You should contact FB and Tytan as suggested, at a minimum. They'll be able to investigate and would be required to surrender any pertinent information to the court, if requested. Individuals usually don't bother because it costs money to get an attorney to pursue it. Tytan, on the otherhand, could (potentially) include this incident as evidence in another case, as this clearly shows that MB is harassing, if not threatening TYTN shareholders.
As for lie-hub, most of the mods on the TYTN board need the be served. Advil was protected by lie-hub once, but also posts here, so if he stirs up any crap here, they can't protect his identity if the court requests it. It will all unravel soon enough. All of those losers on the darkside can pound salt. They know they're going to lose this one. They're resorting to reposting BS fantasy news in the stickies, for God's sake. How lame is that? Mylanta1 isn't even man enough to own the post. Hiding behind Advil like a litlle punk. What a douche...
I've got a good seat and can't wait for the show to begin.
Sorry for my rant, Jojo. Just had to throw my 2 cents in.