Patent for the battery technology granted by U.S. Patent office by co-inventor Chan Kwong-Yu. Chan appears on ZNTR website as Science Adviser.
Link to Patent filing;
Link reflecting Chan as Science Adviser;
By written agreement ZNTR is granted exclusive worldwide license for the patented battery technology with Versitech Limited. Versitech is a technology transfer company operated and funded by the University of Hong Kong. The agreement is executed with Constant Environment, Inc., (predecessor to Zentric, Inc.) and published in form 8-k filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Link to University of Hong Kong-Versitech Limited;
Link to 8-K filing containing Versitech-Zentric agreement;
Recent (10/18/2010) disclosure of joint venture agreement with two Chinese firms to build and operate battery plant. Zentric to retain 70% ownership and JV partners obtain 30% ownership. Details of the JV agreement are published in 8-K filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission;
Link to JV agreement with China partners to build and operate battery plant;
Link to press release;