your 'interactive solution' to Oracle and Marketo's engineering staff and executives."
05/10/18 01:18:49 PM
"What you want evidence from the person that always ask for evidence?
That's just crazy!"
That was my reply to the previous one BTW
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:23:10 PM
"Ted just lost all his credibility. Wow."
Keep in mind some of these posts are even from people that have negative views of VERB and feel whatever is real name is, cross a BIG line
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:23:52 PM
"TED..you have convinced me..Very Poweful post!!"
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:25:25 PM
zoomboom said
"Post one."
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:25:38 PM
futurehub said
"TED: Show us the proof with the code."
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:26:36 PM
"Post a video with your code in use to show the difference between FUSZ and yours"
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:34:03 PM
"Post a video and we’ll decide. Thanks."
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:37:21 PM
"TED...I am a seller. You have found a short cut to 4 years of development and 10 Million lines of code. Thanks for the heads up. I am out!"
Many true investors were asking for "evidence"
But none could be had
Damage was done
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:41:05 PM
"I simply posted facts and the truth. People can interpret them however they wish to.
Know what you own."
Know what you own whatever you anonymous name is? Pretty bold statement for someone that pulled a "stunt", eh?
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:46:06 PM
"If I posted the links it could cause a panic. I told you guys what I did - what it is and what it isn't. I have been waiting until Rory was not so busy to bring it up to him, which I still havn't.
I doubt it is anything posters need to be too concerned about but some may be surprised and it raises some questions for me which I hope to get good answers to.
Will report back when I get the answers.
I could easily post the links - one poster here has seen them in action - but in the very unlikely case that I actually have done something creative that only NFUSZ has done I will not be posting the code at this time. I may take a video of them in action and post that sometime."
Uh, what?
If you posted links it could cause a whattt?
The fact that you said you did something that the company did and it was so easy did cause a panic.
Had you posted this code that looks like a 4 year old did it, the market would have laughed it off
You said you sat on it a month and posted your stunt a week after you said to me you would talk to Rory about it
In my view, one trader single-handedly sent the sp into a dive
Want "evidence", go back and look at the time and trades of that day to the time of the post
Shareholders were running for the lives after the "stunt"
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:07:35 PM
This was from CG03 which was spot on and what he/she said they would do, but pulled the "planned" stunt anyway
"A professional way to do this is going directly with your concerns to Rory. Why posting your achivement here when you know is not comparable to what nfusz currently have?
Your post here does not provide any solution to your concerns unless you want to cause negativity. That itself says a lot about your intentions."
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:12:16 PM
"ok, I'll post one of them after market close, and lose all rights to any creative advantage I might have ..."
After market closed. People are posting they are selling their shared based solely on your claim !
05/10/18 02:18:54 PM
"Just sold all my shares based on Ted's post. Ted, thanks so much for letting me know this is a 2000 line code scam that anyone can do. I sold based on your post, so thanks again"
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:20:22 PM
"If I get 10 'yesses' and zero 'nos', I'll post."
Now he/she plays the voting game when a lot of posters already said post it
It didn't go well...
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:22:31 PM
"With all do respect please post or SHUT UP about it....thanks!"
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:22:51 PM
I forget when he finally fessed up with a link of a big old pile of crap:
His story keeps changing from, I dared him to do it to I threatened him he couldn't to it in less than 1000 lines
The real story is he posted he as a personal vendetta and now I feel my family is threatened because I exposed the "stunt", so am posting everything publicly.
People can threaten me 100 times over, but I will expose all
Saturday, 01/04/20 02:07:46 PM
"ssshhhhh -- or people may figure out that I'm the bad cop"
I know about great cops
I know about bad cops
Bad cops have guns and I fear bad cops with guns with a personal vendetta
"My philosophy is to just be honest and balanced, and let the market decide if it agrees or not."
A bad cop with a personal vendetta?
You see, any anonymous A-Hole can say whatever they want on a messageboard
They can lie, they can pull stunts, they can trick the market, they can pretend to be saving new investors one day and the next, "change their minds"
Saturday, 01/04/20 04:14:41 PM
"I see patterns
The links expired but now it suddenly didn't?
Says looks just like nFusz videos, but now the 'look' of the interactivity isn't important?
Was going to talk to Rory about it, but didn't?
Said 'Obviously this could shock and bother some people so I'm keeping it quiet', but didn't?
I have "concerns" when there are claims that it is easy to duplicate VERB's technology but there is no "proof"
But wait, there is more
Here's the kicker
The claim one produced interactive technology in less than 1000 lines of code and less than 40 hours that looks like nFusz is totally false
Not just because it looked like crap, but it was not done with less than 1000 lines of code
I raised this point before
Many web pages have 1000+ lines so to claim an app does, is insane in my opinion"
That was my post today
His/her response gets deleted but now says the look or the number of lines don't matter.
Uh? It did to all those investors that day that sold based on what you said.
I took a paper loss of $100K, but some how he/she thinks that was beneficial to me?
I am an one investor that isn't going to let people pull "stunts" to take my money no matter how much they personally threaten me
So where are you?
It's been a little while
This post you have to figure out the "bad cop"
Some think my investment and yours is a game
Said I would expose all
Myself included so some of these are mine
You figure out who's who
I never waiver in one thing I say
Post links in most of my post for people to form their own opinion
Not everyone who makes bold claims does, but hold that thought for a minute please...
I don't flip and change my thoughts in the same trading day
I actually have a day job like many here
If I have to develop a website, I can't take 9 years or I'd be fired
Oh snap
I don't try to sprinkle in a little bit of positively at the end of bash posts
Oh snap
Love this movie BTW
I probably "duplicated" my mention of that previously
It was easy to do
I took me less than 1000 tags and less than 40 hours to post that
Well actually two tags and 3 seconds
I like it, but never understood it
When someone says they are the most "honest" poster
I am always thinking
"Spare me that rigorous bul_sh_t"
But da
We all have to pay for our sins?
Who is "we" and when is the "when"?
Never said the when
I see some BWers like to post history from years go
I loved shows like LOST that did flashbacks
Here you go...
Sunday, April 1, 2018 12:56:50 PM
"thanks for being kind to me. I have felt somewhat like a pariah lately on the board. I went back and reviewed my posts and they were almost all very positive, and any time I mention something negative I try to always mention the positive side/alternative. But I pushed back some when I was pushed and that almost never leads to anything positive..a number of people have put me on ignore now and it appeared there has been some PMg going around about me...my philosophy is simply to always be honest and let the chips fall where they may. If it hurts some it may help others - it's up to each person to determine what makes the most sense to them.
Anyway, thanks again."
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 4:05:47 PM
"I've decided to reach out to you to get your thoughts about the technology. Another poster may or may not have shared with you that I very easily duplicated the interactive technology as well as walkouts - even on iphone and ipad, with scrolling and with interactivity. I did it less than 1000 lines of code and less than 40 hours. It allows for multiple buttons appearing and working independently of others, as well as ITV-style clicking at any time on something.
I have no delusions of grandeur here. It was pretty easy to do and I'm no genius. I have moderate experience at best with javascript, which appears to be the main code for the interactivity and getting transparency to work on walkouts. But it 'concerns' me since it is hard to square this with the 10 million lines of code, nobody else has gotten it to work on IOS, etc.. message.
I did not get it to work on all devices - so maybe that is nearly ALL of the difference. I didn't want to spend any more time to try. Or maybe they have allowed for things I haven't - such as resizing the images. Or maybe the background gui used for CRM. That doesn't 'sound' that hard to me but maybe it is. Or maybe the code getting it to work on the cloud is much different than a website. I've read that it is different but not overly so..I don't really know.
I plan to ask Rory these questions and send him the links to see that I'm not just making this up. I sent them to another well-known poster but nobody else. I've shared that with only 2 other posters. Obviously this could shock and bother some people so I'm keeping it quiet.
I'm wondering what thoughts you might have and/or want to share about this, or suggestions for how to broach the subject with Rory?"
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 5:30:55 PM
"I have 35 years of managing large development teams (100+) people with web development being the last 20. Seen and estimated almost everything. Not a bid deal, but at least you know my background so take it for what its worth which isn't much. Lot of projects in the $1M-$20M range.
As as an example the company I worked for had 20 portals around the world and they asked me to standardize them. Each market spent upwards of $1m each to develop their own. I took the most popular one and built it using Google sites in about an hour. Looked exactly liked it and worked.
But to add in all the features you don't see and making scalable to 2M users and work on any browser and any device time and perform well, with all the workflow, permissions, layer of authoring, etc. Takes a lot of work. Microsoft gave a proposal for $5M to the company to build the portal I did in Google in an hour. Microsoft's estimate was in the ballpark.
Oracle has 40,000 developers. Rory said if it was easy, they would have done it themselves. As you know, the tech is only 1/2 the story. There are other companies that have done some of this, but they've never made it too far because of their technology choices, business plan and the ability to scale.
I mentioned on one or both of the board I talked to Kurt their tech guy for 30 minutes. I was impressed with what they've done on the tech side.
I don't think there is anything Rory is going to say beyond what he already did. What could he say? We have a special secret sauce that no one can duplicate it?
The only thing he can say if it's that simple then why isn't everyone else doing it.
I also add that at my old company Legal came to me and wanted me to build a snapchat app for mobile to use internally. I said you know snapchat spent 100's of millions doing it and you have a budget of $3K. They said so. There was no explaining it. You do have to ask yourself why did snapchat spend so much money on something that looks so easy to develop.
Facebook just announced a dating app. Why didn't they do it before. The certainly have the tech people?
Dog walking app same thing. I could think of 100's of things that look simple but they are not. All of course are just my opinion."
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 10:10:34 PM
"Thanks redspeed for your thoughtful reply. Given your background and experience I value what you have said. I just don't know what I don't know. While I didn't use the source code NFUSZ has - it is avail for the html and js - it appears that the js isn't many lines at all. They have different sections to do certain things like downloading a file and those sections are really small. So where is all the code since js it seems to me would be what makes it all unique.
In my searching for how to get a transparent video to work on IOS I found very little on the subject - it appears to just not have been something many people even thought to do before. It may be that Rory simply thought of ways to apply the technology that isn't being done by others.
What I would like to know is where the lines of code are being used? It doesn't appear to be in the js, yet that appears to be the main thing that makes the interactivity work. So, maybe he will give me some feedback that helps explain.
I tested using a remote service for different devices, browsers, etc..and both the interactivity and the walkouts look nearly identical to what everyone is wowed about...this is one reason it never has impressed me as much as others - it didn't look hard to do.
It's hard for me to believe I couldn't get it to work on all of them in fairly short order but that may be unrealistic. I appreciate that you can relate given your own experiences with the Google sites, etc..
Anyway, I probably will run it by Rory and see if he says any more than what we might think he will."
Thanks again,
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 10:25:42 PM
"What I had learned over the years is tech guys under estimate. You would think they would over estimate because who likes deadlines and why not sandbag it.
Even in my personal live I do my own remodeling down to nothing so I'll frame, do electric, gas, pluming, carpentry electric. I tell my wife it will take 3 week to redo he kitchen and it takes 3 months.
Why? Because there are all these unknowns. Oh, I didn't know that pipe was there. Oh the brand new stove doesn't work. The list goes on and on.
You being in the tech field on code, patterns, etc. Nothing is as simple as it seems.
I've managed and met a ton of developers that could write great programs but didn't know a thing about memory management, isolation or scaling a app although they said they did until you stress tested their code with 100 concurrent users. That is were the real art comes into play is writing apps that have no limits on scale.
All the HTML5 and Chroma stuff is on the internet. Getting it to work without a massive support team isn't easy. If there was any doubt, ask MS why they need the billions of support people they have for windows, office and everything else.
Sorry for all my typos and such. I type fast (poorly) and can't see that great
Try Rory after the Marketo and the Investor updates in NY and PA. He'll have more time and not as sleep deprived."
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 10:43:59 PM
"Oh tell me about it! I've been working for 9 years on a website that I thought would be done in 1 year. Turns out I didn't know a whole lot of things that matter..
Yeah I didn't want to both Rory this or last week, so I'll wait till his travelling ends.
Great point on scale. I know very little about it. I've tried to write things to be efficient but I may be in for a rude awakening if my website ever gets popular!
Thanks again,"
Keep in mind whatever his name is never did share with me the crap he created.
Thursday, 05/10/18 12:58:04 PM
"I have duplicated the interactive technology. In less that 1000 lines I have created interactive videos, Interactive TV, and walkout videos with interactivity as well as scrolling on IOS devices.
It was fairly easy to do. It works on nearly all new devices and most older ones too.
It looks just like the NFUSZ videos.
It's a concern."
And so the panic he said he wouldn't start, he started
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:18:54 PM
"Just sold all my shares based on Ted's post. Ted, thanks so much for letting me know this is a 2000 line code scam that anyone can do. I sold based on your post, so thanks again"
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:14:18 PM
"Are you joking? Big deal if you are telling us the truth!"
Anonymous poster was asked time and time again to post evidence
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:14:40 PM
"Please present your findings to include all functionality i.e. to scale, A.I., analytics..... then I will say you have the groundwork to 'create' the concern you unabashedly declare for all investors to behold. Then you may begin to present your interactive solution to corporations, private investors, to obtain funding as a new Nfusz competitor. Then you won't be alone. There's over 50 CRM companies and other companies with interactive video solutions to some degree.... even several YouTube programmers. Amazing, congratulations, maybe you should present your 'interactive solution' to Oracle and Marketo's engineering staff and executives."
05/10/18 01:18:49 PM
"What you want evidence from the person that always ask for evidence?
That's just crazy!"
That was my reply to the previous one BTW
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:23:10 PM
"Ted just lost all his credibility. Wow."
Keep in mind some of these posts are even from people that have negative views of VERB and feel whatever is real name is, cross a BIG line
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:23:52 PM
"TED..you have convinced me..Very Poweful post!!"
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:25:25 PM
zoomboom said
"Post one."
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:25:38 PM
futurehub said
"TED: Show us the proof with the code."
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:26:36 PM
"Post a video with your code in use to show the difference between FUSZ and yours"
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:34:03 PM
"Post a video and we’ll decide. Thanks."
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:37:21 PM
"TED...I am a seller. You have found a short cut to 4 years of development and 10 Million lines of code. Thanks for the heads up. I am out!"
Many true investors were asking for "evidence"
But none could be had
Damage was done
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:41:05 PM
"I simply posted facts and the truth. People can interpret them however they wish to.
Know what you own."
Know what you own whatever you anonymous name is? Pretty bold statement for someone that pulled a "stunt", eh?
Thursday, 05/10/18 01:46:06 PM
"If I posted the links it could cause a panic. I told you guys what I did - what it is and what it isn't. I have been waiting until Rory was not so busy to bring it up to him, which I still havn't.
I doubt it is anything posters need to be too concerned about but some may be surprised and it raises some questions for me which I hope to get good answers to.
Will report back when I get the answers.
I could easily post the links - one poster here has seen them in action - but in the very unlikely case that I actually have done something creative that only NFUSZ has done I will not be posting the code at this time. I may take a video of them in action and post that sometime."
Uh, what?
If you posted links it could cause a whattt?
The fact that you said you did something that the company did and it was so easy did cause a panic.
Had you posted this code that looks like a 4 year old did it, the market would have laughed it off
You said you sat on it a month and posted your stunt a week after you said to me you would talk to Rory about it
In my view, one trader single-handedly sent the sp into a dive
Want "evidence", go back and look at the time and trades of that day to the time of the post
Shareholders were running for the lives after the "stunt"
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:07:35 PM
This was from CG03 which was spot on and what he/she said they would do, but pulled the "planned" stunt anyway
"A professional way to do this is going directly with your concerns to Rory. Why posting your achivement here when you know is not comparable to what nfusz currently have?
Your post here does not provide any solution to your concerns unless you want to cause negativity. That itself says a lot about your intentions."
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:12:16 PM
"ok, I'll post one of them after market close, and lose all rights to any creative advantage I might have ..."
After market closed. People are posting they are selling their shared based solely on your claim !
05/10/18 02:18:54 PM
"Just sold all my shares based on Ted's post. Ted, thanks so much for letting me know this is a 2000 line code scam that anyone can do. I sold based on your post, so thanks again"
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:20:22 PM
"If I get 10 'yesses' and zero 'nos', I'll post."
Now he/she plays the voting game when a lot of posters already said post it
It didn't go well...
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:22:31 PM
"With all do respect please post or SHUT UP about it....thanks!"
Thursday, 05/10/18 02:22:51 PM
I forget when he finally fessed up with a link of a big old pile of crap:
His story keeps changing from, I dared him to do it to I threatened him he couldn't to it in less than 1000 lines
The real story is he posted he as a personal vendetta and now I feel my family is threatened because I exposed the "stunt", so am posting everything publicly.
People can threaten me 100 times over, but I will expose all
Saturday, 01/04/20 02:07:46 PM
"ssshhhhh -- or people may figure out that I'm the bad cop"
I know about great cops
I know about bad cops
Bad cops have guns and I fear bad cops with guns with a personal vendetta
"My philosophy is to just be honest and balanced, and let the market decide if it agrees or not."
A bad cop with a personal vendetta?
You see, any anonymous A-Hole can say whatever they want on a messageboard
They can lie, they can pull stunts, they can trick the market, they can pretend to be saving new investors one day and the next, "change their minds"
Saturday, 01/04/20 04:14:41 PM
"I see patterns
The links expired but now it suddenly didn't?
Says looks just like nFusz videos, but now the 'look' of the interactivity isn't important?
Was going to talk to Rory about it, but didn't?
Said 'Obviously this could shock and bother some people so I'm keeping it quiet', but didn't?
I have "concerns" when there are claims that it is easy to duplicate VERB's technology but there is no "proof"
But wait, there is more
Here's the kicker
The claim one produced interactive technology in less than 1000 lines of code and less than 40 hours that looks like nFusz is totally false
Not just because it looked like crap, but it was not done with less than 1000 lines of code
I raised this point before
Many web pages have 1000+ lines so to claim an app does, is insane in my opinion"
That was my post today
His/her response gets deleted but now says the look or the number of lines don't matter.
Uh? It did to all those investors that day that sold based on what you said.
I took a paper loss of $100K, but some how he/she thinks that was beneficial to me?
I am an one investor that isn't going to let people pull "stunts" to take my money no matter how much they personally threaten me
So where are you?
It's been a little while
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