Good luck to all. TNC may have done a survey in Converse but no permits were filed and they sure haven't been out there to work. I have yet to see TNC on any jobs but honestly I haven't been looking for them. Texas is broken down into 13 districts I think. There is 1 - 7 and then 8a, 8b, 8c, and then 9 - 10. There is a lot of work going on and its like 50 pages of drilling activity. I haven't seen a Pistol Rig, or TNC. I have looked hard for a Pistol Rig because if they deal with the big boys then it would be hard for them to keep a rig in their yard. From my experience, the hardest part about getting these jobs together is availability of equipment and personel at the same time. These jobs are planned in advance but they are also pretty exact as to when the job will take place because of everything that is lined up. Now put yourself in Pistol Drilling's shoes for a second. Why wouldn't you want to hurry and do these to free up this rig for other companies? The key is a high turnover rate. This rig isn't doing anything good for them in their yard. Something isn't smelling right. What happened to the filling investors in on activity better than before. I don't think they have told us anything since the PR that said they would tell us more. These guys don't own the company, we all do.
With all that said some have said that beings we are a small company that all we have to do is hit a gusher and we will be fine which is what I think. Although I am starting to wonder what will happen to the money when it goes through this management teams hands. They are taking trips to Belize and then coming back and saying nothing. I told you guys I would go this week but it Mardi Gras and impossible to get around NOLA and with the Super Bowl last week its just been a mess. I will make it at the end of next week and let you guys know if the office even exist.