Agreed, great interview!
And to think there are some out there who would have the audacity to personally attack Cheryl and throw her under the bus for the poor performance of the stock or corporate management when really she has zero control over any of that. She is RFMK's spokesperson and has done an incredible job in a short amount of time, not to mention all of the amazing opportunities she has generated, not only for RFMK but for the entire industry. She is an amazing lady, indeed.
Me thinks some of the reactions of the pitiful naysayers once all of these ideas and projects become a reality will be, "Holy cow, this is REAL!!!!".
Very exciting to hear about all of Cheryl's projects, including Mark Wahlberg, Marlon Wayans reality based shows, as well as hearing that the plan is to have offices in California but also in Denver and Seattle! As a long term RFMK shareholder it is quite promising to hear Cheryl speak firstly about RFMK as her primary project and/or company she is involved in. It means a lot to me as an investor because it suggests to me that once all of these projects of hers go national (Comedy Central commercials, multiple reality series shows, books, magazines, etc) she will be providing RFMK and the Vapor Inhaler product with exclusive exposure and marketing opportunities! I cannot think of any penny stock in history which has ever had the potential that RFMK has at this point in time! No pink sheet stock has ever had the potential for such exposure and it is possible that once the MJ activism movement really gets going, ~$40,000 worth of shares trading daily in the stock will be a distant memory. I think part of the real reason why the stock performs so poorly day in day out is because so few dollars are able to drastically change the market cap for the company and so because it is volatile and mainly consists of small retail investors, they tend to begin only seeing very short term opportunities and eventually are convinced that the only way to make money is to have a short term horizon and so only FLIP the stock, rather than investing long term in the company's potential. There are many investment and trading strategies in the market, and one should not come to the conclusion that there only exists one way to make money in a stock just because the short term trend or behavior in the stock is a certain way. Sure if your horizon is already firm on only holding intraday or a few days then certainly flipping is the strategy for you but one or a few days horizon is not the only time period for investments out there. I do agree with most though that the CEO needs to seriously get on top of the situation and the stock and "soon" has nothing to do with it. Long term loyal shareholders deserve more than weekly comments and promises about great things coming "soon" and then week after week, month after month, nothing ever happens.
Where is the audited 10K?!!!
"Patience" is one thing, but abusing it to give allowance to chronically delay corporate actions and goals which are critical to the develoment and success of the company which would build shareholder value is ludicrous. Mr CEO, lets "get r done", shall we?
May the force be with us, soon.