Amazing Website >> http://www.immunotechlab.com/
Outstanding >> 60 Million
FLOAT >> 2 Million
Authorized >> 150 Million
Insiders Hold 98% >> Name of Shareholder Number of Shares
Harry Zhabilov 24,895,646 41.11
Ara Ghanime 24,895,646 41.11
Dow Jones Link 2,773,500 4.58
Allie Chang 600,000 1.0
Paul Felizian 600,000 1.0
Lord George Equities 5,400,000 9.0
Joseph Pittera 250,000 0.41
Harout Tovmasyan 151,000 0.25
Elie Sakayan 50,000 0.08
Hagop Parseghian 600,000 1.0
Others 339,896 0.46
INSIDERS SHARES WERE Acquired at .50 or Better, NO DILUTION!!
Immunotech Laboratories is a drug development company committed to the commercialization of its proprietary proteins for the treatment of debilitating infectious diseases. Immunotech is committed to creating drugs for the better health of mankind.
After decades of research, we determined that it was time to take Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. (formerly International Technology Systems, Inc.) and our product to the next level. Therefore, we are glad to inform you that Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. is currently trading publicly under the ticker symbol of IMMB (Pink Sheets / OTC.NASDAQ Exchange).
Immunotech’s flagship compound ITV-1 (Immune Therapeutic Vaccine-1) is a suspension of Inactivated Pepsin Fraction (IPF), which studies have shown is effective in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. IPF is the active drug substance of ITV-1 and is a purified extract of porcine pepsin. ITV-1 has been shown to modulate the immune system.
Immunotech Laboratories offers the innovative HIV / AIDS drug called Irreversible Pepsin Fraction (IPF) , a platform technology that can be used to facilitate a broad range of applications.
It is free from neurological, gastrointestinal and hematological side effects seen in the anti-retrovirals in use today.
Irreversible Pepsin Fraction (IPF)
Irreversible Pepsin Fraction (IPF) is a platform technology that can be used to facilitate a broad range of applications. It is free from neurological, gastrointestinal and hematological side effects seen in the anti-retrovirals in use today. IPF has not shown to be subject to viral resistance and is cost effective.
Immune Therapeutic Vaccine-1 (ITV-1)
Immunotech’s flagship compound ITV-1 (Immune Therapeutic Vaccine-1) is a suspension of Inactivated Pepsin Fraction (IPF), which studies have shown is effective in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. IPF is the active drug substance of ITV-1 and is a purified extract of porcine pepsin. ITV-1 has been shown to modulate the immune system.
In Harry Zhabilov’s paper, Immune Therapeutic Vaccine (ITV): A Fusion Inhibitor and Immunomodulator, our Chief Science Officer details his motivation for exploring this therapeutic avenue, and the promising results of extensive laboratory testing.
Immunotech is currently evaluating several new treatments. Please check back for announcements
Our therapy is:
• Unique, patent-protected HIV/AIDS therapy
• Turns on the immune system to fight HIV infections ? not achieved with other therapies
• Inhibits the infection of CD4 T-cells by HIV
• Raises CD4 T-cell counts to healthier levels
• Reduces HIV viral loads
• Replaces or complements current antiretroviral therapies
• Potentially lesser costly and much less toxic
• May be effective as a periodic therapy instead of a daily one
• Likely unaffected by HIV mutations that can hamper antiretroviral therapies (HAART)
The present invention relates to compositions containing a complex of an inactivated pepsin fraction (IPF) component and heat shock protein (HSP) peptide component (IPF-HSP complex) and methods for producing specific immunity to tumor peptides.
New Drug Discovery
New drugs begin in the laboratory with scientists, including chemists and pharmacologists, who identify cellular and genetic factors that play a role in specific diseases. They search for chemical and biological substances that target these biological markers and are likely to have drug-like effects. Out of every 5,000 new compounds identified during the discovery process, only five are considered safe for testing in human volunteers after preclinical evaluations. After three to six years of further clinical testing in patients, only one of these compounds is ultimately approved as a marketed drug for treatment. The following sequence of research activities begins the process that results in development of new medicines:
The MSD platform offers significant advantages to detect and quantify protein and protein-complexes in complex matrices such as human serum/plasma or tissue homogenates. These include:
High sensitivity and broad dynamic range allowing you to measure the levels of protein or protein complexes over a broad range of concentrations (typically covering 3.5 to 5 logs of protein concentration) thereby eliminating requirements to re-test samples saving both on time and reagents.
Robust, easy to use and reproducible instrumentation.
Small sample requirements – typically only 25 ul
There are a number of approaches that can be taken to develop assays to detect the complex between IPF and gp-41 or gp-120. IPF and specific cancer antigen target. One approach would be to obtain specific antibodies against IPF and specific ovarian cancer antigen and to build a sandwich immunoassay to detect the presence of these protein complexes. Second approach would be to obtain specific antibodies against IPF and gp 41 or gp 120, or if you are looking to detect the binding of gp-120 or gp-41 to IPF, the antigen can be coated on a plate to capture proteins from the sample and then report the binding with a specific detection antibody. e.g.
Immunotech’s flagship compound ITV-1 (Immune Therapeutic Vaccine-1) is a suspension of Inactivated Pepsin Fraction (IPF), which studies have shown is effective in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. IPF is the active drug substance of ITV-1 and it’s a purified extract of porcine pepsin. ITV-1 has been shown to modulate the immune system.
In Harry Zhabilov’s paper, Immune Therapeutic Vaccine (ITV): A Fusion Inhibitor and Immunomodulator, our Chief Science Officer details his motivation for exploring this therapeutic avenue, and the promising results of extensive laboratory testing.
ITV-2 will utilize Immunotech Laboratories’ IPF platform technology. This product’s testing is scheduled to begin soon. Come back soon for more information and updates on this exciting product.
ITV-3 will utilize Immunotech Laboratories’ IPF platform technology. This product’s testing is scheduled to begin soon. Come back soon for more information and updates on this exciting product
Preclinical developement for the ITV-4 HIV Vaccine is scheduled to begin in the 4th Quarter of 2012.
HUGE INVESTORS INFO >> http://www.immunotechlab.com/investor-information/
Transfer Agent for Immunotech Laboratories
Pacific Stock Transfer
(702) 361-3033 & (702) 433-1979
The Zhabilov patents disclose a method for isolating and preparing an inactive pepsin fraction (IPF) useful for detecting and treating HIV-1 infection and some autoimmune and viral diseases. Extensive research indicates that IPF can open the window for the creation of therapeutic vaccines for diseases such as HIV, cancer and hepatitis without the drawbacks of similar well-known compositions. Following is some more specific information on IPF’s application to each of these diseases.
IPF shows great promise in treating HIV infections while overcoming the cost, toxicity, compliance and drug resistance of existing treatments. The IPF based vaccine has been studied as a salvage therapy on stage CDC-3 AIDS patients using a mono approach. The results of four non-US experimental trials on 200 patients show the action and effectiveness of the vaccine. Immunological results are;
Increase in percentages and numbers of CD8 and CCR5 positive cells in the treated patients.
Significant increase in CD8+, CD38+ cells in the treated patients.
Significant increase in both CD4+ iNFg, secreting cells in the treated patients.
Previously under license to Immunotech Labs for the HIV market, IPF when formulated into a vaccine demonstrated in preliminary trials gp41 and gp120 bound together through alpha-1 and alpha-2 and beta-serum fractions, which when formed inside the body blocks direct HIV-CD4 contact and also triggers an immune reaction.
An essential element of this approach is using combinations of known and new immune-creators with gp41 and gp120 antigens in order to increase their immunogenicity. This approach using the vaccine as an immune-creator results in creating a complex antigen having the properties of a vaccine.
IPF has demonstrated advantages over traditional HIV treatments including:
Significantly fewer and milder side effects
Minimal toxicity
Does not cause viral mutation
Requires only a short treatment cycle
Enhances the immune system and enhances quality of life
Cost effectiveness
Simple and short treatment modality without compliance issues
Treatment of drug resistant patients
The Zhabilov patents disclose a method for isolating and preparing an inactivated pepsin fraction (IPF) useful for detecting and treating cancers. One of the major goals of immune therapy is to harness a patient’s immune system against tumor cells. The technology developed over some ten years by Zhabilov, involves treatment to increase the immunogenicity of cancer cells. This immunogenicity leads to an induction of anticancer immune response, more especially, cancer specific T cells responses. IPF increases levels of interference (IFNs). Clear demonstrations are available of increased immunogenicity of treated melanoma cells. Immunogenicity of the vaccine is further enhanced through the inclusion of proprietary adjuvant IL2. This adjuvant acts to protect the immune cells activated in response to the vaccine. This protection increases survival and prolongs the post vaccine immune response.
With regard to cancer therapy the objective is to direct the patient’s immune system against tumor cells by targeting antigens that are associated with tumor cells, but not normal counterparts. These tumor associated antigens (TAAs) have been difficult to identify. Certain tumor cells express antigens that are normally not expressed, or expressed at very low levels in the healthy cells. One example is an alpha-fetoprotein, which is expressed by liver cancer cells. Another onco fetal tumor antigen is carcinoembrionic antigen (CII) which is expressed in adenocarcinomas of the digestive system. Unfortunately the immune system cannot recognize specific tumor antigens and reject the tumor. Recent advances of our understanding have revealed that any proteins binding with specific tumor antigens can be recognized by the immune system. Attached proteins by the tumor antigens form super antigens which will increase production of antibody against the tumor cells. Amplification of immune response will be using different kinds of cytokines.
A complex of inactivated pepsin fraction (IPF) component and gp96 peptide is a method of modulating immune system activity by inducing specific T cells (CTL) response against tumor cells. Gp96 also delivers maturation signals to the DC, and includes the expression of MHC antigen. The ability of gp96 to transfer antigen peptides/MHC to initiate T cell mediated anti-tumor responses and uptake and processing of tumor antigens by DC, makes it an ideal candidate for triggering an immune responses in an organism in response to tumor. It could be assumed that gp96 is binding by the immune system and this new super antigen stimulates immune responses using a non conventional antigen processing pathway. IPF is a sterile biological product. It is isolated pepsin enzyme by buffer extraction and cleavage. The following have been demonstrated in several experiment studies:
Increased CD8 and, IFN gamma
Increased CD8 number over time
Improved cellular response of both CD4 and CD8 when activated in vitro by nonspecific mitogens.
Zhabilov discloses method for isolating and preparing an inactivated pepsin fraction (IPF) useful for detecting and treating HIV1 HCV and some autoimmune and viral diseases. According to preliminary trials the complex antigen of IPF and viral antigens together through Alfa 1, Alfa 2 and beta serum fractions which form inside the body, blocks contact virus and hepatocytes and immune cells while at the same time trigger an immune reaction. The new antigen complex triggers an immune reaction model with the participation of T lymphocytes with gamma-delta chains on their surface. In this way, IPF appears like an immune creator and can be used for treatment of HCV infection. This approach, using IPF as an immune creator results in creating a complex antigen having the properties of a vaccine. The new antigen complex triggers an immune reaction model with the participation of T lymphocytes. The results of the pilot testing study conducted clearly show the action and effectiveness of IPF. Immunological results by Dr. Santos from Centro Medico Nova in Mexico are:
Increase in percentage and numbers of CD8 positive cells in the treated patients
Significant decline CD8+CD38+cells in treated patients
Significant increase in both the CD4+iNFg secreting cells as well as the CD8+iNFg secreting cells in the treated patients
Increase all the cytokines such as IL2 IL6 IL12 relate with the TH1 immune response
All of the above immunological changes show the immunological effect of IPF. The demonstrated immunological results can open a window for the creation of vaccine treating against viral diseases such as HCV.
The specific assets currently being offered for sale or license include:
US Patent 7, 479,538 Irreversibly-inactivated pepsinogen fragment and pharmaceutical compositions comprising the same for detecting, preventing, and treating HIV
PCT/US05/45515 International counterpart to US 7,479,538
US application 12/487/637 Irreversibly-inactivated pepsinogen fragments for modulating immune function via isolated anti-cancer peptides
US application 12/315,441 Inactivated Pepsin fragments for modulating immune system activity again human malignant tumor cells
US application 12/321,262 Irreversibly-inactivated pepsinogen fragment and pharmaceutical compositions comprising the same for detecting, preventing and treating HIV
Additional information is available on the background research and various applications of IPF including details of the HIV and oncology clinical trials that have been conducted. For additional information please contact:
PATENT VALUE REPORT IS AWESOME >> http://www.immunotechlab.com/ipf-patent-value-report/
$5 MILLION PATENT VALUE >> http://imagehost.vendio.com/a/8709739/view/Patent.png
Immunotech Laboratories Announces LOI With International Bio-Tech Partner For USA Clinical Trials Funding Of Patented HIV Medicines
PASADENA, Calif., Jan. 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: IMMB) today announced the company has been in negotiations with an International Bio-Tech Partner in the HIV cure technology sector for joint advanced Research & Development and the partner has agreed to provide the necessary funding for the USA Clinical Trials phases to ultimately achieve FDA approval for the medicines.
A senior spokesperson for Immunotech further added, the terms while yet to be fully determined include some exclusive rights for the International partner for use and distribution of the vaccines in several countries where the equivalent of FDA approval is not required and can be distributed and administered labeled as an "Experimental Drug". This process will help accelerate the clinical trials results.
Pursuant to significantly positive results with its patient population targeting full blown AIDS patients, the company has completed numerous clinical contracts with Mexican hospitals to initiate a full blown effort of clinical trial protocol preparation for its HIV/AIDS Vaccine drug candidate. The successful outcome of these efforts will eventually provide the necessary regulatory means for its product's registration approval in the Republic of Mexico and eventually open a venue to most of the central and South American markets.
PASADENA, CA -- (Marketwire) -- 11/28/12 -- Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: IMMB)
Pursuant to significantly positive results with its patient population targeting full blown AIDS patients, the company has completed numerous clinical contracts with Mexican hospitals to initiate a full blown effort of clinical trial protocol preparation for its HIV/AIDS Vaccine drug candidate. The successful outcome of these efforts will eventually provide the necessary regulatory means for its product's registration approval in the Republic of Mexico and eventually open a venue to most of the central and South American markets.
Resistance to all commercially available antiretroviral (ARV) agents within all classes has been reported. The occurrence of multi-class resistance remains high, with 20% of infected individuals developing resistance to two or more classes within six years of initiating treatment, and 10% of newly diagnosed infections already resistant to at least one class in the U.S. Multi-class resistance is even more prevalent in disenfranchised patient populations, whose rates of successful adherence to even the most simplified regimens available remains prohibitively low. Inactivated Pepsin Fraction (IPF), like other natural autoantibody based fractionated proteins, has an affinity to pathogenic binding and simultaneously produces effects of immune homeostasis. IPF has shown significant antiretroviral activity via immune stimulatory pathways in vitro, notably helper T1 cells elaborate cytokines INFy, IL-2. These cells selectively promote cell-mediated immune responses that are disadvantageous to viral replication.
IPF appears to modulate helper T1 cells' expression of elaborate cytokines INFy, IL-2, which selectively promote cell-mediated immune response and subsequently stimulate cytotoxic lymphocytes. These lymphocytes have a prominent role in the host's immunologic response to HIV infection. Proteins encoded by these pathogens enter the endogenous pathway for antigen presentation and are expressed on the surface of the infected cell as a complex with class l MHC- proteins. IPF appears to present a novel mechanism to reduce viral burden and stimulate immune responses to the virus for patients with significant antiretroviral resistance. Furthermore, the use of IPF with antiretroviral therapy reduces the viral load between two and five log reduction.
Further information can be obtained from www.immunotechlab.com
This news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties associated with financial projections, budgets, milestone timelines, clinical development, regulatory approvals, and other risks described by Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. from time to time in its periodic reports filed with the SEC. IPF is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration or by any comparable regulatory agencies elsewhere in the world. While Immunotech Laboratories believes that the forward-looking statements and underlying assumptions contained therein are reasonable, any of the assumptions could be inaccurate, including, but not limited to, the ability of Immunotech Laboratories to establish the efficacy of IPF in the treatment of any disease or health condition, the development of studies and strategies leading to commercialization of IPF in the United States, the obtaining of funding required to carry out the development plan, the completion of studies and tests on time or at all, and the successful outcome of such studies or tests. Therefore, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements included in this release will prove to be accurate. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward-looking statements included herein, Immunotech Laboratories or any other person that the objectives and plans of Immunotech Laboratories will be achieved should not regard the forward-looking statements as a representation.
SHAREHOLDER UPDATE SEEKING HUGE PHARMACEUTICAL MERGER/BUYOUT >> PASADENA, CA -- (Marketwire) -- 09/05/12 -- Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: IMMB) signed a contract with strategic partners in Bulgaria to register a company called Immunotech Laboratories B.G. LLC. Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. will own 34% of the Bulgarian subsidiary. The goal of Immunotech Laboratories BG is to conduct pre-clinical testing, clinical trials phase I, phase II, and phase III to reach registration of the product based on IPF platform called ImmuneH for treatment of Hepatitis C. Furthermore Immunotech Laboratories B.G. will obtain rights for the eventual production in Bulgaria.
In March 2012, Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. and collectively the Zhabilov Group, entered into a binding Release and Settlement Agreement with Viral Genetics Inc. and collectively the Viral Group and its principals that was approved by the court. The Settlement ends the almost 5-year-old lawsuit between the parties, dismissing all claims without admission of liability by any party.
The Company's HIV/AIDS technology and intellectual property portfolio have grown considerably in these last five years. As a result, both the Company and the Zhabilov Group are now free to pursue possible partnerships and joint ventures at a much higher level that better reflect the value of the work.
According to its President and Chief Science Officer, Harry Zhabilov, "With this arduous and time-consuming process behind, Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. is now completely free to focus on the development of new drug candidates."
Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. has completed an in depth double-blind, placebo-controlled study of ITV-1 for the treatment of HIV and AIDS, which has showed positive results. Results indicate statistically significant reductions in viral load (the amount of HIV in the blood) in some patients, with no adverse events attributed to the drug, and a mechanism of action that appears to be markedly different than existing HIV therapies.
Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. is working toward a therapy that could have a positive impact on the large numbers of people infected with HIV. The marketable and therapeutic value which ITV-1 brings to the arsenal of fighting HIV/AIDS globally, is its regimen's simplicity, short duration and cost effectiveness. "The initial Pilot test studies are intriguing as there appears to be some antiviral effect that is sustained well after the last administration of ITV-1. It is important to conduct further studies to determine the precise mechanism of action and whether these initial effects can be enhanced. ITV-1 may have a totally different mechanism of action from existing antiretrovirals," said Harry H. Zhabilov, President and Chief Science Officer of Immunotech Laboratories, Inc.
Pursuant to significantly positive results with its patient population targeting full blown AIDS patients, the company has completed numerous clinical contracts with Mexican hospitals to initiate a full blown effort of clinical trial protocol preparation for its HIV/AIDS drug candidate. The successful outcome of these efforts will eventually provide the necessary regulatory means for its product's registration approval in the Republic of Mexico and eventually open a venue to most of the central and South American markets.
Further information can be obtained from www.immunotechlab.com
This news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties associated with financial projections, budgets, milestone timelines, clinical development, regulatory approvals, and other risks described by Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. from time to time in its periodic reports filed with the SEC. IPF is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration or by any comparable regulatory agencies elsewhere in the world. While Immunotech Laboratories believes that the forward-looking statements and underlying assumptions contained therein are reasonable, any of the assumptions could be inaccurate, including, but not limited to, the ability of Immunotech Laboratories to establish the efficacy of IPF in the treatment of any disease or health condition, the development of studies and strategies leading to commercialization of IPF in the United States, the obtaining of funding required to carry out the development plan, the completion of studies and tests on time or at all, and the successful outcome of such studies or tests. Therefore, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements included in this release will prove to be accurate. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward-looking statements included herein, Immunotech Laboratories or any other person that the objectives and plans of Immunotech Laboratories will be achieved should not regard the forward-looking statements as a representation.
Harry Zhabilov
President and Chief Science Officer
Telephone: 818-409-9091
Fax: 818-409-8988