Buckle up.. I'm waiting for Plan B from them.. They only shook loose 3% of the shares over the last 3 days.. I'm guessing that up to 80% of the float may have been naked shorted in the run to over 2 and a half cents last summer.. They need to buy those counterfeit shares back before CWRN drops a money bomb statement, or dividend on them, imo.. I can see no other reason for the huge infestation of vultures showing up within a half hour of the announcement the other day.. The friggen crooks did the same thing to JBII about 9 months ago. Exact same thing.. 10 minutes after charges were filed, Janet and about 40 of her rats decended on the IPoop JBII board and pounded away for two months.. Trumped up BS charges from the SEC drove the price from over $4 to 50 cents in only a month.. Their investors weren't as resillient/stubborn as we are, and the price never came back even after most of the crap got refuted.. I'm all for hanging evey one of those SOB's in the SEC for collusion to defraud and manipulate.. I pray CWRN starts lighting Rich Girl"s cannon!!
By the way.. Do I get some kind of Guinness Book Record? I only get one post a day over there on IPoop, and lately, no matter what I post, it only lasts 3.8 seconds before it does a Copperfield and disappears! LOL! Sucky dog can't even read the whole posts that quick, I don't think! LOL!