and so they shipped 43829 tons ca 6-12-12 but mex govt may have been holding rest hostage til resolution of delay in shipping due to new mex regs etc- bingos posts indicate expected problem to be solved last summer but July 1 2012 Mexican elections-which were contested in court-and thus Mex supreme court only confirmed the elections Aug 1-so during that time the govt was paralyzed -everything re this was frozen-new Mex govt reportedly only took office Dec 1
if they are going to have such a difficult elongated permit process they at least need to make permits good for 2 years so companies can plan and execute contracts
they learned last summer apparently that fert needed an iron ore permit so fert permit has been going thru the same govt paralysis process w fert permit expected early Nov, as posted by somebody else from CEO-but once have permit, have to negotiate a contract w buyer and w shipper, unless its a Bao ship-and so far those have been involved processes also-and Bao has shown apparent willingness for delay to save on shipping costs by waiting until they have a bulk ship unloading product nearby, which can carry ore back to China