This probably doesn't mean much, but I find it interesting that both of these people (Lipinski & Tuttle) are the Oneida County contacts of Jim Zecca in Madison County. Small world.
Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority Employees Elected to NYSAR3 Board of Directors
January 9 2013
The New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling (NYSAR 3 ) has elected two Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority (Authority) employees to serve on the NYSAR 3 Board of Directors.
Authority Director of Recycling David Lupinski has been elected as the 2013 – 2014 President of the 300-member State Association, and Authority School Recycling Coordinator Jamie Tuttle has been elected as the Association’s member at large.
NYSAR 3 is a professional recyclers’ association, whose primary purpose is to improve and develop the skills, capabilities and resources of waste reduction, reuse and recycling practitioners across New York State. NYSAR 3 provides statewide leadership on waste reduction, reuse and recycling issues to improve the environment. Membership is comprised of New York State counties, cities, towns, villages, solid waste authorities/communities, state agencies, non and not-for profit agencies, for profit business, communities and other groups and individuals.