(Total Views: 580)
Posted On: 07/28/2019 10:51:05 AM
Post# of 72444

Here is a copy of the post by 4kids yesterday. I found it on another site.
This is partial explanation of why she feels NR is "upside down", "stuck" in IPIX and why we could see something of the giant spike that was evidenced in AMRN where NR was also stuck. She has said in the past that IPIX runup by NR could even be more dramatic than AMRN. That awaits to be seen, but nice knowing our favorite slime are in deep trouble and that it could possibly lead to a major spike in IPIX
news out of mgmt on Monday imo couldn't have been better timed
since NRs' handoff (PRO to CON) .. after 2 years and a few months working IPIX's (CTIX) $cycles of money (9.2012-12.2014) ..
in early Jan 2015 .. NR (non retail) has relentlessly brutalized IP shareholders in an attempt to get IPIX *shares*
there is a reason for that ..
a few times per year .. aware mgmts of OTC targets .. have a prime opportunity to exploit those who exploit by rote
imo this is one of those perfect times for Innovation Pharma's mgmt (IP) to exploit NRs' efforts .. specifically
against those efforts underway by NR in September 2018
some might recall the way Non Retail (NR) works ..
NR *resets* 52 week highs and 52 week lows to work off of going forward
usually the easiest way for an UPSIDE DOWN NR to *work* is to take the OTC targets' current 52 week high
and cut it in half .. and then again .. and if able to .. yet again .. and so it goes .. this can be done every year ..
every 6 months .. every Q or every week as NR can engender it
the goal is two-fold .. impact mgmt's ability to execute via a constantly reduced PPS
and triggering retails' emotions by racking up *paper losses* .. over weeks/months/years .. as an inducement to sell
when the above is aligned with NRs' 24/7 FUD .. even the most stalwart believer might be forgiven for being *impacted*
now to be clear .. most OTC targets do not outlast .. let alone survive .. NRs' unrelenting efforts to kill off the company
via a brutalized stock
almost always .. if an OTC target *outlasts* .. it usually does so with a blown out I/O (issued/outstanding)
which to be clear (and NR always likes to muddy this up) .. the I/O is not what is freely traded ..
what is freely traded is the Float (retail investors tend not to trade .. which makes their shares in the Float
closer to being restricted rather than traded) .. another *issue* NR has with IPIX
(i will go more into this aspect in my Part 2 post)
the problem NR has is when actual investors refuse to be separated from their *shares* .. and because NR
almost always forces out retail traders (not trading crews who like NR also orchestrate OTC targets' PPS by rote)
when NR relentlessly compresses an OTC targets' PPS .. NR finds themselves UPSIDE DOWN on an OTC target
that NR had previously (and successfully) worked $cycles of money on ..
those $cycles of money .. worked by NR .. can run 3 weeks .. 3 months .. 3 years
quite the dilemma facing NR re: IPIX .. specifically over NRs' *efforts* in the back half of 2018
so IPIX's previous 52 week high of $1.17 (divided by 2 = .5850)
IPIX 52-Week High
12/06/2017 1.17
was reset (and held in the 60c to mid 60c range for about 8 weeks in mid 2018)
IPIX 52-Week High
07/02/2018 0.64
before the *events and efforts* of September 2018 got underway and that *reset* on 9.7.18
IPIX 52-Week High
09/07/2018 0.5805 .. close enough to 5850c
some also might recall the *totally bogus* volume injection by NR (and by rote pawned off onto IP mgmt)
of course the reality is that mgmt did not dilute the 54,830,246 injected by NR in the last 4 months of 2018
(as comp'd to the 33,969,148 *traded* on IPIX in the first 8 months of 2018) .. IP's mgmt actually diluted
13M~ and change during the last 4 months of 2018 .. it was the usual orchestrated EOY *set up* by Non Retail
against IP investors .. because of course IPIX has been a target for years .. and NR has been UPSIDE DOWN on IPIX for years
so on 9.12.18 .. NR injects *volume* into IPIX .. and days before .. NR reset the 52 week high from 60c to 5805
on 9.7.18 .. this impacts YOY %s .. and to be clear .. those YOY %s on IPIX are *negative* .. 12 months ago
those -YOY %s were held @ mid - 40% .. that would morph to mid -80% (see below)
NR gets retail to sell by one of 3 ways .. stall a targeted PPS long enough (that was done about 2 years back)
relentlessly compress a PPS .. as has been done essentially since the *hand off* of late 2014 into 2015
or work a targeted PPS upward .. as was done *recently* (May 2019) .. which allowed NR to let some helium
out of IPIX's balloon .. otherwise NR would have been looking at a *take up* they quite possibly couldn't control
(imo 70c range ironically where NRs' cycle of money kicked off in Sept 2012 and where NR *stalled* IPIX
for months while working off prior efforts) .. and *volume* of at least 10M+ ..
on an OTC target that both outlasts and survives NRs' efforts .. it's all about NRs' *CONtroll*
and NRs' ability to *reset* the price point on their terms
this works .. until it doesn't
IPIX Historical .. September - December 2018 .. split into 4 months ..
PPS high denoted in green .. PPS low denoted in red
*volume* high denoted in red .. *volume* low denoted in green
Wash trading done by Non Retail is beyond blatant imo ..
but it's the OTC which makes it fungible to those tasked with *transparency*
so to point out the highs and lows for the last 4 months of 2018
5805c (9.7.18 reset) goes to 305c (10.5.18) goes to 21c (11.5.18) goes to 17c (12.17.18)
1895c (9.28.18) goes to 12c (10.19.18) goes to 1025c (11.20.18) goes to 7c (12.31.18)
12/31/2018 0.08 0.1 0.07 0.0954 631,343 .. 52 week low reset to 7c
12/28/2018 0.083 0.109 0.083 0.1036 531,169
12/27/2018 0.082 0.09 0.081 0.0876 468,153
12/26/2018 0.08 0.095 0.08 0.09 346,379
12/24/2018 0.095 0.095 0.08 0.08 372,923
12/21/2018 0.099 0.105 0.075 0.095 844,903
12/20/2018 0.11 0.11 0.0961 0.097 806,466
12/19/2018 0.12 0.12 0.103 0.11 1,060,552
12/18/2018 0.12 0.14 0.1101 0.1153 830,184
12/17/2018 0.17 0.17 0.125 0.1293 768,696
12/14/2018 0.123 0.16 0.115 0.145 414,408
12/13/2018 0.155 0.155 0.116 0.1202 459,830
12/12/2018 0.125 0.13 0.1152 0.127 523,824
12/11/2018 0.14 0.16 0.125 0.1399 849,983
12/10/2018 0.1299 0.16 0.1299 0.16 226,349
12/07/2018 0.123 0.135 0.11 0.133 295,802
12/06/2018 0.1245 0.1412 0.122 0.13 321,739
12/04/2018 0.12 0.1369 0.12 0.1231 420,537
12/03/2018 0.13 0.14 0.121 0.1343 345,949
11/30/2018 0.1375 0.1375 0.128 0.135 497,326
11/29/2018 0.1301 0.15 0.125 0.1327 1,379,661
11/28/2018 0.1325 0.15 0.1288 0.133 875,275
11/27/2018 0.125 0.1325 0.1101 0.132 475,115
11/26/2018 0.17 0.17 0.12 0.126 485,796
11/23/2018 0.1135 0.149 0.1135 0.14 884,102
11/21/2018 0.108 0.115 0.103 0.11 462,656
11/20/2018 0.108 0.115 0.1025 0.11 392,564
11/19/2018 0.122 0.132 0.105 0.11 1,058,420
11/16/2018 0.1369 0.1369 0.113 0.122 493,784
11/15/2018 0.125 0.137 0.115 0.137 687,206
11/14/2018 0.14 0.14 0.125 0.128 286,871
11/13/2018 0.17 0.17 0.1335 0.14 274,668
11/12/2018 0.155 0.155 0.135 0.14 690,455
11/09/2018 0.16 0.175 0.145 0.152 486,370
11/08/2018 0.14 0.175 0.137 0.1645 1,470,273
11/07/2018 0.1661 0.172 0.14 0.15 811,782
11/06/2018 0.18 0.185 0.159 0.1679 463,864
11/05/2018 0.19 0.21 0.17 0.185 1,033,642
11/02/2018 0.13 0.189 0.128 0.187 1,372,537
11/01/2018 0.135 0.14 0.125 0.13 634,420
10/31/2018 0.135 0.135 0.127 0.133 386,639
10/30/2018 0.13 0.14 0.1254 0.132 337,278
10/29/2018 0.134 0.144 0.13 0.135 1,114,409 .. note 9.13.18
10/26/2018 0.138 0.14 0.123 0.136 876,765
10/25/2018 0.1415 0.15 0.131 0.1374 619,964
10/24/2018 0.138 0.148 0.128 0.148 847,006
10/23/2018 0.138 0.14 0.122 0.137 774,467
10/22/2018 0.18 0.18 0.125 0.132 951,411 .. note 9.20.18
10/19/2018 0.1635 0.164 0.12 0.1462 1,869,230
10/18/2018 0.1779 0.1779 0.1534 0.164 788,072
10/17/2018 0.18 0.18 0.165 0.1779 446,377
10/16/2018 0.19 0.2 0.177 0.18 875,248
10/15/2018 0.2 0.24 0.18 0.1856 660,059
10/12/2018 0.19 0.205 0.177 0.2 713,829
10/11/2018 0.16 0.1896 0.159 0.1896 1,575,415
10/10/2018 0.1991 0.2 0.16 0.1626 1,547,811
10/09/2018 0.238 0.27 0.175 0.1841 2,131,163
10/08/2018 0.24 0.2499 0.22 0.238 205,005
10/05/2018 0.253 0.305 0.233 0.24 287,390
10/04/2018 0.29 0.29 0.24 0.253 200,849
10/03/2018 0.25 0.295 0.24 0.28 285,431
10/02/2018 0.1975 0.256 0.19 0.25 285,150
10/01/2018 0.21 0.21 0.18 0.1957 715,877
09/28/2018 0.264 0.264 0.1895 0.202 1,420,473
09/27/2018 0.27 0.273 0.242 0.2649 737,406
09/26/2018 0.308 0.308 0.26 0.2782 361,590
09/25/2018 0.2965 0.3136 0.27 0.2993 302,231
09/24/2018 0.299 0.31 0.28 0.2955 236,198
09/21/2018 0.299 0.299 0.272 0.299 250,475
09/20/2018 0.2486 0.33 0.2358 0.299 924,370
09/19/2018 0.233 0.25 0.21 0.2486 1,015,394
09/18/2018 0.263 0.269 0.208 0.233 886,593
09/17/2018 0.285 0.293 0.251 0.27 533,946
09/14/2018 0.29 0.295 0.262 0.29 753,114
09/13/2018 0.339 0.346 0.2271 0.29 1,109,738
09/12/2018 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.33 1,016,307 .. NRs' volume injection gets underway
09/11/2018 0.425 0.47 0.425 0.452 86,434
09/10/2018 0.38 0.5303 0.38 0.435 139,753
09/07/2018 0.39 0.5805 0.371 0.565 274,968 .. 52 week high reset from July 2018's 60c to 5805c
09/06/2018 0.38 0.4 0.37 0.4 194,838
09/05/2018 0.39 0.4025 0.3625 0.378 189,130
09/04/2018 0.398 0.41 0.3871 0.3935 166,467
now IPIX -YOY %s .. pulled monthly from early July 2018 to early 2019 .. note the pattern in play
this is SOP when a target is relentlessly compressed PPS wise for years ..
IPIX .. 7.2.18
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
06/29/2018 -37.89%
IPIX .. 8.2.18
08/01/2018 -47.02%
IPIX .. 9.4.18
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
09/04/2018 -47.18%
IPIX .. 10.3.18
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
10/02/2018 -65.01%
IPIX .. 11.2.18
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
11/01/2018 -82.55%
IPIX .. 12.4.18
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
12/03/2018 -83.00%
IPIX .. 1.3.19
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
01/02/2019 -84.88%
now here's what happened back in May when NR *manipulated* IPIX upward on *volume* ..
IPIX 5.3.19 (NRs' test to 19c stopped out @ approx 11AM .. hot knife thru butter) closed @ 171c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/02/2019 -62.95%
Volume 403,294
Volume (10 day Average) 366,852
Volume (90 day Average) 419,712
IPIX .. 5.6.19 .. closed @ 2205c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/03/2019 -59.38%
Volume 760,633
Volume (10 day Average) 390,843
Volume (90 day Average) 414,805
IPIX 5.8.19 .. closed @ 345c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/07/2019 +9.74% .. CANT have that ..
Volume 2,366,980 ** that 2.3M *volume* gets around ..
Volume (10 day Average) 642,244
Volume (90 day Average) 443,198
IPIX 5.10.19 .. closed @ 215c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/09/2019 -19.34%
Volume 2,377,415 .. see 5.8.19's *volume* (and 7.22.19's *volume*)
Volume (10 day Average) 831,474
Volume (90 day Average) 467,984
IPIX 5.13.19 .. closed @ 176c .. round robin reset done by NR in 6 *trading* days .. SOS DD
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/10/2019 -44.74%
Volume 668,718
Volume (10 day Average) 1,038,993
Volume (90 day Average) 487,388
IPIX 5.15.19 .. closes @ 20c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/14/2019 -54.82%
Volume 237,776
Volume (10 day Average) 1,133,260
Volume (90 day Average) 492,137
IPIX 5.17.19 .. closes @ 25c (reminder helium release done to negate news out 5.16.19)
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/16/2019 -45.76%
Volume 2,651,634
Volume (10 day Average) 1,548,678
Volume (90 day Average) 535,925
which brings me to this past week .. reminder .. IP's mgmt released exactly 5 PRs since 5.16.19
while all are important .. 3 are significant *imo* ..
so let's see what -YOY %s and *volume avgs* are on IPIX for the 2 weeks in July 2019 surrounding the AS PR
IPIX 7.15.19 .. closes @ 1799c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/12/2019 -64.42%
Volume 181,236
Volume (10 day Average) 234,147
Volume (90 day Average) 514,827
IPIX 7.17.19 .. closes @ 15c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/16/2019 -72.67%
Volume 460,061
Volume (10 day Average) 228,371
Volume (90 day Average) 512,870
IPIX 7.19.19 .. closes @ 12353c .. 5 digit hidden (per usual NRs' gyrations do their best to *offset* 7.22.19's news)
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/18/2019 -75.70%
Volume 695,522
Volume (10 day Average) 266,831
Volume (90 day Average) 516,975
IPIX 7.22.19 .. closes @ 18c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/19/2019 -78.33%
Volume 2,347,575 .. there's that 2.3M *volume* again ..
Volume (10 day Average) 322,582
Volume (90 day Average) 521,605
IPIX .. 7.24.19 .. closes @ 16c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/23/2019 -74.25%
Volume 1,094,320
Volume (10 day Average) 642,888
Volume (90 day Average) 554,004
IPIX 7.26.19 .. closes @ 17668c .. 5 digit hidden
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/25/2019 -70.65%
Volume 303,012
Volume (10 day Average) 736,620
Volume (90 day Average) 563,001
so in a nutshell .. NR is stuck .. they have a few options .. as the clock ticks forward to -YOY %s decreasing
as Fall 2019 comes into view .. NR can *stall* .. imo what they have done for the last two days on IPIX .. a tightly
held PPS range that is wash traded incrementally upward (i refer to this as laddering) on *low volume* ..
07/26/2019 0.16 0.1767 0.155 0.1767 303,012
07/25/2019 0.174 0.174 0.155 0.1615 359,879
of course that *effort* only works so long for NR .. news out of *aware* OTC mgmt/s can come at any time
(imo the sequence is more telling sometimes than the news)
or NR can do another helium release on IPIX (as they did starting back on 5.3.19) .. anyone actually *observing*
that effort would have seen that NR almost lost control of IPIX a few times for that round .. so that is a potential
roll of the dice for an entity used to *controlling* outcomes
this tho' imo may have some appeal .. because NR needs to make IPIX a *trading* stock again (as it was for both
retail traders and NRs' efforts from 9.2012 to 12.2014 .. ($cycles of money) .. some might
remember the volume avgs NR worked on IPIX (CTIX) before the hand off .. to say nothing of the PPS *then*
.. keeping it simple .. avg volume 500000 x $3.00 (PPS) .. brings *daily* .. er .. trading volume dollar amount
to $1,500,000.00 .. that $1,500,000.00 gets revealing with today's IPIX PPS (and a reminder that NR can
manipulate IPIX's 10 day avg far more easily than the 90 day volume avg) .. so using a PPS of 20c (rounded up for the example)
IPIX would be trading 7,500,000 *shares* daily .. NR CANT and they don't .. at least not yet
of course most OTC targets don't *outlast* let alone *survive* NRs' efforts ..
IPIX did *record* volume with the release of 5.16.19's PR out of IP
(of course it was wash traded in advance earlier that month) .. which again highlights NRs' *dilemma*
05/17/2019 0.355 0.36 0.244 0.25 2,651,634
05/16/2019 0.213 0.33 0.21 0.32 4,413,783 .. record setting volume
05/15/2019 0.2 0.2099 0.19 0.2 237,776
05/14/2019 0.183 0.215 0.183 0.197 880,776
05/13/2019 0.195 0.2045 0.171 0.176 668,718
05/10/2019 0.287 0.32 0.2039 0.21 2,377,716
05/09/2019 0.3515 0.3558 0.284 0.292 863,112
05/08/2019 0.435 0.4351 0.3103 0.345 2,366,980
05/07/2019 0.2352 0.423 0.2205 0.417 2,513,988
05/06/2019 0.173 0.25 0.1595 0.2205 760,633
05/03/2019 0.156 0.19 0.156 0.171 403,294
now contrast that *volume* and *effort* by NR .. with this last week's effort ..
07/26/2019 0.16 0.1767 0.155 0.1767 303,012
07/25/2019 0.174 0.174 0.155 0.1615 359,879
07/24/2019 0.15 0.175 0.15 0.16 1,094,320
07/23/2019 0.1825 0.19 0.14 0.147 1,216,961
07/22/2019 0.1395 0.24 0.1395 0.18 2,347,575 .. AS PR out
the 24c HOD on 7.22.19 is misleading .. in that only 2 trades went off @ 24c (7k/3k) @ 9:57:33AM and 9:57:36AM ..
.. the *turn/reset* NR does by rote on IPIX was underway within 28 minutes of the PR being issued (my copy rec'd @ 9:29AM)
so this is IPIX's data after Friday's (7.26.19) *efforts* .. IPIX had a close of 17668 .. note the tiny reduction on -YOY %
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/26/2019 -67.58%
Volume 0
Volume (10 day Average) 748,261
Volume (90 day Average) 562,187
the issue of NRs' inability to part IP investors of *significance* over the years that NR brutalized IPIX
(4 years and 7 months now) remains in alignment with IP mgmt's ability to execute going forward
(as was done with this past week's news) .. that creates even more *issues* for NR .. besides the obvious of
IPIX's *volatility* and NRs' penchant for closing IPIX *down* as frequently as able to
one other aspect that some might find *revealing* .. as some may know .. (because NRs' usual refrain is
to note the market's .. er .. reaction or lack there of re: PPS .. as if the *market* blocks for 100s of 1000s of *volume*
on the ask or at bid as NR requires) .. those *actual* MMs (or ECNs) who actually do the *trade activity* (vs the
decoys who play them on RT l2) .. report to Finra each month their actual volume .. which Finra kindly breaks
down into %s .. so those with interest can note who does what .. vs who shows what daily on RT l2 (blocking or wash trading by decoys)
make no mistake .. NR isn't retail .. no one does smoke and mirrors better than NR .. but once NRs' patterns
are understood .. it effectively removes the emotional component entirely .. and reveals NRs' warts in total ..
effectively *neutralizing* Non Retails' efforts
this is IPIX's volume by month in 2019 as reported to Finra .. and the number of MMs/ECNs who reported (total)
there are only 3 MMs that matter re: IPIX .. and it's been the case for years now (CDEL/ETRF/NITE)
note in the giant shell game that NR utilizes .. CANT is now GTSM
JUN 2019 ~ 6,924,408 .. 7 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 89.54% of JUN 2019's volume (6,200,578)
MAY 2019 ~ 23,313,601 .. 16 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 77.91% of MAY 2019's volume (18,162,633)
APR 2019 ~ 8,643,366 .. 8 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 85.77% of APR 2019's volume (7,413,380)
MAR 2019 ~ 6,751,376 .. 11 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 84.94% of MAR 2019's volume (5,734,853)
FEB 2019 ~ 10,152,877 .. 11 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 76.96% of FEB 2019's volume (7,813,424)
JAN 2019 ~ 8,556,711 .. 10 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 81.93% of JAN 2019's volume (7,010,709)
This is partial explanation of why she feels NR is "upside down", "stuck" in IPIX and why we could see something of the giant spike that was evidenced in AMRN where NR was also stuck. She has said in the past that IPIX runup by NR could even be more dramatic than AMRN. That awaits to be seen, but nice knowing our favorite slime are in deep trouble and that it could possibly lead to a major spike in IPIX
news out of mgmt on Monday imo couldn't have been better timed
since NRs' handoff (PRO to CON) .. after 2 years and a few months working IPIX's (CTIX) $cycles of money (9.2012-12.2014) ..
in early Jan 2015 .. NR (non retail) has relentlessly brutalized IP shareholders in an attempt to get IPIX *shares*
there is a reason for that ..
a few times per year .. aware mgmts of OTC targets .. have a prime opportunity to exploit those who exploit by rote
imo this is one of those perfect times for Innovation Pharma's mgmt (IP) to exploit NRs' efforts .. specifically
against those efforts underway by NR in September 2018
some might recall the way Non Retail (NR) works ..
NR *resets* 52 week highs and 52 week lows to work off of going forward
usually the easiest way for an UPSIDE DOWN NR to *work* is to take the OTC targets' current 52 week high
and cut it in half .. and then again .. and if able to .. yet again .. and so it goes .. this can be done every year ..
every 6 months .. every Q or every week as NR can engender it
the goal is two-fold .. impact mgmt's ability to execute via a constantly reduced PPS
and triggering retails' emotions by racking up *paper losses* .. over weeks/months/years .. as an inducement to sell
when the above is aligned with NRs' 24/7 FUD .. even the most stalwart believer might be forgiven for being *impacted*
now to be clear .. most OTC targets do not outlast .. let alone survive .. NRs' unrelenting efforts to kill off the company
via a brutalized stock
almost always .. if an OTC target *outlasts* .. it usually does so with a blown out I/O (issued/outstanding)
which to be clear (and NR always likes to muddy this up) .. the I/O is not what is freely traded ..
what is freely traded is the Float (retail investors tend not to trade .. which makes their shares in the Float
closer to being restricted rather than traded) .. another *issue* NR has with IPIX
(i will go more into this aspect in my Part 2 post)
the problem NR has is when actual investors refuse to be separated from their *shares* .. and because NR
almost always forces out retail traders (not trading crews who like NR also orchestrate OTC targets' PPS by rote)
when NR relentlessly compresses an OTC targets' PPS .. NR finds themselves UPSIDE DOWN on an OTC target
that NR had previously (and successfully) worked $cycles of money on ..
those $cycles of money .. worked by NR .. can run 3 weeks .. 3 months .. 3 years
quite the dilemma facing NR re: IPIX .. specifically over NRs' *efforts* in the back half of 2018
so IPIX's previous 52 week high of $1.17 (divided by 2 = .5850)
IPIX 52-Week High
12/06/2017 1.17
was reset (and held in the 60c to mid 60c range for about 8 weeks in mid 2018)
IPIX 52-Week High
07/02/2018 0.64
before the *events and efforts* of September 2018 got underway and that *reset* on 9.7.18
IPIX 52-Week High
09/07/2018 0.5805 .. close enough to 5850c
some also might recall the *totally bogus* volume injection by NR (and by rote pawned off onto IP mgmt)
of course the reality is that mgmt did not dilute the 54,830,246 injected by NR in the last 4 months of 2018
(as comp'd to the 33,969,148 *traded* on IPIX in the first 8 months of 2018) .. IP's mgmt actually diluted
13M~ and change during the last 4 months of 2018 .. it was the usual orchestrated EOY *set up* by Non Retail
against IP investors .. because of course IPIX has been a target for years .. and NR has been UPSIDE DOWN on IPIX for years
so on 9.12.18 .. NR injects *volume* into IPIX .. and days before .. NR reset the 52 week high from 60c to 5805
on 9.7.18 .. this impacts YOY %s .. and to be clear .. those YOY %s on IPIX are *negative* .. 12 months ago
those -YOY %s were held @ mid - 40% .. that would morph to mid -80% (see below)
NR gets retail to sell by one of 3 ways .. stall a targeted PPS long enough (that was done about 2 years back)
relentlessly compress a PPS .. as has been done essentially since the *hand off* of late 2014 into 2015
or work a targeted PPS upward .. as was done *recently* (May 2019) .. which allowed NR to let some helium
out of IPIX's balloon .. otherwise NR would have been looking at a *take up* they quite possibly couldn't control
(imo 70c range ironically where NRs' cycle of money kicked off in Sept 2012 and where NR *stalled* IPIX
for months while working off prior efforts) .. and *volume* of at least 10M+ ..
on an OTC target that both outlasts and survives NRs' efforts .. it's all about NRs' *CONtroll*
and NRs' ability to *reset* the price point on their terms
this works .. until it doesn't
IPIX Historical .. September - December 2018 .. split into 4 months ..
PPS high denoted in green .. PPS low denoted in red
*volume* high denoted in red .. *volume* low denoted in green
Wash trading done by Non Retail is beyond blatant imo ..
but it's the OTC which makes it fungible to those tasked with *transparency*
so to point out the highs and lows for the last 4 months of 2018
5805c (9.7.18 reset) goes to 305c (10.5.18) goes to 21c (11.5.18) goes to 17c (12.17.18)
1895c (9.28.18) goes to 12c (10.19.18) goes to 1025c (11.20.18) goes to 7c (12.31.18)
12/31/2018 0.08 0.1 0.07 0.0954 631,343 .. 52 week low reset to 7c
12/28/2018 0.083 0.109 0.083 0.1036 531,169
12/27/2018 0.082 0.09 0.081 0.0876 468,153
12/26/2018 0.08 0.095 0.08 0.09 346,379
12/24/2018 0.095 0.095 0.08 0.08 372,923
12/21/2018 0.099 0.105 0.075 0.095 844,903
12/20/2018 0.11 0.11 0.0961 0.097 806,466
12/19/2018 0.12 0.12 0.103 0.11 1,060,552
12/18/2018 0.12 0.14 0.1101 0.1153 830,184
12/17/2018 0.17 0.17 0.125 0.1293 768,696
12/14/2018 0.123 0.16 0.115 0.145 414,408
12/13/2018 0.155 0.155 0.116 0.1202 459,830
12/12/2018 0.125 0.13 0.1152 0.127 523,824
12/11/2018 0.14 0.16 0.125 0.1399 849,983
12/10/2018 0.1299 0.16 0.1299 0.16 226,349
12/07/2018 0.123 0.135 0.11 0.133 295,802
12/06/2018 0.1245 0.1412 0.122 0.13 321,739
12/04/2018 0.12 0.1369 0.12 0.1231 420,537
12/03/2018 0.13 0.14 0.121 0.1343 345,949
11/30/2018 0.1375 0.1375 0.128 0.135 497,326
11/29/2018 0.1301 0.15 0.125 0.1327 1,379,661
11/28/2018 0.1325 0.15 0.1288 0.133 875,275
11/27/2018 0.125 0.1325 0.1101 0.132 475,115
11/26/2018 0.17 0.17 0.12 0.126 485,796
11/23/2018 0.1135 0.149 0.1135 0.14 884,102
11/21/2018 0.108 0.115 0.103 0.11 462,656
11/20/2018 0.108 0.115 0.1025 0.11 392,564
11/19/2018 0.122 0.132 0.105 0.11 1,058,420
11/16/2018 0.1369 0.1369 0.113 0.122 493,784
11/15/2018 0.125 0.137 0.115 0.137 687,206
11/14/2018 0.14 0.14 0.125 0.128 286,871
11/13/2018 0.17 0.17 0.1335 0.14 274,668
11/12/2018 0.155 0.155 0.135 0.14 690,455
11/09/2018 0.16 0.175 0.145 0.152 486,370
11/08/2018 0.14 0.175 0.137 0.1645 1,470,273
11/07/2018 0.1661 0.172 0.14 0.15 811,782
11/06/2018 0.18 0.185 0.159 0.1679 463,864
11/05/2018 0.19 0.21 0.17 0.185 1,033,642
11/02/2018 0.13 0.189 0.128 0.187 1,372,537
11/01/2018 0.135 0.14 0.125 0.13 634,420
10/31/2018 0.135 0.135 0.127 0.133 386,639
10/30/2018 0.13 0.14 0.1254 0.132 337,278
10/29/2018 0.134 0.144 0.13 0.135 1,114,409 .. note 9.13.18
10/26/2018 0.138 0.14 0.123 0.136 876,765
10/25/2018 0.1415 0.15 0.131 0.1374 619,964
10/24/2018 0.138 0.148 0.128 0.148 847,006
10/23/2018 0.138 0.14 0.122 0.137 774,467
10/22/2018 0.18 0.18 0.125 0.132 951,411 .. note 9.20.18
10/19/2018 0.1635 0.164 0.12 0.1462 1,869,230
10/18/2018 0.1779 0.1779 0.1534 0.164 788,072
10/17/2018 0.18 0.18 0.165 0.1779 446,377
10/16/2018 0.19 0.2 0.177 0.18 875,248
10/15/2018 0.2 0.24 0.18 0.1856 660,059
10/12/2018 0.19 0.205 0.177 0.2 713,829
10/11/2018 0.16 0.1896 0.159 0.1896 1,575,415
10/10/2018 0.1991 0.2 0.16 0.1626 1,547,811
10/09/2018 0.238 0.27 0.175 0.1841 2,131,163
10/08/2018 0.24 0.2499 0.22 0.238 205,005
10/05/2018 0.253 0.305 0.233 0.24 287,390
10/04/2018 0.29 0.29 0.24 0.253 200,849
10/03/2018 0.25 0.295 0.24 0.28 285,431
10/02/2018 0.1975 0.256 0.19 0.25 285,150
10/01/2018 0.21 0.21 0.18 0.1957 715,877
09/28/2018 0.264 0.264 0.1895 0.202 1,420,473
09/27/2018 0.27 0.273 0.242 0.2649 737,406
09/26/2018 0.308 0.308 0.26 0.2782 361,590
09/25/2018 0.2965 0.3136 0.27 0.2993 302,231
09/24/2018 0.299 0.31 0.28 0.2955 236,198
09/21/2018 0.299 0.299 0.272 0.299 250,475
09/20/2018 0.2486 0.33 0.2358 0.299 924,370
09/19/2018 0.233 0.25 0.21 0.2486 1,015,394
09/18/2018 0.263 0.269 0.208 0.233 886,593
09/17/2018 0.285 0.293 0.251 0.27 533,946
09/14/2018 0.29 0.295 0.262 0.29 753,114
09/13/2018 0.339 0.346 0.2271 0.29 1,109,738
09/12/2018 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.33 1,016,307 .. NRs' volume injection gets underway
09/11/2018 0.425 0.47 0.425 0.452 86,434
09/10/2018 0.38 0.5303 0.38 0.435 139,753
09/07/2018 0.39 0.5805 0.371 0.565 274,968 .. 52 week high reset from July 2018's 60c to 5805c
09/06/2018 0.38 0.4 0.37 0.4 194,838
09/05/2018 0.39 0.4025 0.3625 0.378 189,130
09/04/2018 0.398 0.41 0.3871 0.3935 166,467
now IPIX -YOY %s .. pulled monthly from early July 2018 to early 2019 .. note the pattern in play
this is SOP when a target is relentlessly compressed PPS wise for years ..
IPIX .. 7.2.18
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
06/29/2018 -37.89%
IPIX .. 8.2.18
08/01/2018 -47.02%
IPIX .. 9.4.18
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
09/04/2018 -47.18%
IPIX .. 10.3.18
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
10/02/2018 -65.01%
IPIX .. 11.2.18
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
11/01/2018 -82.55%
IPIX .. 12.4.18
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
12/03/2018 -83.00%
IPIX .. 1.3.19
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
01/02/2019 -84.88%
now here's what happened back in May when NR *manipulated* IPIX upward on *volume* ..

IPIX 5.3.19 (NRs' test to 19c stopped out @ approx 11AM .. hot knife thru butter) closed @ 171c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/02/2019 -62.95%
Volume 403,294
Volume (10 day Average) 366,852
Volume (90 day Average) 419,712
IPIX .. 5.6.19 .. closed @ 2205c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/03/2019 -59.38%
Volume 760,633
Volume (10 day Average) 390,843
Volume (90 day Average) 414,805
IPIX 5.8.19 .. closed @ 345c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/07/2019 +9.74% .. CANT have that ..

Volume 2,366,980 ** that 2.3M *volume* gets around ..

Volume (10 day Average) 642,244
Volume (90 day Average) 443,198
IPIX 5.10.19 .. closed @ 215c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/09/2019 -19.34%
Volume 2,377,415 .. see 5.8.19's *volume* (and 7.22.19's *volume*)
Volume (10 day Average) 831,474
Volume (90 day Average) 467,984
IPIX 5.13.19 .. closed @ 176c .. round robin reset done by NR in 6 *trading* days .. SOS DD
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/10/2019 -44.74%
Volume 668,718
Volume (10 day Average) 1,038,993
Volume (90 day Average) 487,388
IPIX 5.15.19 .. closes @ 20c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/14/2019 -54.82%
Volume 237,776
Volume (10 day Average) 1,133,260
Volume (90 day Average) 492,137
IPIX 5.17.19 .. closes @ 25c (reminder helium release done to negate news out 5.16.19)
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/16/2019 -45.76%
Volume 2,651,634
Volume (10 day Average) 1,548,678
Volume (90 day Average) 535,925
which brings me to this past week .. reminder .. IP's mgmt released exactly 5 PRs since 5.16.19
while all are important .. 3 are significant *imo* ..
so let's see what -YOY %s and *volume avgs* are on IPIX for the 2 weeks in July 2019 surrounding the AS PR
IPIX 7.15.19 .. closes @ 1799c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/12/2019 -64.42%
Volume 181,236
Volume (10 day Average) 234,147
Volume (90 day Average) 514,827
IPIX 7.17.19 .. closes @ 15c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/16/2019 -72.67%
Volume 460,061
Volume (10 day Average) 228,371
Volume (90 day Average) 512,870
IPIX 7.19.19 .. closes @ 12353c .. 5 digit hidden (per usual NRs' gyrations do their best to *offset* 7.22.19's news)
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/18/2019 -75.70%
Volume 695,522
Volume (10 day Average) 266,831
Volume (90 day Average) 516,975
IPIX 7.22.19 .. closes @ 18c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/19/2019 -78.33%
Volume 2,347,575 .. there's that 2.3M *volume* again ..

Volume (10 day Average) 322,582
Volume (90 day Average) 521,605
IPIX .. 7.24.19 .. closes @ 16c
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/23/2019 -74.25%
Volume 1,094,320
Volume (10 day Average) 642,888
Volume (90 day Average) 554,004
IPIX 7.26.19 .. closes @ 17668c .. 5 digit hidden
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/25/2019 -70.65%
Volume 303,012
Volume (10 day Average) 736,620
Volume (90 day Average) 563,001
so in a nutshell .. NR is stuck .. they have a few options .. as the clock ticks forward to -YOY %s decreasing
as Fall 2019 comes into view .. NR can *stall* .. imo what they have done for the last two days on IPIX .. a tightly
held PPS range that is wash traded incrementally upward (i refer to this as laddering) on *low volume* ..
07/26/2019 0.16 0.1767 0.155 0.1767 303,012
07/25/2019 0.174 0.174 0.155 0.1615 359,879
of course that *effort* only works so long for NR .. news out of *aware* OTC mgmt/s can come at any time
(imo the sequence is more telling sometimes than the news)
or NR can do another helium release on IPIX (as they did starting back on 5.3.19) .. anyone actually *observing*
that effort would have seen that NR almost lost control of IPIX a few times for that round .. so that is a potential
roll of the dice for an entity used to *controlling* outcomes
this tho' imo may have some appeal .. because NR needs to make IPIX a *trading* stock again (as it was for both
retail traders and NRs' efforts from 9.2012 to 12.2014 .. ($cycles of money) .. some might
remember the volume avgs NR worked on IPIX (CTIX) before the hand off .. to say nothing of the PPS *then*
.. keeping it simple .. avg volume 500000 x $3.00 (PPS) .. brings *daily* .. er .. trading volume dollar amount
to $1,500,000.00 .. that $1,500,000.00 gets revealing with today's IPIX PPS (and a reminder that NR can
manipulate IPIX's 10 day avg far more easily than the 90 day volume avg) .. so using a PPS of 20c (rounded up for the example)
IPIX would be trading 7,500,000 *shares* daily .. NR CANT and they don't .. at least not yet
of course most OTC targets don't *outlast* let alone *survive* NRs' efforts ..
IPIX did *record* volume with the release of 5.16.19's PR out of IP
(of course it was wash traded in advance earlier that month) .. which again highlights NRs' *dilemma*
05/17/2019 0.355 0.36 0.244 0.25 2,651,634
05/16/2019 0.213 0.33 0.21 0.32 4,413,783 .. record setting volume
05/15/2019 0.2 0.2099 0.19 0.2 237,776
05/14/2019 0.183 0.215 0.183 0.197 880,776
05/13/2019 0.195 0.2045 0.171 0.176 668,718
05/10/2019 0.287 0.32 0.2039 0.21 2,377,716
05/09/2019 0.3515 0.3558 0.284 0.292 863,112
05/08/2019 0.435 0.4351 0.3103 0.345 2,366,980
05/07/2019 0.2352 0.423 0.2205 0.417 2,513,988
05/06/2019 0.173 0.25 0.1595 0.2205 760,633
05/03/2019 0.156 0.19 0.156 0.171 403,294
now contrast that *volume* and *effort* by NR .. with this last week's effort ..
07/26/2019 0.16 0.1767 0.155 0.1767 303,012
07/25/2019 0.174 0.174 0.155 0.1615 359,879
07/24/2019 0.15 0.175 0.15 0.16 1,094,320
07/23/2019 0.1825 0.19 0.14 0.147 1,216,961
07/22/2019 0.1395 0.24 0.1395 0.18 2,347,575 .. AS PR out
the 24c HOD on 7.22.19 is misleading .. in that only 2 trades went off @ 24c (7k/3k) @ 9:57:33AM and 9:57:36AM ..
.. the *turn/reset* NR does by rote on IPIX was underway within 28 minutes of the PR being issued (my copy rec'd @ 9:29AM)
so this is IPIX's data after Friday's (7.26.19) *efforts* .. IPIX had a close of 17668 .. note the tiny reduction on -YOY %
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
07/26/2019 -67.58%
Volume 0
Volume (10 day Average) 748,261
Volume (90 day Average) 562,187
the issue of NRs' inability to part IP investors of *significance* over the years that NR brutalized IPIX
(4 years and 7 months now) remains in alignment with IP mgmt's ability to execute going forward
(as was done with this past week's news) .. that creates even more *issues* for NR .. besides the obvious of
IPIX's *volatility* and NRs' penchant for closing IPIX *down* as frequently as able to
one other aspect that some might find *revealing* .. as some may know .. (because NRs' usual refrain is
to note the market's .. er .. reaction or lack there of re: PPS .. as if the *market* blocks for 100s of 1000s of *volume*
on the ask or at bid as NR requires) .. those *actual* MMs (or ECNs) who actually do the *trade activity* (vs the
decoys who play them on RT l2) .. report to Finra each month their actual volume .. which Finra kindly breaks
down into %s .. so those with interest can note who does what .. vs who shows what daily on RT l2 (blocking or wash trading by decoys)
make no mistake .. NR isn't retail .. no one does smoke and mirrors better than NR .. but once NRs' patterns
are understood .. it effectively removes the emotional component entirely .. and reveals NRs' warts in total ..
effectively *neutralizing* Non Retails' efforts
this is IPIX's volume by month in 2019 as reported to Finra .. and the number of MMs/ECNs who reported (total)
there are only 3 MMs that matter re: IPIX .. and it's been the case for years now (CDEL/ETRF/NITE)
note in the giant shell game that NR utilizes .. CANT is now GTSM
JUN 2019 ~ 6,924,408 .. 7 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 89.54% of JUN 2019's volume (6,200,578)
MAY 2019 ~ 23,313,601 .. 16 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 77.91% of MAY 2019's volume (18,162,633)
APR 2019 ~ 8,643,366 .. 8 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 85.77% of APR 2019's volume (7,413,380)
MAR 2019 ~ 6,751,376 .. 11 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 84.94% of MAR 2019's volume (5,734,853)
FEB 2019 ~ 10,152,877 .. 11 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 76.96% of FEB 2019's volume (7,813,424)
JAN 2019 ~ 8,556,711 .. 10 .. 3 PRIMARY MMs did 81.93% of JAN 2019's volume (7,010,709)

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