Where is My Refund Checker 2013 -
You can generally expect the IRS to issue your refund in less than 21 calendar days after we receive your tax return. Use this tool to check on the status of your refund. It provides the most up-to-date information the IRS has. There’s no need to call us unless Where’s My Refund? tells you to do so. Where’s My Refund? is updated every 24 hours – usually overnight -- so you only need to check once a day.
Some 2013 tax forms cannot be filed until mid-February or early March because they require more extensive programming.
When To Check
- Within 24 hours after we’ve received your e-filed tax return
- 4 weeks after you mail your paper return
What You Will Need
- Social Security Number
- Filing status
- Exact refund amount
Where is my refund checker