Here is what actually talking to ADMINS does for us on IHUB! This was obviously a longer conversation but at least I got the news real fixed!
Some people are saying they cant even find the news on ihub anymore. My main concern is that none of our news is sticking to the news real that is located on each board.
Nothing has been sticking there since November. I am not sure if that is an IHUB problem or the mods on PNCH problem. We pretty have ZERO MODS on PNCH board. They finally updated and stickied the new news after 3 days of us asking.
The MODS are trying to start wars on the board.
My main concern is why is our NEWS not sticking to the news real on our board.
I don't know how else to explain it. If you want I can take a screenshot and send it to you bolding what I am referring to. Its a beige box that keeps all the past news in it on each board. Our board just seems to not be updating anymore since November and there has been plenty of new NEWS.
Thanks! Please look into this and also PLEASE look into the MODS on the PNCH board, what they are doing over there is criminal.
Dear Insanant,
I've updated PNCH news. Can you see it correctly now?