I use Scottrade. I use the Elite platform, with Level-2 access... however Scottrade does not provide L2 feeds for pinks. I can get Time and Sales for PNCH, but not Bid/Ask info. The Elite platform is very customizable. There is very little you can't do in the way of displays. You can also have multiple display configurations on tabs at the bottom. I have a 3-monitor setup, with the Elite app across screens 2 and 3. That allows plenty of real-estate for charts, watchlists, portfolio info and other.
On their main site you have access to all types of reports, including tax info, trade history, profit/loss reports, etc.
I have had to call for support a couple of times, and was not impressed with their service. Not bad service... just not impressive.
Hope that helps. I'm not endorsing them, nor advising to stay away. I guess it depends on your needs.