I find it interesting that this time around it may take up to 3 months for certifiction, after approval of the manuels. This has not been mentioned in the past 4 or 5 years when time after time first flight was to be in 4 or five months, always extended. Its like a carrot thats always just out of reach but the mule keeps walking toward it. I guess that my question is , are the reporters of progress fed misleading info as fact which is then passed on to the boards as factual advances,.
I have been here longer then some and have kept abreast of what has been said on the other board. and I find it comicial that the merry go round just keeps going. In February I asked the question, where will we be this time next year. the answer was dead silence. Reading the posts on I hub it is clear that credibility has run out fore some
. As mentioned in previous posts my buy in is low and I would leave with a fair profit if I sold out on Monday, this I shan't do. I believe there is still a lot of play with Baltia whether we fly or die.