I think it is obvious to see the motivation behind certain negative posters against SFRX. They make their money by buying low and selling high as the pps of a penny stock goes up and down. However, SFRX is not your typical penny stock. It is a stock that happens to be a penny stock for the time being. So I think there are certain negative posters who have sold their shares in expectation of the pps dropping again. SFRX is not going to drop again. It's just going up from where it is. So they are stuck with no or low shares hoping the price goes back down. So they bash the stock in hopes that they can influence the pps. Most penny stocks don't have a lot of people aware of their presence and bashing the price down is possible when shareholder numbers are low and there is a lack of information available. But now SFRX is growing in popularity and those shareholders understand that the company has a great future and are not influenced by a proven fraudster.
Speaking of fraudsters, there is another poster that pops up occasionally like a herpes outbreak. This person has the goal of coming across as well meaning, informed and honest but just happens to think that SFRX is doing everything wrong and puts up just enough info to fool those unfamiliar with the salvage industry. This person's goal is to divert attention away from investors to his own salvage scams. Another goal of his is his hope that someone from Seafarer will see his info and contact him so he can hitch a ride and play one of his scams of owning or working a site with SFRX. He's looking to sell a site of no value to Seafarer. He is a scam artist. He has done this for years.
Just had to get that off my chest.