"...maybe the content is exactly what he thinks his viewers want." Only Collins can answer that.
I'm speaking more to the production quality. Watching a show that looks like it was recorded 20 years ago on VHS and the sound is clipping isn't going to fly prime time. Quality Control has to be diligent to keep us looking the part. The content is fine, I see creative writing in the shows, plenty of entertainment value. That's all subjective anyway.
My personal feelings is that Punch TV currently is much closer to a black network than an urban network geared towards psycho-graphics. I see the current programing as left over from the previous model before IC Places bought them. ala "Get thee behind me and the Marvin Show." I'm assuming there will be a lot of new shows like 12 steps and Zombie Hunters, at least that's what I would rather see. I'm wondering if there is an identity crisis about to happen. Punch TV a home grown urban network vs a show like common denominator or something they could advertise in the airports. I'm seeing the punch bowl as a very heterogeneous blend. Even the logo will need to be updated, it says street art.
The board of advisers are going to have their work cut out for them. Is Punch willing to adapt beyond their original intent? Do Collins and Samblis share the same vision? Would love to know the direction this is going.