Yes, he is a very good record keeper of the Pacer docs and technical contributor about the patents.
The timing to respond to a suit has a built in court driving timing once companies are served, usually 30 days or so, but the parties always negotiate extensions for the 1st response. What is happening now with the 1st group from the Oct filings, is dates have been set for mid Mar to come to settlement agreements.
I have overly simplified the process, but this is definitely on a fast track.
Each suit, be it retailers or OEM's are all separate cases...none of this is "class action."
There are some very big names as you can tell and we expect a nice cash infusion from these continued actions by our law firm Handal & Assoc.
EDIG has been completely debt free since Nov, 2009 as announced at the shareholder meeting (Nov 19, I was there) and the O/S of 293,003,158 has not changed from that date.
The 774 & 737 patents made it thru re-exam with flying colors, they both were strengthened with new claims, plus 6 NUNCHI patents went live mid-Nov, 2012.
I have been in this stock 13 years as of Mar 24, 2000 and I have never seen the company in such good shape the last few months.
I will continue to share info here for all to do their DD.
To be official soon...