It is just frustrating to see this tick lower. The problem I have is if this was such an innovative machine and could actually save lives, why isn't it rushed to the market and put into use right away? This is taking way too long. I understand that's part of business and good things take time to succeed, but this is becoming ridiculous. I still think the company can succeed but soon competition will catch up if they can't get these certs completed soon.
Again, I still believe in MMTC, but the longer it takes, the more likely this thing is a scam. I was hoping to read that they had at least produced many machines, but only 3? I'm not saying they haven't been working hard, but what actually has been done? I have a solid amount of money in this thing and I'd hate to see it go to waste, especially after believing in what seemed to be such a strong company with huge potential. Here's to hoping we are on the winning side of things with MMTC and hear some good news soon. Staying strong as a long, just tired of waiting.