dude, when we get the great Q we are all waiting for, the PPS will rise, eveyrone will get excited, and everyone will be spreading the word like wildfire myself included once we see some good stuff .. sort of like last year's shark tank EZ VIP news i went completely nuts posting all the time and was obsessed lol if we get something that has the excitement that news had we will be set.
The problem i still have though is we all did spread the word and did all this last spring and got so many people on board and then the amount of authorized shares doubled. i remember talking with my dad's buddy that is a multi millionaire financial adviser about it, and the partnership with CCO raised an eyebrow. so we need to get something back first so that we don't need to think that if everyone jumps in and buys all the shares up, that billions of new shares will just be created. like i was saying in November it doesn't "LOOK" good, so once it is proven that the share increase was good, we will be set.