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Posted On: 10/22/2019 11:20:39 AM
Post# of 338555

Thunder Energies Bellwethers Of American Energy Independence
American Energy Independence and New Green Technologies…
were always the main inspiration and driving force behind Thunder Energies products and designs. And they are now one step closer to bringing their brands and vision to the world!
Just recently, Thunder Energies Corporation announced…
that it had managed to complete the reverse split 20:1 of Thunder Energies stock. The successful completion will propel the corporation to be up-listed onto the OTCQ. As a result of such listing, the corporation is in a safe position to continue applying for funding from GHS Investment LLC which sum is usually $3 million. Additionally, the listing of Thunder Corporation at the OTCQB opens up doors for possible mergers in the future which subsequently will lead to the corporation being listed on the NASDAQ. The corporation owes its success to Dr. Ruggero M. Santili who ensured that activities carried out by the organization are done by the book.
Dr. Ruggero M. Santili, chief … executive officer, also serves as the corporation’s chief scientist. Since joining Thunder Energies Corporation in 2014, the corporation has invented over the top technologies such as a telescopes used in detecting antimatter cosmic rays as well as antimatter galaxies; original combustion of fossil fuels completed with combustion; and lastly neutrons synthesis from hydrogen gas. According to Dr. Ruggero, combustion of fossil fuels could go a long way in reducing pollution.
Dr. Ruggero M. Santili … has been in action since the 1960s and has worked with organizations including NASA and DOE. He also taught at Harvard University and has written over three hundred journals on mathematics, science as well as physics. It is worth pointing out that while Dr. Ruggero was still at Harvard, he received five grants from the energy department which was a huge recognition in itself. Receiving the grants only goes to show that he was among the best researchers when it came to energy matters. The scientist was first awarded a gold medal back in 1982 from the Universite’ d’Orleans, France. Eight years later, he was nominated by Estonia Academy of Sciences for being among the best mathematicians in history which was a great honor. 2009 was a great year for the mathematician for he received the Mediterranean Prize as well as the scientific prize from the U.S Sons of Italy.
Two years following…
the award of these prizes we saw him winning the scientific prize from Kathmandu University in Nepal. It is also in 2011 that Dr. Ruggero received the first confirmation of his experiment on nitrogen synthesis. For the first time, the nitrogen synthesis originating from carbon and deuterium, had no harmful radiation. The tests proved valid when a technical group from Princeton Gamma-Tech confirmed that indeed the nitrogen synthesis used during the experiment had no radiation. This was another win for the scientist and the energy department as it shaped the way energy processes were carried out thereafter. The American government through the Department Of Energy fully embraced the experiment and went ahead to form policies to govern the way energy was being produced henceforth.
At the University of La Rochelle,…
France, Dr. Ruggero received the coveted ICNPAA Award in 2016. In the same year, he also got the Fray International Sustainability Award for his efforts in embracing and advocating for environmental sustainability. This came after he conducted research that focused on developing technologies to be used to reduce environmental pollution all over the world. Recognizing the contribution made by the energy sector in causing environmental pollution, Dr. Ruggero formulated more secure and environmental friendly options that can be used. In connection to improving energy efficiency and subsequently reducing pollution of the environment, Dr. Ruggero came up with Magnegas, which is a clean burning fuel. Today, organizations venturing in energy production rely on the research of Dr. Ruggero especially as regards to improving energy efficiency.
At the forefront and leading the way of this march to American Energy…
Independence are three products and inventions of Sir Ruggero Maria Santilli. Which, are the Hadronic Reactor, the Hyperfurnace and Hyper combustion.
What are HyperFurnaces and HyperCombustion?
As the name suggests a HyperFurnaces…
is intended for the clean burning of fossils, to extract some forms of energy it is essential for materials to undergo heat, and for this to be achieved energy companies such as Thunder Energy Corporation has introduced HyperCombustion where materials are subjected to high temperatures. The incomplete heating results in the emission of poisonous gases into the environment in turn leading to degradation of the environment. To solve this problem, Thunder Energies Corporation have come up with a hyper furnace that burns down fossils without emitting poisonous substances into the air.
HyperFurnaces work by using high heat,…
a process known as hyper combustion, HyperCombustion allows for the breakdown of all substances in a fossil ensuring production of the useful and safe materials. The machines are created to ensure maximum output of energies and reduced emission of toxins. It is also important to note that emission of toxic gases does not just affect a specific place or country, rather it causes harm to the entire world making it essential for companies to develop new combustion techniques.
From 1992 to 1995, Ruggero…
worked as a visiting professor at the Joint Institute for Nuclear research in Russia, in this institution, Santilli also worked on research projects, and this led to the creation of a hadronic machine and its application in the fusion of the neutron from the hydrogen atom. This project became a great success and have even featured at Thunder Energies Corporations. The creation of the hadronic machine at the Joint Institute for Nuclear research also led to Ruggero Santilli’s big break, and this saw him become the Chief scientist, president and CEO at Thunder Energies Corporations.
One of the Thunders Energies Corporation division…
that goes in line with Ruggero Santilli’s vision for the world is the division of combustion equipment. This division aims at achieving combustion of fossils with zero emission of pollutants and gases such as carbon monoxide or hydrocarbons to mention a few.
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American Energy Independence and New Green Technologies…
were always the main inspiration and driving force behind Thunder Energies products and designs. And they are now one step closer to bringing their brands and vision to the world!
Just recently, Thunder Energies Corporation announced…
that it had managed to complete the reverse split 20:1 of Thunder Energies stock. The successful completion will propel the corporation to be up-listed onto the OTCQ. As a result of such listing, the corporation is in a safe position to continue applying for funding from GHS Investment LLC which sum is usually $3 million. Additionally, the listing of Thunder Corporation at the OTCQB opens up doors for possible mergers in the future which subsequently will lead to the corporation being listed on the NASDAQ. The corporation owes its success to Dr. Ruggero M. Santili who ensured that activities carried out by the organization are done by the book.
Dr. Ruggero M. Santili, chief … executive officer, also serves as the corporation’s chief scientist. Since joining Thunder Energies Corporation in 2014, the corporation has invented over the top technologies such as a telescopes used in detecting antimatter cosmic rays as well as antimatter galaxies; original combustion of fossil fuels completed with combustion; and lastly neutrons synthesis from hydrogen gas. According to Dr. Ruggero, combustion of fossil fuels could go a long way in reducing pollution.
Dr. Ruggero M. Santili … has been in action since the 1960s and has worked with organizations including NASA and DOE. He also taught at Harvard University and has written over three hundred journals on mathematics, science as well as physics. It is worth pointing out that while Dr. Ruggero was still at Harvard, he received five grants from the energy department which was a huge recognition in itself. Receiving the grants only goes to show that he was among the best researchers when it came to energy matters. The scientist was first awarded a gold medal back in 1982 from the Universite’ d’Orleans, France. Eight years later, he was nominated by Estonia Academy of Sciences for being among the best mathematicians in history which was a great honor. 2009 was a great year for the mathematician for he received the Mediterranean Prize as well as the scientific prize from the U.S Sons of Italy.
Two years following…
the award of these prizes we saw him winning the scientific prize from Kathmandu University in Nepal. It is also in 2011 that Dr. Ruggero received the first confirmation of his experiment on nitrogen synthesis. For the first time, the nitrogen synthesis originating from carbon and deuterium, had no harmful radiation. The tests proved valid when a technical group from Princeton Gamma-Tech confirmed that indeed the nitrogen synthesis used during the experiment had no radiation. This was another win for the scientist and the energy department as it shaped the way energy processes were carried out thereafter. The American government through the Department Of Energy fully embraced the experiment and went ahead to form policies to govern the way energy was being produced henceforth.
At the University of La Rochelle,…
France, Dr. Ruggero received the coveted ICNPAA Award in 2016. In the same year, he also got the Fray International Sustainability Award for his efforts in embracing and advocating for environmental sustainability. This came after he conducted research that focused on developing technologies to be used to reduce environmental pollution all over the world. Recognizing the contribution made by the energy sector in causing environmental pollution, Dr. Ruggero formulated more secure and environmental friendly options that can be used. In connection to improving energy efficiency and subsequently reducing pollution of the environment, Dr. Ruggero came up with Magnegas, which is a clean burning fuel. Today, organizations venturing in energy production rely on the research of Dr. Ruggero especially as regards to improving energy efficiency.
At the forefront and leading the way of this march to American Energy…
Independence are three products and inventions of Sir Ruggero Maria Santilli. Which, are the Hadronic Reactor, the Hyperfurnace and Hyper combustion.
What are HyperFurnaces and HyperCombustion?
As the name suggests a HyperFurnaces…
is intended for the clean burning of fossils, to extract some forms of energy it is essential for materials to undergo heat, and for this to be achieved energy companies such as Thunder Energy Corporation has introduced HyperCombustion where materials are subjected to high temperatures. The incomplete heating results in the emission of poisonous gases into the environment in turn leading to degradation of the environment. To solve this problem, Thunder Energies Corporation have come up with a hyper furnace that burns down fossils without emitting poisonous substances into the air.
HyperFurnaces work by using high heat,…
a process known as hyper combustion, HyperCombustion allows for the breakdown of all substances in a fossil ensuring production of the useful and safe materials. The machines are created to ensure maximum output of energies and reduced emission of toxins. It is also important to note that emission of toxic gases does not just affect a specific place or country, rather it causes harm to the entire world making it essential for companies to develop new combustion techniques.
From 1992 to 1995, Ruggero…
worked as a visiting professor at the Joint Institute for Nuclear research in Russia, in this institution, Santilli also worked on research projects, and this led to the creation of a hadronic machine and its application in the fusion of the neutron from the hydrogen atom. This project became a great success and have even featured at Thunder Energies Corporations. The creation of the hadronic machine at the Joint Institute for Nuclear research also led to Ruggero Santilli’s big break, and this saw him become the Chief scientist, president and CEO at Thunder Energies Corporations.
One of the Thunders Energies Corporation division…
that goes in line with Ruggero Santilli’s vision for the world is the division of combustion equipment. This division aims at achieving combustion of fossils with zero emission of pollutants and gases such as carbon monoxide or hydrocarbons to mention a few.
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