I would like to address several of the misinformed and negatively slanted posts I have seen over the internet about RFMK the company, RFMK the stock and RFMK's product, the CannaCig.
First of all, many seem to enjoy showing images of dozens of other vaporizers on the "market" and declare that RFMK has so much "competition" that it somehow does not stand a chance. This is utter nonsense. Before even discussing the "competition" aspect, the simple fact of the matter is that most if not all ecig products on the market are produced and/or distributed and/or marketed by PRIVATE companies! The average investor cannot invest in these private companies. And rants about how easy it is to supposedly order some 410 ecigs from China and ship them over to sell, does not offer any further argument to the case because I think most of us can safely assume that none of us wish to start up from scratch any PRIVATE ecig company and go into business for ourselves, so its a moot point. Period. The face of the matter is that there are only a couple PUBLICLY traded companies producing/distributing/marketing ecigs in the world and RFMK is one of them. Now, as for the apparant level of "competition" for RFMK's product, there is no comparison. There is simply NO other ecig which conforms to the dimensions of the CannaCig which can heat up to the high temperatures necessary to vaporize P.I.R.D. or other THC based substrates. Period. Anotherwords, there IS NO COMPETITION! The CannaCig is a ONE OF A KIND device and RFMK owns it and produces it and distributes it and markets it. All of the dozens of antiquated bulky vaping devices on the "market" are irrelevant and have no bearing on the market niche for the CannaCig. Even if the devices were exactly the same, which they are not, RFMK would STILL take a piece of the market share in the emerging ecig industry, especially in a niche market like MMJ vaping! Simply put, the "competition" argument is weak and basically pointless and impotent for the purposes of attempting to spin negative sentiment in RFMK's way.
Another ridiculous notion which must be debunked is that somehow, "If device malfunctions then plastic melts releasing toxins". Again, this is utter nonsense and fear mongering. The same negativists who rant about the CannaCig hardware being the same exact 410 device which is on the market and getting sold in the millions all across the USA, is also attacked by "concerns" that if improperly treated, the ecig could blow up in a users face, or other such misguided fear tactics. It does not work to use both negative arguments simultaneously. If the CannaCig was the exact same model, (which it is not), then sure it would be just yet another generic ecig on the market and have stiff competition, however then since it was the same ecig hardware it would have no unique risks as per "blowing up" than any of the other dozens of ecigs on the market. However since it is different, such specific claims about the risks can be legitimate however then the same rants about generic competition must be retracted. Cant have both arguments simultaneously. We all observed these fears when some months back ALLEGEDLY a users ecig "blew up" causing injuries, however we found out later that the user had drastically modded the hardware and so it is a non-issue. If anyone has concerns or fears over how safe ecigs are then feel free to watch the youtube video of actual ecig torture tests and see for yourself, I can save you the trouble, its all MYTH, no facts, linked here -->
As for the company, some constantly rant spew about the background of the ex-CEO or the background of the current CEO. The fact of the matter is, the current CEO has done a terrific job in a very short time frame (since the beginning of the year!), to accomplish many things; getting the company out of debt, bringing experienced others on-board like OHM principles in order to fine tune a great new product in the CannaCig, established a working office for supply and logistics as well as a webstore ready to take orders and finally bringing on-board one the greatest personalities in the MMJ industry in Cheryl Shuman! I think it is obvious to anyone who objectivly looks at the progress RFMK the company has made over recent months. The fact is the current CEO has done an incredible job expanding the business and preparing it for the possibility to make huge strides toward profitability and the naysayers have been so negative for so long they are in denial and will not or cannot change when the facts change. The fact is RFMK is set for major success and the naysayers are so blinded by hatred from their own negative experiences generically with investing in other companies that they assume this company is just another loser, but it is a clear winner. As for the ex-CEO, who cares? Its old news and has nothing to do with the future fundamental development of this company.
As for the RFMK stock, it seems many enjoy bashing it by way of reminding us daily that the stock has been placed on a trade for trade restriction by the DTC. News flash, this means absolutely NOTHING to most brokerage firms. Penson uses DTC exclusively for clearing and settlement and Zecco uses them so they are the ones forced to account for each trade manually and separately. Most of the other major brokerages (even though some use DTC for clearing) are self-clearing and so can still net settle the transactions with alternative routing and settlement. In short, most of the major brokerages still allow buying and selling of RFMK stock and from the perspective of the regular investor buying or selling shares, nothing has changed. The fact is that once RFMK completes its reporting requirements and becomes current with reporting then there will be no reason for the T4T; most if not all stocks that finally file and get current with reporting have the T4T status removed. Its a moot point as well if the stock eventually is quoted on the OTCBB, then the T4T restriction will not exist. There are many other negatively slanted misinformed mumblings out there about the stock but I will save those for further discussions in the future. These primary points though I wished to convey immediately because most of them are just simply obvious bias spins and rants by those who wish to deceive for their own alterior motives in order to attempt to sway sentiment based on their own buy/sell timing in the market.
GO RFMK!!!!!!!!!