Welcome all SFIO investors.
How about we all just discuss SFIO the company and stock and stay on topic here, talking about those facts we know. Speculation is completely fine and interesting and leads to robust discussion points, however, if it is clear that the line of thought is overtly negative and the posts are time and again unchanging I would imagine most posters would wish for such posts to be removed. The same goes for overly positive (pumps), posting over and over again the same chants about "dollar land" and "PR coming" when the poster does not know anymore than what the rest know is public information. In short, lets keep it on topic, up to date and clean here, shall we?!
My own personal knowledge as to the current status of SFIO is the following, garnered from the OTC Markets filings and other public online sources of info. It seems the only recent change in status has been related to the USPTO, patent application. It looks like SFIO's patent attorney along with Wang (the inventor of the SFI vaporless ecig) have sent in a reply to the patent examiners 'non-final rejection' of the patent application from last year, which as I understand it is entirely normal and along the usual lines of events when patent applications are going through the process. No one knows for certain if the company will get the patent actually granted but from the USPTO statistics, it looked like each year more than half of the design patent applications are actually granted, so its slightly better odds than a coin toss. The only other recent activity seems to be that the CEO obtained control and renewed the domain, smokefree-innotec.com, not to be confused with the current corp domain, smokefreeinnotec.com.
Otherwise, the last filing we have was for the corp status as of Sept 30 2011. It showed receivables aligned with the Denverson agreement (subsidiary spin off) for $1M in conv notes and $110k in cash. Though the Denverson site has not changed or been updated in a year so it does not look like any progress has been made on that front. The ex-CEO has been serving time for an SEC complaint (conspiracy to commit fraud) and has not been with the company since summer of 2011. The extradordinary and unusual trading activity which occurred the day after that SEC litigation news apparently "caused" the DTC to place SFIO stock on a "global lock", though no one except the DTC is certain about the actual reason for the suspension of services. Once Fidelity and all the other brokerages which use the DTC for clearing stopped trading the stock, only allowing sell orders, while some brokerages not allowing any trades (neither buy nor sell), the daily volume fell drastically and so did the share price. According to OTC markets, the total number of shares which traded since the DTC global lock has been less than about 2% of the outstanding shares in the company, the share price has fallen from about $0.02 to $0.001.
These are about all of the data points and news items I know about and I do not think there is much more news as to the current status of SFIO that exists out there that is public info. If any know more please feel free to share with the board. Thanks in advance.