On Jan. 25, SIOR received notice from the SEC that their company stock was being suspended from trading for a ten day period due the company's failure to keep up with the submission of SEC required public filings. On Jan. 28 in response to the SEC notice, the company issued / submitted an 8K filing to the SEC noting their intent to take action to resolve the problem. Everyone, shareholders , and interested parties, are waiting to see what will happen at the end of the ten day suspension. Will it trade or no?
Adding to this drama, the primary SIOR stock message board at I-Hub has come under a coordinated attack by an army of naysayer trolls who claim the stock is now worthless because of the suspension. They may be right or they may be wrong; time will tell. But if it's worthless, as they claim, why keep beating a dead horse. A rational person believing the stock to be dead, would leave it alone and move on to other perceived better opprtunities, no? All this leads me to suspect that despite their claims, they don't believe SIOR to be a dead horse either . The naysayers are being aided by the evidently biased forum administrators in this discussion who are very quick to remove posts of defensive nature, but always allow posts attacking the stock to remain on the board. The board is an absolute trashheap, now.
While there isn't much activity at this board right now, it may receive a number of refugees from the Stalinist I-Hub, and I hope this is a much better, freer discussion board