NP Yoda,
You see, what you posted is my exact feelings also. I was a big supporter of RFMK last year when we were looking at some great catalysts. I mean GREAT catalysts. Like you said, we all have a right to our opinon. The way my brain is wired, I cannot be that cheerleader like some here. When the facts are in front of us. My brokerage account is bleeding red BAD, we are getting continued dilution as per the TA (Still don't know if it's float) we get constant promo's from stock groups, marketing individuals, and yet we sit in the teens with a higher OS. My biggest problem, is EVERYTIME we get a completed catalyst, start getting some great buying pressure, we are met with huge selling or VNDM with an ungodly amount of shares on the ASK. Just exactly who or whom or what VNDM represents...I don't know.. But fact of the matter, our run is destroyed by it.
Any other penny would have had a run to possibly James Bond Level (.007) with the national TV exposure, but yet, we sit in the teens.
Like I said, I cannot give props to our marketing team because we as shareholders are receiving the short end of the stick. Yes, we have a product, we have national TV exposure, we had the elections. But, whats it gonna take????????????? I'm not too positive that the 10K will show us what we want, but it will make us transparent, which is good.
It is also my wiring to not keep throwing money to avg down, well I have, and i'm still RED. So I won't spend another dime until that 10k comes out.
What will get us moving? 10K showing REVENUE, enough REVENUE to cancel that damn Iron Ridge aggrement. Until then, I don't even think Kramer could get RFMK moving with Iron Ridge selling on a monthly basis.
Thats my rant, sorry for dragging it on, but you made some good points and I've had alot of coffee already.