no one pays anybody to "bash" penny stocks .. 17(b) disclosure applies to everyone. (posted by Janice)
i respect most of your info that you share BUT that statement above is FALSE .. IMO because they are hidden groups so obviously they would'nt be DISCLOSING their AGENDA and the Rule disclosure would'nt apply.
i wonder why there is OFFSHORE entities that can or get caught MANIPULATINGE stocks dodging USA regulations like Offshore MM's, Brokers or unknown 3rd parties etc...
so it's only logical that to do so just like pumping a stock they would need people or a group that demotes a stock so they can create FEAR instead of GREED in return covering their short positions or to BUY LOW and SELL HIGH ?
Also it could be TRUE what you've said above they are not PAID but they could be paying themselves by trading the targeted stock they BASH ? who would be on boards all day without earning $ for a living ? because there is Hired Promoters and there would be good reasons to believe there is also PAID Demoters as some can obviously see Online, we "THE INVESTORS" are not IDIOTS (read below of some recent examples)
- SEC Charges optionsXpress and 5 Individuals Involved in Abusive Naked Short Selling Scheme
- SEC Charges U.S. Perpetrators in $35 Million International Boiler Room Scheme
- Goldman et al Engaged in 'Naked Short Selling'
- Goldman, Merrill E-Mails Show Naked Shorting, Filing Says
Reasons for Demoting a stock
1-They are employees that are not currently happy with the company.
2-They are x-employees that have quit or maybe fired
3-They are previous employees or employees of a company that is in some form of reorganization
4-They are competitors in some form
5-They have lost money in regards to the investment in company stock
6-They have friends that have lost money investing in the company stock
7-They are short sellers on this particular stock
8-They are related to some type of Market Making firm
9-They are paid by some unknown firm or individual to ruin the image of the company for various reasons
10-They are swing trading the moves of the stock-pumping up and bashing down
11-They are self proclaimed scam busters
SO im sticking to what i stated below that this type of Dark hidden Market should be enforced and laws should be applied .
i've always thought the same and suggested to some to try to enforce such laws, which would be difficult, but it should be required ... IMO to have a DISCLAIMER for both up or down paid marketers