YIPI Yippy Recieves Trademark
Jun 07, 2012
OTC Disclosure & News Service
Fort Myers, FL -
Yippy, Inc. (YIPI) Receives Two Trademarks from USPTO
FORT MYERS, FL, June 7, 2012 --Yippy, Inc. (OTCQX: YIPI) (www.yippy.com) ("Yippy" or the"Company"), providers of the world's fastest, family friendly search engine and web portal reported that the Company has received the trademark for "Yippy" effective immediately. Additionally, the Company slogan "Welcome to the Cloud" has also been approval and is now registered trademark with the USPTO.
About Yippy Inc.:
Based in Fort Myers, Florida, Yippy, Inc. is a new economy technology company that develops educational and reference search technologies, content aggregation services and application services environments for both consumer and commercial market segments. The Company operates several online web properties and educational reference portals. Yippy,Inc. (OTCQX: YIPI) has been approved to trade on the OTCQX U.S.,the intelligent marketplace for the best OTC companies with the highest financial standards and superior information availability. Investors can find current financial disclosure and Real-Time Level 2 quotes for the Company on www.otcmarkets.com. The Company began operations in 2009. For more information please visit: www.yippy.com.
For Yippy, Inc.
Rich Granville
Investor Relations