Wth a POST like that "YOU" are the one that s FULL OF IT. No one is 100% on thier picks. Those that post thier opinions on thier choises can and do subject themselves to criticism whether they are right or wrong. Its the degree of DD provided an forthought put into those posts that define integrity (that does not mean one cannot post some fun also). I and many others here and elsewhere have made GOOD and bad choises, its part of life.
One stocks FAILURE (or more) to perform based on info available should not mean GIVE IT UP. As long as there is good DD and potential elsewhere an INVESTOR will continue on to the next ones, knwing nothing is guaranteed. Boards like this one is where one can express an opinion , be it a STRONG OPINION or just an opinion and get feedback (hopefully good feedback) to temper one opinion position. Posting ones position/opinion sometimes takes GUTS. Simply criticizing posters is worthless, pointless and IMHO cowardly.
Try posting something INFORMATIVE to others on a STOCK - be it GOOD or BAD that has some value.